
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     2/12/14   

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All Saints-by-the-Sea

Volunteer Outreach

Diocese of LA


This week the Wise Women (and men, too!) of the parish will gather after the Sunday service to watch a compelling online "TEDTalk" featuring Dr. Bren� Brown, in a poignant, funny talk.  This lifelong Episcopalian and celebrated author is guaranteed to make us laugh and think - what better way enjoy one another's company after a beautiful worship service.  Hope to see you there.


Judy Mack

Wise Women Coordinator 

Eventide Potluck after Eventide Service Tonight

6:40 p.m.    Wednesday    February 12


After the Eventide service tonight we'll have a pot-luck meal.  Please bring your favorite dish with enough to share.  All Saints will provide water and coffee to drink.  There'll be no kitchen clean up team, so bring your dish ready to serve and plan to take any left overs home with you.  The serving tables will be set up in the Parish Hall and you may place your dish there prior to the 6:00 p.m. Eventide service.  Dinner will begin after the service at @ 6:40 p.m. in the Parish Hall.  You'll not want to miss this fun event. 


 Calling All Singles: Come Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your All Saints Family!

6:30 p.m.    Friday    February 14

This Friday, February 14 is Singles Night at All Saints in celebration of Valentine's Day. Join with members of the All Saints family for an evening potluck beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish House. Feel free to invite friends or members of the community to join in the festivities.


If you plan to attend and have not signed up at the Information table or by email, please be sure to rsvp to the Rev. Vicki at and indicate your name, and what dish you plan to bring.  


Click here to learn more about the roots of St. Valentine's Day on the All Saints website.


 Wise Women To Meet This Sunday: All Are Welcome

11:15 a.m.    Sunday    February 16

The Wise Women of the parish (along with a good number of men!) will gather this week at 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall for another highly entertaining and thought-provoking program.  Nearly 13 million people have viewed an online TED Talk by Bren� Brown, who studies human connection - our ability to empathize, belong, love.  Click here to read more about Dr. Brown's talk on our website.


Lunch is provided; just bring $5 to cover the cost.  Please rsvp via email to or call the Church Office at 805-969-4771.


 All Saints' Annual Meeting

11:15 a.m.    Sunday    February 23

All Saints' Annual Meeting will be held next Sunday, February 23, in the Church.  After last year's successful trial, we will combine services that morning so that as many parishioners as possible have a chance to attend this important meeting: that means no 8 a.m. service on February 23, but a wonderful and rare opportunity to join together as one body of believers at 10 a.m.

The meeting will start promptly after the service ends (allowing time for everyone to stretch their legs and get a cup of coffee) and lunch will be provided after the meeting concludes, around 12:45 p.m.  The Annual Meeting is a wonderful chance to learn of the stories at the heart of All Saints in the past year.  We'll hear from Father Bob on the state of the Church, from the Treasurer and Budget & Finance Committee on our financial situation and forecast for the future, and from the Discernment Committee on progress in our Rector Search.  We'll then vote on Vestry members, Diocesan delegates and Nominating Committee members for the coming year. 

If you love All Saints and want to know what's happening in every corner of our great community: plan to attend.


 Nominations for Vestry, Other Posts Announced

The Nominating Committee has announced their nominees for various leadership positions in the parish which will be voted on at the February 23 Annual Meeting, held after the 10 a.m. combined church service. 

Nominees for Vestry include: Doug Davidson, Bill Macfadyen, Pamela Hawes, Charles Cairns, Ladeen Miller, and Bitsy Bacon.  Please click here to read a biography of each candidate and view their photo.

Nominees to serve as delegates to the Diocesan Convention include: Anne and Alan Hopkinson, David Reichert, Leslie Ridley-Tree, Kathy Deviny, Lynn Cowell, and Amy and Marshall Miller as Alternates.

Members of the 2014 Nominating Committee will also be voted on at the Annual Meeting.  The nominees are Ed Birch, Allison Moehlis, and Sandy McCartney.


 Spring Parish Social

5:30 p.m.    Friday    March 14
All Saints' Parish Socials have become legend for our church.  We've experienced amazing hospitality at a variety of homes and experienced first-hand God's blessings. 

Please join your All Saints family at the home of Padric and John Davis on March 14 from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m.  Please be sure to RSVP to Direction cards are available at the Information Table on Sunday.


 NewcomersNewcomers Brunch

11:30 a.m.    Sunday    March 2

A Newcomers Brunch will be held after the 10 a.m. service on Sunday March 2 in the Parish House Living Room.  There will be presenters on various aspects of our church life and a chance to get to know some more members of the parish, including the clergy.  


Please contact Sally Messerlian by email or at 805-455-6890 to RSVP so we know how many people to plan for.  We are glad you are here!



