
@  All Saints-by-the-Sea Church                     12/11/13   

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With Christmas time upon us, it's a good idea to take a break from

the hectic pace that the holidays bring. Stop and smell the crisp air and feel the warm sun. Then relax. Light the third candle on the Advent wreath on Sunday.


Ray Estrada

Communications Manager 

Meaning of Advent is Topic of Tonight's Adult Forum
7:15 p.m.   Wednesday    December 11

Join us for an Advent Adult Forum at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, December 11, led by Music Director Steve O'Connor. We'll explore the meaning of Advent and the liturgical activities that we celebrate during this season of expectation. Come along, and bring a friend!   

'Greening of the Church' is This Saturday
12:30 p.m.     Saturday    December 14

Volunteers still are being sought to help with the December 14 "Greening of the Church" and to aid the clean-up effort afterward. Pine boughs will be brought in and placed around the inside of the church to give it that holiday feel. Volunteers are invited to a chili lunch at noon, after which we will get started. Contact the Church Office at (805) 969-4771 to sign up. 

 Children's Christmas Pageant is This Sunday

10 a.m.   Sunday    December 15


Thirty-six cast members, crew and parents are getting ready for this year's Christmas Pageant, which will be at 10 a.m. Sunday, December 15.  Children from our Parish School will also be joining the Cherub Choir on Sunday.  The final rehearsal is from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, December 14. Families are invited to stay for a chili lunch, followed by the "Greening of the Church." 

Support Our Christmas Music & Flowers Programs

Help bring the Advent and Christmas seasons to life at All Saints with a gift to help support our floral and musical programs. Your name will be printed in the Christmas Eve bulletin distributed at the 7 and 10 p.m. services. Send your check by Monday, December 16. Contact the Church Office at (805) 969-4771 to sign up. 

Bells to Toll for Sandy Hook School Shooting Victims


9:35 a.m.    Saturday    December 14


At 9:35 a.m. Saturday, December 14, the one-year anniversary of the school shooting at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., church bells will ring out at All Saints.

The church will join other faith communities across the country in tolling its bell 28 times in memory of the 20 children and six educators killed by a gunman who also died along with his mother that morning a year ago. The public is invited to pause and remember the victims of that tragic day. 

 Monday is Last Chance to Choose Discussion Book 


6 p.m.    Monday    January 14


The All Saints Book Group will meet at 6 p.m. Monday, January 14, in the Parish House. Two books are being considered for discussion: "Zealot: The Life Times of Jesus of Nazareth" by Reza Aslan, Ph.D.; and "Proof of Heaven" by Dr. Raymond A. Moody Jr. Respond to the Rev. Vicki  by Monday, December 16, with your choice and she will inform you of the most selected title. For more information, call her at (805) 969-4771, ext. 110.

Annual Olde English Holiday Feast Planned


 6:30 p.m.    Wednesday    December 18


Our annual Old English Holiday Feast will start at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 18, in the Parish Hall. We'll enjoy great fellowship and traditional food of the season, including wassail and mince pies. There also will be crafts for the entire family, including stringing popcorn and making hand-made Christmas tree ornaments for our Christmas tree. 

Please Return Giving Tree Tags to Church Office

If you have a purple-taped tag and information sheet from the Giving Tree and signed up to buy gifts for a child at Dahlia Court, thank you for returning wrapped presents to the Giving Tree or Church Office. 

If you have a blue or pink-taped tag and information sheet from the Giving Tree and signed up to buy gifts for a child at Noah's Anchorage or a mother or expectant mother helped by Noah's Anchorage, follow the guidance on the information sheet and return unwrapped presents with tags attached to the Church Office no later than Wednesday, December 18.
If you have a green-taped tag and information sheet from the Giving Tree and signed up to buy a $20 gift card from McDonald's or Subway for an adult living at the Victoria Hotel, please return gift cards to the Giving Tree or Church Office no later than Sunday, December 22.
If you have questions about Giving Tree presents, please contact Susan Evans, (805) 969-1380, or David Boyd, (805) 969-2710,

Looking Ahead...
December 11 - 'History of Advent' Class 
December 14 - 'Greening of the Church'
December 15 - Children's Christmas Pageant

December 18 - Dickensian Feast after Eventide

December 24 - Christmas Eve - Services at 4, 7 and 10 p.m. 
December 25 - Christmas Day Service & Dinner
January 14 - Book Group Discussion 

All Saints-by-the-Sea
83 Eucalyptus Lane
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
