
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     3/12/14   

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All Saints-by-the-Sea

Volunteer Outreach

Diocese of LA


Please join us Saturday morning March 15 from 10 a.m. to noon for an entertaining presentation by the Rev. Richard Schaper about planning ahead and getting our life affairs in order.  He is a lively and humorous speaker who draws on his experiences as a Rhodes Scholar, Benedictine monk, hospital chaplain, parish priest and sailor who navigated his 36 foot sloop around the globe.     


The Rev. Richard Schaper's presentation is practical, lively and fun, and highlights common mistakes that we sometimes make when planning how  to pass on our material possessions to our family and others.  He describes real life examples in a helpful and thoughtful way, and suggests some easy-to-implement options available through the Episcopal Church Foundation.  It will be fun!  Luncheon will follow.  


Reply to this email or call the Church Office (969-4771) to RSVP.  See you Saturday! 


David & Jane Buchanan
Heritage Society Co-Chairs 

  Planned Giving Workshop and Lunch Set for This Saturday!

10 a.m.    This Saturday    March 15

This Saturday morning, March 15, the Heritage Society is sponsoring a workshop with the Rev. Richard Schaper, Certified Financial Planner and former gift planning officer of the Diocese of California, to help us consider creative and prudent steps we might take to best accomplish our wishes for our loved ones and our church.


Please join us in the Parish Hall at 10 am for this fascinating and surprisingly entertaining workshop, and for a delicious luncheon to follow.  Fr. Richard will also be our guest preacher this Sunday, March 16.  Click here or call the Church Office to RSVP.


 Lent Madness at All Saints!

Lent Madness is well under way at All Saints!  We have the brackets up on the wall in the Parish House living room showing all the entries and who has been voted out of the running already!  Some of our parishioners are keeping track via Facebook and daily emails to learn how each of their favorite saints are faring.  Want to join in -- event make this a key to your Lenten devotional?  Just go here to learn more.  


Based loosely on the wildly popular NCAA basketball tournament, Lent Madness pits 32 saints against one another in a single-elimination bracket as they compete for the coveted Golden Halo.  But it is more than that: Lent Madness is really an online devotional tool designed to help all of us learn more about the special saints that went before us and changed the ways of our world.


5:30 p.m.    This Friday    March 14
All Saints' Parish Socials are amazing examples of the fellowship and hospitality available through God's blessings to us here at All Saints.

Please join at the home of Padric and John Davis this Friday, March 14 from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m.  Parking will be available at Marymount School, with a shuttle to the Davis' home provided.  Please be sure to RSVP to

 Lenten Series: Holy Week in Word & Art

7:15 p.m.    Tonight    March 12 through April 16
Join the All Saints community after Eventide worship and supper for a Lenten Study.  Beginning tonight and continuing on the next five consecutive Wednesdays (March 19, 26 and April 2, 9, 16) at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish House, we will study the powerful story of Holy Week as told in the four gospels. 

Please email the Rev. Vicki or call her at the Church Office (805/969-4771) with questions, and click here to read more details of this exciting program.


New Photo Directory Planned

9 & 11 a.m.    This Sunday    March 16

It's time to get the Parish Directory updated with photos of our parishioners.  We won't be doing the traditional photo book this year but preparing our own photo directory.  Keaton Hudson, a Westmont student, is helping us with this effort; he'll be taking informal "head shots" on two Sundays after the 8 and 10 a.m. services and once after Eventide.   


Photos will be taken on:

  • This Sunday, March 16 on the patio 
  • Wednesday, March 19 in the Parish Hall 
  • Sunday, March 23 on the patio
6 p.m.    Monday    March 17
Join the revelry at All Saints on St. Patrick's Day in the Parish Hall.  No blarney about it, we will imbibe in Irish drink and feast on Irish fare while we enjoy many an Irish tune. Dinner will be catered by parishioner Connie Lindberg with a suggested donation for the evening of $10 per person.  Soft drinks will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own beer or wine to enliven the feast. 

Update: We will be joined by a troupe of Irish dancers who will perform for us and take us through the moves of Irish stepdance.

Suggested dinner attire: clerical robes mindful of St. Patrick, leprechaun or fairy attire, or in lieu of those suggestions, anything green.  Family and friends are welcome!  Please sign-up at the information table after services or email the Rev. Vicki Mouradian to RSVP.


 M4 Habitat for Humanity Work Day

9 a.m.    Saturday    March 22


It's not too late to sign up and join members of the other M4 churches in a Habitat for Humanity work day taking place next month. The work will start at 9 a.m. and end at noon on Saturday, March 22, at the Habitat for Humanity construction site on Canon Perdido Street.

Important Note: If you have signed up already, updated information on what to expect on the day is now available on our website.  Please click here to read more about this exciting project. 


Seeds For the Children of St. Cyprien School
Children Your Outreach Committee would like to invite everyone who is interested to visit our Partnership School in St. Cyprien, Haiti from March 26 to April 1 and/or May 19 to May 23 If you would like to visit the school, please see Mary Jane Buchanan on the patio after the service. Madison Fuller and Sara Jane Spadoro (Buchanan) will be traveling to Haiti on the second of these two trips, and we are asking for volunteer travelers to join these spirited, vivacious young ladies.


Also, your Outreach Committee asks for donations of vegetable and flower seeds to be given to the children of St. Cyprien School during our visit this month.  Tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, okra, chard, corn, squash, pumpkin, melons... let your imagination go wild. The soil in Haiti is rich (the national flower of Haiti is the Hibiscus!)  Nutrition, abundance and color are your guides.  Seeds can be dropped off at the Church Office.  Please contact Mary Jane Buchanan at (805) 570-7158 for more details of this this life-changing experience. 



More "News and Notes" from


There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week.  Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories that aren't included in this email.  And while on the website, take a moment to cruise around the site; you'll find this to be your electronic church home and source for all things All Saints.  See you online! 

Looking Ahead...


April 6 - Family Feast

April 6 - God, Music, & Fun

April 13 - Palm Sunday

April 17 - Maundy Thursday

April 18 - Good Friday

April 20 - Easter Day

All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