Beginning March 2, after Family Feast, All Saints will present God, Music and Fun, a music education series for children and families.  Through the media of singing, dance, rhythm activities and playing musical instruments, we will learn the stories of God's saving work in the world through the art of music.  


Participants will learn the primary building blocks of making music and will have much opportunity to express themselves through music making, both on an individual and group ensemble basis, in an environment that is creative and fun.


Geared toward early elementary and elementary age children and their families, monthly classes will be held immediately after Family Feast in the Parish Hall on the first Sunday of each month.  No advance sign up is necessary, just come!


We need your help.  One of the instruments we'll learn on is the guitar and each student will need one.  We would like to gather several loaner guitars for students who do not currently own one.  Do you have an acoustic guitar that you would be willing to donate?  Please either bring it to the Church Office or contact Steve O'Connor.  Please note, we will use only acoustic (i.e. not electric) instruments for our classes.

 Outreach Committee Update: Construction of St. Cyprien School in Haiti Well Under Way

The Outreach Committee has devoted extensive time over the past few months in communication with our Episcopal Schools Partnership and the Diocese of Haiti to monitoring the progress of the construction of our 10-room school which was destroyed in the 2010 earthquake.  This effort is the Outreach "Focus Project" for 2013-2014. 


All Saints parishioners have donated $51,900 in the past year to the identification of a partner school, working hand-in-hand with the Haitian Episcopal Diocese, which provides oversight for these type of large US-Haiti partner efforts, and the actual construction of this extremely remote project. 


Check out the photos of the current status of construction on the All Saints website.  Still needed are floors, walls, paint and other elements to complete the project, hopefully by the end of 2014.  A key aspect of the project is to hire local Haitians to actually perform the construction jobs, thus providing local employment. 


Read more about the 2013-14 Focus Project by clicking here.  Learn more about what a Focus Project is by clicking here.


 Peggy Polsky Honored by Hospice of SB

Over its nearly 40 year history, Hospice of Santa Barbara has been fortunate to attract outstanding volunteers and supporters.  Last year the organization that provides free care for anyone experiencing the impact of life-threatening illness or grieving the death of a loved one honored three incredible individuals who have made a significant difference both to the organization and to the community by advancing compassionate end-of-life care in Santa Barbara, including All Saints' own Peggy Polsky!  


Click here to read more about Peggy's history with Hospice and her dedication to this amazing organization.



Check Out The Outreach Projects Funded in 2013  


The Outreach Committee has compiled a list of all of the organizations which received funding in 2013.  Nearly $100,000 was distributed via grants to organizations requesting funding from the parish.  These ranged from $3,000 for the Mental Wellness Center to $5,000 in support of Casa Serena, which provides treatment services and a safe, sober living environment to women seeking recovery from the diseases of alcoholism and drug addiction.  Also, more than $25,000 was devoted to rebuilding the St. Cyprien School, which was destroyed in the Haiti earthquake in 2010.

More information about All Saint's Outreach is available at this link on our website. 

  Mardi Gras comes to All Saints!

Lent is soon upon us. In fact, Ash Wednesday (which marks the beginning of Lent) is March 5 this year. For centuries Christians have marked the transition between the season following Christmas and the beginning of Lent in various ways, including the celebrations of
Shrove Tuesday and Mardi Gras. Neither of these observances are liturgical holidays, but have, nevertheless, found their way into the cultural life of Christian Communities.

Join us on Wednesday, February 19 after Eventide, at 7:15 pm in the Parish House, when we'll unpack the history, tradition and meanings of these transitional celebrations, which immediately precede the Lenten season.

The following week, Wednesday, February 26, we'll party at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall after the Eventide service with a dinner in the theme of Mardi Gras. There'll be Cajun food, great Mardi Gras decorations and music to match.

Mark your calendar, as you'll not want to miss these fun and informative events.


 Below Are Several "News and Notes" Headlines from Our Website: Check Them Out
Below are several headlines from the new All Saints website.  Please click on each headline to view the article.  And while on the website, take a moment to cruise around the site; you'll find this to be your electronic church home and source for all things All Saints.  See you online!



Prayers for Rain - Keep Them Coming!  


For the past three weeks this email has included a Prayer for Rain that many of you have answered.  And for the last three weeks, against predictions, we have had rain in Santa Barbara.  Do you believe in prayer?  Let's keep praying for life-giving water from the heavens!  
Will we reach week four?
Click Here for our prayer for rain!  

Looking Ahead...

February 12 - Eventide Potluck

February 14 - Valentine's Singles Potluck  
February 16 - Wise Women 

February 17 - President's Day - Church Office Closed

February 19 - Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday Class

February 23 -
Combined Services, Annual Meeting

February 26 - Mardi Gras Supper

March 2 - Newcomers Brunch

March 5 - Ash Wednesday, Services at noon and 6pm

All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
