
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     3/18/14   

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All Saints-by-the-Sea

Volunteer Outreach

Diocese of LA


Lent allows us a wonderful opportunity to quiet our minds and grow closer to God.  We have a special time set aside at All Saints this month to enhance our spiritual journey through this especially prayerful time of the year.  We invite our All Saints family to experience  a Lenten Quiet Day to add to the meaningfulness of the Lenten journey.  


Gather with us for coffee, three prayer opportunities with symbolic objects, Eucharist and lunch.  Treat yourself to this time of self-care, fellowship, and alone time with God on Saturday, March 29.  You will leave refreshed and inspired! Details are in the article below.
Please know that our Quiet Day is open to all and we e
ncourage you to bring friends or family. 


Rev. Vicki


  St. Patrick's Day A Huge Celebration
More than 60 All Saints parishioners, family, friends and neighbors packed into the Parish Hall Monday night to celebrate St. Patrick with an array of amazing food, music and entertainment.  Revelers enjoyed delicious corned beef and shepherd's pie (catered by parishioner Connie Linderg) and some refreshing libations, while members of the Claddagh Irish Dance Company displayed their talents and invited parishioners to learn a few steps.  All in all, a wonderful night for All Saints and all who attended. 

Be sure to click the picture above to see a short video of some of the dancing!

 Lenten Series: Holy Week in Word & Art

7:15 p.m.    Tomorrow through April 16
Join the All Saints community after Eventide worship and supper for a Lenten Study.  Beginning tomorrow night and continuing each Wednesday through April 16 at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish House, we will study the powerful story of Holy Week as told in the four gospels. 

Please email the Rev. Vicki or call her at the Church Office (805/969-4771) with questions, and click here to read more details of this exciting program.


  Wise Women Meet Again This Sunday!
Amanda Bennett

Barb Toumayan will facilitate this month's edition of Wise Women, set for this Sunday at 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall.  Well over half a million people have viewed this online TED Talk by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Amanda Bennett, in which she gives a sweet yet powerful talk on why, for the loved ones of the dying, having hope for a happy ending shouldn't warrant a diagnosis of "denial." She calls for a more heroic narrative for death; one that matches the narratives we have in life.   The talk is based in part on Bennett's book, The Cost of Hope in which she brings an investigative angle to the conversation about end-of-life care.  The book is part-memoir, part-investigative report, and recalls her seven-year struggle within the American healthcare system to save her husband from cancer.


Lunch is provided; please bring $5 to cover the cost.  Please rsvp via email to or call the Church Office at 805-969-4771.


Photos Taken Tomorrow and Sunday

6:30 p.m.    Tomorrow    March 19 (as part of Eventide)
9 & 11 a.m.    Sunday    March 23

Many parishioners had photos taken on Sunday by photographer Keaton Hudson, a Westmont student.  Keaton will be taking informal "head shots" after Eventide tomorrow evening and after each service this Sunday to enable us to put together a photo directory of members.   Photos will be taken on:

  • Wednesday, March 19 in the Parish Hall 
  • Sunday, March 23 on the patio
 M4 Habitat for Humanity Work Day This Saturday

It's not too late to sign up and join members of the other M4 churches in a Habitat for Humanity work day taking place this Saturday. Please arrive at the construction site 822 E. Canon Perdido Street between 8:30 and 8:45 a.m. to sign-in, complete liability release forms and become familiar with the site. Volunteers younger than 16 will be organized at this time to go to a nearby location to work on their projects.

A safety briefing and job assignments at the site will take place at 9 a.m. Water will be provided throughout the day and a porta-potty is located on site. Please wear long pants and closed-toe shoes (for safety) and bear in mind that your clothes are likely to get dirty. The work period ends at noon. If you did not sign up but want to participate, just show up and join the fun! Contacts for questions are Andy Rosenberger, 560-6185 or David Boyd, 969-2710.

Helping Others
This Lent, join us for a time of deep meaning and enhanced faith on Saturday morning, March 29.  Treat yourself to this special time with God and the peace which quietness can bring to you. Plan to meet for coffee and fellowship, three directed prayer opportunities, Eucharistic worship, and lunch. If you have questions, contact the Rev. Vicki or telephone her at the church 805.969.4771.



8:30 - 9:00 a.m.       Coffee Time Gathering - Parish House

9:00 - 9:45 a.m.       Prayer Opportunity #1 - Sanctuary

9:45 - 10:00 a.m.       Break

10:00 - 10:45 a.m.   Prayer Opportunity #2 - Sanctuary

10:45 - 11:00 a.m.     Break

11:00 - 11:45 a.m.   Prayer Opportunity #3 - Sanctuary

11:45 - 12:15 p.m.   Eucharistic Worship - Sanctuary

12:15 - 1:00 p.m.       Lunch - Parish House


Seeds For the Children of St. Cyprien School
Children The Outreach Committee would like to invite everyone who is interested to visit our Partnership School in St. Cyprien, Haiti from March 26 to April 1 and/or May 19 to May 23 If you would like to visit the school, please see Mary Jane Buchanan on the patio after the service. Madison Fuller and Sara Jane Spadoro (Buchanan) will be traveling to Haiti on the second of these two trips, and we are asking for volunteer travelers to join these spirited, vivacious young ladies.


Also, the Outreach Committee asks for donations of vegetable and flower seeds to be given to the children of St. Cyprien School during our visit this month.  Tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, okra, chard, corn, squash, pumpkin, melons... let your imagination go wild. The soil in Haiti is rich (the national flower of Haiti is the Hibiscus!)  Nutrition, abundance and color are your guides.  Seeds can be dropped off at the Church Office.  Please contact Mary Jane Buchanan at (805) 570-7158 for more details of this this life-changing experience. 



More "News and Notes" from the All Saints Website and Our Community 


There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week.  Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories that aren't included in this email.  And while on the website, take a moment to cruise around the site; you'll find this to be your electronic church home and source for all things All Saints.  See you online! 

Looking Ahead...

April 6 - Family Feast

April 6 - God, Music, & Fun

April 13 - Palm Sunday

April 17 - Maundy Thursday

April 18 - Good Friday

April 20 - Easter Day


All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
