
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     3/5/14   

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All Saints-by-the-Sea

Volunteer Outreach

Diocese of LA


The rain of the past weekend was long overdue and much needed. Almost magically, the colors of spring began to reappear all around us. Spring reappears at All Saints as well this week as we move into the season of Lent.  


The word Lent comes from the old German word meaning springtime, as we prepare the soil of our hearts for the new life we await at Easter. Part of that soil marks our foreheads as we commemorate the first day of Lent with our Ash Wednesday services at 12 noon and 6 p.m. tomorrow.   


We hope that you will join us.


Father Bob  


P.S. Read more from Fr. Bob on the beginning of Lent in our latest blog post at:
 Ash Wednesday at All Saints

12 and 6 p.m.    Wednesday    March 5
"I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent." 

With those words as a part of our Ash Wednesday liturgy, we all are invited to mark time in a different way in the coming days. The Lenten season begins today, Ash Wednesday. 

We celebrate with two services: 
  • At noon, we will gather at the Church for a traditional observance of the day, including the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.
  • At 6 p.m., the Ash Wednesday liturgy will be incorporated into our regularly scheduled Eventide service, and will also include the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion.  In a break with the normal Wednesday evening schedule, there will be no dinner following Eventide tonight.  

Please join us at either noon or 6 p.m. as we enter into this most sacred season of Lent.   


 Lent Madness at All Saints!

Thursday    March 6

If you are looking for a Lenten discipline that is fun, educational, occasionally goofy, and always joyful, join the Lent Madness journey!   


Based loosely on the wildly popular NCAA basketball tournament, Lent Madness pits 32 saints against one another in a single-elimination bracket as they compete for the coveted Golden Halo.  But it is more than that: Lent Madness is really an online devotional tool designed to help people learn about saints.  Click here to learn more!



5:30 p.m.    Friday    March 14
All Saints' Parish Socials have become legend for our church.  We've experienced amazing hospitality at a variety of homes and experienced first-hand God's blessings. 

Please join your All Saints family at the home of Padric and John Davis on March 14 from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m.  Please be sure to RSVP to Direction cards are available at the Information Table on Sunday.


 Lenten Series: Holy Week in Word & Art

Wednesdays @ 7:15 p.m. March 12 through April 16
Join the All Saints community after Eventide worship and supper for a Lenten Study.  Beginning Wednesday, March 12, and continuing on the next five consecutive Wednesdays (March 19, 26 and April 2, 9, 16) at 7:15 p.m. in the Parish House, we will study the powerful story of Holy Week as told in the four gospels. 

Please email the Rev. Vicki or call her at the Church Office (805/969-4771) with questions, and click here to read more details of this exciting program.


 Our Inheritance, Our Church and Our Children: Planned Giving Workshop

10 a.m.    Saturday    March 15

Wouldn't it be sad if our wishes for disposing of the bounty God has given us were frustrated because we didn't make a prudent estate plan?  

On Saturday morning, March 15, the Heritage Society is sponsoring a workshop with the Rev. Richard Schaper, Certified Financial Planner and former gift planning officer of the Diocese of California, to help us consider creative and prudent steps we might take to best accomplish our wishes for our loved ones and our church. Email to RSVP for this workshop and lunch, or click here to read more details.


6 p.m.    Monday    March 17
Join the revelry at All Saints on St. Patrick's Day in the Parish Hall.  No blarney about it, we will imbibe in Irish drink and feast on Irish fare while we enjoy many an Irish tune.  Dinner will be catered by parishioner Connie Lindberg with a suggested donation for the evening of $10 per person.  Soft drinks will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own beer or wine to enliven the feast. 

Suggested dinner attire: clerical robes mindful of St. Patrick, leprechaun or fairy attire, or in lieu of those suggestions, anything green.  Family and friends are welcome!  Please sign-up at the information table after services or email the Rev. Vicki Mouradian to RSVP.


 M4 Habitat for Humanity Work Day

9 a.m.    Saturday    March 22


Parishioners of all ages are encouraged to join members of the other M4 churches in a Habitat for Humanity work day taking place next month.  The work will start at 9 a.m. and end at noon on Saturday, March 22, at the Habitat for Humanity construction site on Canon Perdido St.  


All Saints volunteers worked at the project in November 2013, and expected tasks at the next work day will include painting, finish carpentry, attaching cabinet hardware, landscaping, and caulking. Participants age 16 and older will work at the construction site, and younger volunteers will be off-site nearby completing helpful painting tasks.  Contact Andy Rosenberger at 560-6185, or David Boyd at 969-2710, with any questions and click here to read more about this project at our website. 



It's time to get the Parish Directory updated with photos of our parishioners.  We won't be doing the traditional photo book this year but preparing our own photo directory.  Please plan to have your photo taken on one of the following dates.   


A Westmont student is helping us with this effort; he'll be taking informal "head shots" on two Sundays after the 8 and 10 a.m. services and once after Eventide.  Photos will be taken on:

  • Sunday, March 16 on the patio 
  • Wednesday, March 19 in the Parish Hall 
  • Sunday, March 23 on the patio
 Daylight Saving Time Begins Sunday

2 a.m.    Sunday    March 9

Remember that the clocks go forward an hour this Sunday morning, so be sure to change your alarms on Saturday night to be in time for church!  



More "News and Notes" from


There are many more items for your attention than we can comfortably fit in the email each week.  Please click on the headlines below to view some of the stories that aren't included in this email.  And while on the website, take a moment to cruise around the site; you'll find this to be your electronic church home and source for all things All Saints.  See you online! 

Looking Ahead...

All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
