Energetics Newsletter                                                                November 2014
In This Issue

Enjoy a discount session to see for yourself why we're New York's #1 in-home personal training program for children & teens.


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"Thanks to Energetic Juniors for helping our 8 year-old appreciate the power and fun of physical fitness."
- Deborah Roberts and Al Roker

"Through the program he has gained so much confidence. They make it fun and entertaining,which is exactly what he needs!!!!"

- Justin's Mom

"The smile on his face when he really saw the results of his workouts is something I will never forget. His

physical confidence has taken a giant leap forward!"

- Owen's Mom



"Energetic Juniors is a great way to get your kids active in a way that is tailored to them. Our kids have loved working with their trainers and love getting their updates!"  

- Energetic Juniors Mom 



"Energetic Juniors is an outstanding service to kids all over the New York City area. Thanks to their highly skilled personal trainers, children learn to engage in physical activity while having fun!"


- Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., NBC's nutrition expert 




"Energetic Juniors is a great program for athletes as well as non-athletes. The staff creates a fun, energetic, and lively atmosphere. Each child's goal is met in terms of physical fitness and activity. I strongly recommend the program for individuals or groups."

- Dr. Eric Small, Author of "Kids Sports": A Doctor's Guide for Parents



 "Our child adores Energetic Juniors and looks forward to it every week.  He loves showing us his new muscles!" 


- Reese's Mom

"Thank you Energetic Juniors for a much needed program to facilitate physical activity which is FUN, in our otherwise sedentary New York City kids." 


- Barry Stein, M.D.,

Pediatrician, New York City


So ready to move up to that next series!
What a great program you created!! Thank you for thinking about what kids need!!! it's fabulous!


- Emilee's Mom

I received this email from another Energetic Juniors Mom. Once again the following words speak for themselves:

     "Energetic Juniors has been such a valuable program for our family. We had noticed that our daughter, Lily was consistently reluctant to become involved in physical activities and/or sports albeit she was quite outgoing and social. We were concerned that she wasn't getting enough activity for her age and we wanted to establish a healthy love of fitness.  Bonita took the time to understand our concerns and demonstrated compassion as well as the knowledge that is needed in working with children. She paired us up with Candice who has been wonderful. 


Upon first meeting Candice, Lily's eyes lit up and after her first training session she couldn't wait to have another one. She looked forward to each weekly session and felt excited about getting into her workout gear and spending quality time with Candice running around, exercising while making it playful and fun. Even better, Lily has developed a love of sports and being engaged in athletic activities now playing on all girls soccer team. She has more confidence about herself and is willing to try other activities be it just with her brother or her friends. 


Thank you so much Bonita and Candice for helping to incorporate the fun into exercise for our daughter and providing such a needed service."


                                              ~Lily's Mom


Our goal is to provide this kind of fitness experience for as many young people as possible.  Our trainers are ready for the unique goals of any child, so contact us today!   



Happy Thanksgiving!



Fall Fitness Tip
By Katrina Phillip, Energetic Juniors Trainer

Here is a good idea to enjoy some quality time with your kids and to get the blood pumping and the brain focused.  Go outside for a walk, and enjoy the colors of all the leaves falling from the trees. 

On your power walk collect 5 different shaped leaves
When you arrive home, try to make up
your own yoga pose that resembles each of the leaves that you had chosen.  Remember to hold your poses for at least 10 seconds.  Breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth.

The next time you go outside, think of even more fun ways to get your children moving.  Be creative, and encourage them to run, jump, skip, etc.  They'll thank you for it in the long run.


To inquire about our Adult, Child or Teen Personal Training programs please contact us at 212-879-1566, bonita@energeticjuniors.com, or visit www.energeticjuniors.com.


How Standing Desks Can Help Students Focus in the Classroom
By Dr. Siri Smith
I love this MindShift article and the idea of standing desks for kids. Haven't you noticed that kids, when focused and working, naturally stand at their desks (or kitchen table) a lot?  How great to be able to stand, sit, fidget and stay focused at the same time!

The article also correctly mentions stools and how sitting on that added height is better posturally. It allows the kids to swing their legs freely and opens up the angle of the hip flexors which is extremely beneficial. If we can help our kids stay more structurally sound and healthier while they are learning by having them use standing desks, I'll advocate for that!

Dr. Siri Smith has been a chiropractor since 1982 and currently practices at Midtown Integrative Health and Wellness in NYC.
She can be reached at drsiri@mihaw.com or 212 752 6770.  www.drsiri.com
Efficient Nutrition for Kids 
Brown & Medina Nutrition

Distraction and disruptions are around every bend and the days are jam packed.  Here's the winning equation to help your kids be on top of their game: 

Make each meal consist of slow release carbohydrate, high quality protein and high quality fat. 

This combination will help stabilize your child's blood sugar while fueling her brain with continuous glucose.

For specific meal ideas, check out our blog.

For more great tips, you may contact Brown & Medina Nutrition at info@grownmedinanutrition.com or call 212-759-6999, ext. 100.  Also check out their website at www.brownmedinanutrition.com.

Stay tuned for
Looking at Balance (Part 2) 
more core strengthening exercises in our December newsletter! 
Sign Up Today!
Don't miss out!  Sign your child up for Energetic Juniors today, and let the fitness begin!

Contact Bonita Porte at
bonita@energeticjuniors.com, or call 212-879-1566 for more information.
Keep up to date with Energetic Juniors by following us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

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