
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     4/9/14   

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From the earliest records available, the Christian church has engaged in liturgical re-enactment, and this happens more on Palm Sunday than perhaps any other day in our calendar.  Why?  It's in the movement, the procession from outside to the inside of the church that we participate with Christ as he entered into the city.   


This is why the Church still makes a big deal about gathering outside the church at the start of the Palm Sunday service.  We're not sitting comfortable inside: we're surrounded by noise, confusion and a little chaos.  That's what makes our worship significant!  It's in our participation with the Savior and the crowds of noisy, confused people as they traveled from the Mount of Olives into the city of Jerusalem, that our worship transforms us.   


Please join us on our journey this Sunday, Palm Sunday, as we participate with Christ. 


Steve O'Connor

Director of Music Ministries


This is just a portion of Steve's latest entry on the All Saints Blog. 

Click here to read the full piece and more as the blog updates regularly.


Help Support our Easter Music & Flowers 
As always, Easter Sunday will be a wonderful celebration of new life at All Saints.  A festival atmosphere is in the air as worshipers gather to celebrate the risen Christ.  As part of this celebration, the altar will be decked out with beautiful lilies and we will welcome several special guest musicians. 

Parishioners are invited to help support these efforts by contributing to the Easter Music & Flowers fund.  Donations of all sizes are welcome, and dedications ("in memory, thanksgiving, celebration of," etc.) will be printed in the Easter Sunday Read All About It newsletter.  Contact Anne Hopkinson or reply to this email for more details, or to give your dedication.    

Please mark your calendars for the All Saints Holy Week schedule of services. Just click here for all the details and a narrative from Father Bob describing the significance of each day in this most holy of weeks for Christians around the world. 


Palm Sunday - April 13   

   8 a.m. Holy Eucharist

   10 a.m. Choral Eucharist 

Maundy ThursdayThursday, April 17

   7 p.m. Service

Good FridayFriday, April 18

   Noon Akathist Service

   7 p.m. Tenebrae Service

Holy SaturdaySaturday, April 19

   4 p.m. Children's Easter Vigil

   8 p.m. Easter Vigil

Easter SundaySunday, April 20

   8 a.m. Full Choral Eucharist

   10 Full Choral Eucharist

Easter Sunday Brunch - April 20

   Noon Parish Luncheon - click here for more details: all are welcome! 



Lent Madness: The Race for the Golden Halo      


11:30 a.m.    Sunday    April 27              

The race continues for the Golden Halo! The Elate Eight of Lent Madness are almost confirmed! We are narrowing the race very quickly to the final match for that most coveted saintly award, THE GOLDEN HALO. Who will win it? Only heaven knows at this point, but tensions and curiosity are mounting.

Join us for the final victory party to toast the winner of this prestigious award on Sunday, April 27 during Coffee Hour in the Parish House. We will feast on cake and champagne and have a group photo taken before the Lent Madness brackets poster. This is a party not to miss!



9:30 a.m.    Saturday    April 12
All are welcome to help with the making of palm crosses in the Parish Hall this Saturday, April 12!  The crosses will be distributed at the Palm Sunday services the following day.  Light refreshments will be provided.

See you Saturday at 9:30 in the Parish Hall!


All Saints Honored by PSHH

11:30 a.m.    Tomorrow    April 10
In recognition of All Saints' continuing outreach to low-income families living at the Carpinteria Camper Park, Father Bob has been invited by Peoples' Self-Help Housing to offer a blessing at the start of construction for 43 new affordable apartment town homes that will rise on the former Camper Park site. All Saints has supported the work of PSHH since 2006 with both Outreach funds and the hands-on work of many parishioners.  Many may remember that the PSHH Camper Park project was the Outreach Committee's first Focus Project, and M4 took on the refurbishment of the bathrooms at that site.  Parishioners are cordially invited to help celebrate this event at the construction site, 4096 Via Real from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, April 10. A light lunch will follow the program and tours will be offered.


Volunteers from area Episcopal Churches will work at a precinct in the chapel of St. Michael's University Church and Episcopal Campus Ministry at UCSB in the important Statewide Primary Election on Tuesday, June 3, 2014.  Volunteers will be providing a civic service and helping St. Mike's by donating their stipend to benefit the programs and services at the campus ministry. Isla Vista is where the election action will be, and you can be part of this happening. More details are available at the Information Table on Sunday.


  New Look Coming to "This Week" Email...

The All Saints "Bell Tower" is an iconic symbol of the glorious and historic Christian community that is All Saints. 

Be on the lookout for a new look and feel for this parish email in the coming weeks!

  Outreach Golf Tournament - Update!
Monday    May 5
More than 50 golfers have already signed up to take part in the Annual Jim Bower Community Outreach Golf Tournament, but we still need players: singles, doubles, threesomes, and foursomes are all invited and if you don't play, we still need volunteers for the day of the tournament, Monday, May 5 (no knowledge of golf is necessary.)

We are halfway to meeting our matching grant of $12,500, generously given by the Bower Foundation.  This grant means that your donation dollars go twice as far.  Any size donation is welcome in order to meet our goal, so please consider donating to help us meet our target.  Parishioners, family and friends of players can join us for the celebration after the tournament (4 p.m.) at the La Cumbre Country Club for $20.  Please click here for more information on the tournament or contact Mary Rosenberger to sign up to play.

  All Saints' History Coming to the Website!
All Saints' recent focus on updating our online presence is yielding the unexpected benefit of bringing some of our archives to life. We are digitizing old Annual Reports and posting them on the website. In addition, we now have almost 2,000 photos from the past several years uploaded to our Flickr photo stream. Check it out at
All Saints by-the-Sea is celebrating Easter with a special brunch following the 10 a.m. Easter service on Sunday, April 20.  We invite those who wish to be with their All Saints family to hop over to the Parish Hall at noon following the Coffee Hour. 

This will be a wonderful time of celebration and fellowship!  Brunch will be catered by our own Connie Lindberg so know you will be in for an Easter treat.  I heard that the Easter Bunny will leave us soft drinks, juices, and waters but feel free to bring wines and champagnes to share.  Friends and family are welcome!  Please sign up for this Easter occasion on the sign-up sheet at the information table or email the Rev. Vicki Mouradian at  Suggested donation for this event is $20.00 per person.


 In Memoriam: Kent Damon
Parishioner Kent Damon died on March 22, and a service celebrating his life was held on April 3 at All Saints.  You can read Kent's obituary on the All Saints website.

More "News and Notes" from the All Saints Website and Our Community 


There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week.  Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories that aren't included in this email.  While cruising around the All Saints website, take a moment to out the site; you'll find this to be your electronic church home and source for all things All Saints.  See you online! 

Looking Ahead...

April 13 - Palm Sunday

April 17 - Maundy Thursday

April 18 - Good Friday

April 19 - Holy Saturday

April 20 -  Easter Day


April 20 - Easter Sunday Brunch at All Saints  


April 27 - Golden Halo Party 


All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
