
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     2/4/14   

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All Saints-by-the-Sea

Volunteer Outreach

Diocese of LA


Valentine's Day is almost here, that time of hearts and flowers and chocolate AND expressing love and appreciation for sweethearts or those around you who are dear.  If you are single and wish to be with your All Saints family on February 14 for potluck dinner, there is still time to sign up.   


Join us for a fun evening of wine and song, good food and stories!  We will gather at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish House.  Please see our announcement in this email for further detail.


Blessings to all,


Rev. Vicki

Interim Associate Rector 

 WiseWomenFebruary Wise Women Date Change

11:15 a.m.    Sunday    February 16

Due to the scheduling of the Annual Meeting on February 23, the Wise Women of the parish (along with a good number of men!) will gather the week before, on Sunday, February 16 at 11:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall for another highly entertaining and thought-provoking program.  Nearly 13 million people have viewed an online TED Talk by Bren� Brown, who studies human connection - our ability to empathize, belong, love.  Click here to read more about Dr. Brown's talk on our website.


Lunch is provided; please bring $5 to cover the cost.  Please rsvp via email to or call the Church Office at 805-969-4771.


 ValentinesCalling All Singles: Come Celebrate Valentine's Day with Your All Saints Family!

6:30 p.m.    Friday    February 14

Wednesday, February 14 is Singles Night at All Saints in celebration of Valentine's Day. Join with members of the All Saints family for an evening potluck beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish House. Feel free to invite friends or members of the community to join in the festivities. A sign-up sheet is available on the patio after services on Sunday. Please indicate your name, and what dish you plan to bring, or email the Rev. Vicki with that information at


Click here to learn more about the roots of St. Valentine's Day on the All Saints website... 


 AnnualMeetAll Saints' Annual Meeting

11:15 a.m.    Sunday    February 23

All Saints' Annual Meeting is planned for Sunday, February 23, in the Church.  After last year's successful trial, we will combine services that morning so that as many parishioners as possible have a chance to attend this important meeting: that means no 8 a.m. service, but a wonderful and rare opportunity to join together as one body of believers at 10 a.m.

The meeting will start promptly after the service ends (allowing time for everyone to stretch their legs and get a cup of coffee) and lunch will be provided after the meeting concludes, around 12:45 p.m.  The Annual Meeting is a wonderful chance to learn of the stories at the heart of All Saints in the past year.  We'll hear from Father Bob on the state of the Church, from the Treasurer and Budget & Finance Committee on our financial situation and forecast for the future, and from the Discernment Committee on progress in our Rector Search.  We'll then vote on Vestry members, Diocesan delegates and Nominating Committee members for the coming year. 

If you love All Saints and want to know what's happening in every corner of our great community: plan to attend.


 Nominations for Vestry, Other Posts Announced

The Nominating Committee has announced their nominees for various leadership positions in the parish which will be voted on at the February 23 Annual Meeting, held after the 10 a.m. combined church service. 

Nominees for Vestry include: Doug Davidson, Bill Macfadyen, Pamela Hawes, Charles Cairns, Ladeen Miller, and Bitsy Bacon.

Nominees to serve as delegates to the Diocesan Convention include: Anne and Alan Hopkinson, David Reichert, Leslie Ridley-Tree, Kathy Deviny, Lynn Cowell, and Amy and Marshall Miller as Alternates.

Members of the 2014 Nominating Committee will also be voted on at the Annual Meeting.  The nominees are Ed Birch, Allison Moehlis, and Sandy McCartney.


 Office Ministry: Help Needed!

Office Help Needed!  As we continue to pray for Anne Hopkinson, our indispensable Special Events and Volunteer Coordinator, who badly broke her ankle in January, we are in need of office assistance. Anne will be away from the Church Office for some time and we could use some volunteer help to answer the phones through the week and take on some of Anne's many weekly tasks. If you have a few hours you could spend at the front desk of the Church Office in the coming weeks, please contact Robbie Boyd at (805) 969-4771 or and let him know your availability.  


You too could be having as much fun as the Rev. Paul Collins is in this shot from last Wednesday when he "manned" our phones!


  Mardi Gras comes to All Saints!

Lent is soon upon us. In fact, Ash Wednesday (which marks the beginning of Lent) is March 5 this year. For centuries Christians have marked the transition between the season following Christmas and the beginning of Lent in various ways, including the celebrations of
Shrove Tuesday and Mardi Gras. Neither of these observances are liturgical holidays, but have, nevertheless, found their way into the cultural life of Christian Communities.

MGClassJoin us on Wednesday, February 19 after Eventide, at 7:15 pm in the Parish House, when we'll unpack the history, tradition and meanings of these transitional celebrations, which immediately precede the Lenten season.

MGSupperThe following week, Wednesday, February 26, we'll party at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall after the Eventide service with a dinner in the theme of Mardi Gras. There'll be Cajun food, great Mardi Gras decorations and music to match.

Mark your calendar, as you'll not want to miss these fun and informative events.



Are you on Facebook?  


All Saints is ramping up our engagement and visibility on Social Media as part of our continued re-working of our parish communications (our new website is another large piece of this work.)  If you are active on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, please connect with us: we'll be increasingly active over the coming months.


Prayers for Rain Answered!  


For the past two weeks this email has included a Prayer for Rain that many of you have prayed.  For the last two weeks, against predictions, we have had rain in Santa Barbara.  Do you believe in prayer?  Let's keep praying for life-giving water from the heavens!

Looking Ahead...

February 14 - Singles Potluck  
February 16 - WiseWomen 

February 17 - President's Day - Church Office Closed

February 19 - Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday Class

February 23 -
Combined Services, Annual Meeting

February 26 - Mardi Gras Supper

All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
