
Wow! Welcome to the beginning of our 20th year.

Thank you for continuing to entrust us with your children teens and patients. It is so exciting for us to see our young clients grow in so many ways.    

Bonita Porte                                                                  

Look next month for a special offer to help celebrate Energetic Juniors 20 years of helping NYC children to lead healthier lives.

Workouts for Kids at Home

If you have ever found yourself at home with your children, wanting to get them moving, we at Energetic Juniors have the answers for you.  Here are several 'play' exercises that will get them moving and having fun at the same time; and you will enjoy the health benefits of the exercises, too!

Pillow Toss
Lie down in a sit-up position with pillows by your side and a laundry basket a few feet away. On the cue of "1,2,3 Shoot off!", sit up and toss the pillow into the laundry basket.
After the toss, lie back down and get ready for the next cue. Sit back up, throw again and try and get the pillow in the basket. See how many you get! To really make it fun try mixing it up with laundry or stuffed animal toss. Once they get 10 or so in the basket, give them a prize!
This is a great core strengthening exercise that will help kids improve their posture, balance and agility.

Balancing Book Obstacle Course
If you want to really improve balance, try our version of the classic book balancing challenge! You balance a book on your head, but with a twist. Add an obstacle course in your room or apartment and have kids navigate the course, trying to keep the book on their head the entire time.
You can start off simple and then as kids perfect the course, add a few more obstacle to make it even more challenging and fun. 

  Exercising with Leftover
Wrapping Paper

Do you ever wonder what you should do with that leftover holiday wrapping paper while it's taking up space until next holiday season?  Energetic Juniors certified trainer Candice Pell shows you some fun exercises you and your children can do with those wrapping paper tubes.  Click the video link image to see this Energetic Juniors fitness tip.
Fitness That Kids Love!

We are Energetic Juniors, the energizing fitness concept for children and teens between the ages of 4 and 17. We provide personalized one-on-one workouts that incorporate cardiovascular exercise, strength training, yoga, boxing and more. Our youth fitness coaches guide kids (including those with special needs) through workouts using age-appropriate equipment to tone and strengthen the body, improve self-esteem and overcome health challenges.
Why Energetic Juniors? We blend sports coaching, dance, yoga, martial arts, and strength training with discovery and imagination. Our innovative workouts are based on your child's unique interests.

For more information give Bonita a call at 212-879-1566 or send an email to 
  Bonita Porte | Energetic Juniors | 212-879-1566 | |