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News From Change Guides!
Change Guides is happy to announce that our Change Management Certification Program has been approved as an ACMP's Qualified Education Provider™ ( QEP™) Program indicating that our program aligns to ACMP's Standard for Change Management and adult education best practices.
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2015-2016 Events
Change Management Certification
Dec 1-3, 2015 Cincinnati
Mar 15-17, 2016 Cincinnati
May 10-12, 2016 Chicago
PMI Seminars World Best Practices in Organizational Change Management
April 6-7, 2016 Minneapolis
Recertification units
for ASQ
Change Guides is a certified women owned business.
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In this season of thanks, we've been thinking more about our clients. You are, after all, the reason we do what we do. We are privileged to work with great people in great organizations every day. Thank you!
One thing that many of our clients have in common is the need to transform because of technology. We are not talking about big system implementations like Oracle or SAP. We are talking about digital, mobile, and a highly tech savvy workforce and customer base.
Our articles in this newsletter are about digital. One is about the evolution happening in organizations because of the rise of digital, and the other is about leveraging new technologies in organizational communications.
Enjoy and let us know what you think!
The Change Guides Team
The Digital Evolution Within Organizations
Many of our clients are evolving to meet the needs of digitally savvy customers. The ubiquitous nature of technology makes it easy for customers and organizations to connect, changing the way almost every organization does business. And if the way an organization interacts with customers is changing, it almost certainly is changing the way it operates inside of the business.
Technology opens up great opportunities for organizations - it makes it easier for organizations to identify customers, keep in touch with customers, and develop deeper relationships with customers. Technology also, however, poses challenges for organizations- it makes it possible for customers to share what they really think (good, bad or indifferent), to comparison shop, and to be more educated about their choices.
Communication in a Digital Age
The demographics of the workforce have changed over the last several decades. The ways that most organizations communicate with their people have not.
In 2007, a study showed that seventy four percent of business communicators said that communications within their organizations are done virtually the same today as they were years ago. (Deloitte, Survey of International Business Communicators, 2007). Even though this data is a few years old, it still rings true today.
That same study showed that three quarters of professional business communicators actually believe that their communication methods are ineffective or only slightly effective in today's day and age. And sadly, most of them admit that they don't even really understand the communication preferences of the more tech savvy members of the workforce.
Stacy Aaron to Speak at the ACMP Change Management 2016 Conference

Stacy Aaron, Partner at Change Guides LLC, has been chosen to speak at the ACMP's Change Management 2016 Conference.
Presentation Title: How Culture Impacts Ability to Change
On Tuesday May 17, 2016 I will be leading a discussion on how culture impacts organizational change. A description of the interactive presentation is described below.
Using secondary research and my experience as a change leader on projects for the past 20 years, I will share eight cultural attributes that I believe create an environment that supports change. I will also describe eight cultural attributes that I feel generate an environment that hinders change. Real life examples will be shared along with examples that support how I've seen these attributes help or hinder change.
Then, it's your turn - I will ask the audience to evaluate my list. Do you agree? Disagree? What is missing? This is a great opportunity to have a thoughtful dialogue about culture and its importance. The session includes several interactive exercises, including the opportunity to assess your own organization or project along these cultural dimensions. I plan to use session feedback as a way to advance my thinking on the subject which I will be happy to share, potentially through a future blog post or article. Come join the conversation on culture!
May 15 - 18, 2016
Gaylord Texan
Grapevine, Texas
Teena Bryant, SHRM-CP, PHR  HR Director Distribution Svcs./Transportation & Logistics
Ascena Retail Group Inc.
Have you approached projects differently after the certification? If so, how?
Yes, I have. First, after going through the certification program, I realized my organization is not the only one that is launching large scale change that will impact our business and associates, so it's helped me keep things in perspective. Let's be honest, sometimes managing change can feel daunting. I was already familiar with a few of the tools and resources introduced in the certification program, but found a strong foundation and structure for helping others manage change so they are ready, willing and able to do so. So it's enabled me to see change through the lens of those who actually have to work with and sustain the changes, once implemented. The tools and resources included in the certification program are extremely useful and can be tailored to fit your own organization. Secondly, being able to network with other professionals that are going through the certification program and managing change in their own organizations has been invaluable.
What advice do you have for others trying to drive change?
Be very thoughtful in planning change and how you're going to introduce it and communicate to those impacted throughout the implementation. You cannot do enough of this. Communication.
What one thing has helped you the most in driving change in your organization?
That's a hard question because I don't know if there is ONE THING...A strong partnership with others who understand change management and have guided others through it. (Also, lot of communication and patience).