In This Issue
Learning About Change Takes A Change
Building an Organization That Can Change Again and Again
In Your Shoes

The Change Management Pocket Guide is now available in Brazilian Portuguese!

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Our Youtube Video! 

Fear of Change

  Exciting Change Guides News!


 The Pocket Guide is now available as an eBook for Android and Apple devices!

To order, search
Change Management Pocket Guide
in the App and Play Stores

2015 Events

Change Management Certification

Mar 17-19 Cincinnati 
May 12-14 Chicago
Aug 18-20 Cincinnati
Oct 13-15 Chicago
 Dec 1-3 Cincinnati
PMI SeminarsWorld
Best Practices
in Organizational
Change Mgt 

March 23-24 Arizona
July 20-21 Orlando

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Recertification units 

for ASQ  



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Winter 2015


It can be challenging to learn new ways to approach your work. The focus for our newsletter this quarter is Learning About Change Takes A Change.


Our second article, Building an Organization That Can Change Again and Again, touches on the continuous changes that organizations face and the advantage of building a change management competency.

As always, keep in touch and let us know what you think! E-mail Feedback.


All the best,
Kate and Stacy   


Learning About Change Takes a Change

If you've never done it before, applying organizational change strategies and tactics is a change. It takes new thinking and new behaviors compared to what you've done in the past. Our company's philosophy is that successful organizations lead and manage change in a strategic, thoughtful, planned and proactive way. If you've never approached organizational change that way before and now are trying to - it's a change for you and those you work with.


Clients come to us because they are trying to learn a new or better way to lead and manage change. They are trying to learn the strategic, process, and tool based approach that we teach and apply. Some have used successful strategies in the past but they are often one off attempts at communicating or involving stakeholders. When they reach out to us, they've realized that people issues too easily fall through the cracks resulting in slipped timelines and underachievement.


As we work with new clients or immerse trainees in our approach during certification training, we often witness an example of individual change and transition. It's a transition of knowing how to do something today then learning how to do things differently and applying that learning, changing behaviors as a result. This is a journey they hope to help others make. Here's how we see their journey from our side of the table:


Building an Organization That Can Change Again and Again

Change in organizations is an ever increasing phenomena. New technologies, new products, new competitors, new regulations, new people with new values and experiences. Every day, organizations try to stay one step ahead of their competitors by changing to meet the needs of their customers either cheaper or faster or both.


Not too long ago, many companies started recognizing that change within organizations needed to be proactively managed. Those that were forward- thinking started working explicitly to help the people in their organizations get ready, willing, and able to work in new ways that were required for future success.


Those that hoped people would just "get with the program" or "do what I said because I said so" have lived (and died) with the results of low productivity, engagement, and performance relative to their more enlightened competitors.

Read More 


In Your Shoes
Becky Falvey

Sales Enablement Director

Have you approached projects differently after the certification? If so, how?        

Yes.  I am more structured about the projects I work on as a result of the certification session.  Before, I may have moved too quickly to action-which was good in one sense (getting work done) but often resulted in me missing a key stakeholder or a specific step.  These misses inevitably impacted the quality and sustainability of the projects I was working on.  The change in my approach has led to a better, more holistic project plan.  An easy example of this was a project I had identified before attending the session.  I had an initial outline of the project prior to the ChangeGuides session.  During the session, it became clear to me that I missed a stakeholder group.  I was so focused on the action (which is also reflective of the growth mode our organization is in), that I underestimated one group's need to know/engage early.  I came back from the session and immediately met with a few individuals from that group to gain buy-in early.  This has proven already to have made a huge impact. 

What advice do you have for others trying to drive change?      

Plan.  Take the coaching and the practices from the session and adapt them to your organization/role/culture.  Then, the change you'll drive will be personal, versus a one-size fits all.  


What one thing has helped you the most in driving change in your organization?
The tool that I appreciated most was the stakeholder analysis.  Driving real change comes from gaining buy-in from key constituents.  Buy-in comes from understanding the audience.. and the stakeholder tool ensures you're thinking broadly about that audience.