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In This Issue
Change Saturation
How Much Change is Too Much?
In Your Shoes

  Exciting Change Guides News!


Second Edition of The Change Management Pocket Guide is now available!

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Principles of Communicating During Change
Principles of Communicating During Change

Change Guides will be a sponsor at the Association of Change Management Professionals Conference,  
March 30-April 2, 2014 
in Orlando, FL

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Mar 11-13, 2014 Cincinnati 

 May 12-14, 2014 Chicago

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Fall 2013

kate and stacy 2010
Kate Nelson & Stacy Aaron
Our Fall Newsletter features an article on Change Saturation that was originally published in 2008.


The topic is as relevant today as it was then.  So often we hear from our clients how they're not sure their staff can take on another Change Management project.  We know it's tough, but there are strategies to help everyone cope. 

The Second Edition of The Change Management Pocket Guide, is now available through Amazon.com or you can order directly through Sue Hallsted at sue.hallsted@changeguidesllc.com.

As always, keep in touch and let us know what you think!  E-mail Feedback.
All the best,
Kate and Stacy

Change Saturation   

Change galore?  Don't assume people can't change. 


Can an organization be experiencing too much change at any given time? More than one-third of organizations believe that they are at or beyond the point of change saturation (Prosic, Best Practices in Change Management 2007). Fewer than 20 percent reported that they had a significant amount of spare capacity for change.


When talking with an executive at a multibillion-dollar company recently, I was surprised when she said that their change effort was doomed to failure because, "We are asking too much of people. They can't take any more."


While I was pleased to hear that she was thinking about what people need during times of change, I was disheartened that she assumed that her people couldn't handle it.


This organization is asking people to pay more attention to cost, implementing new lean business processes, and asking people to start working with global suppliers. On top of that, it is hoping to implement new quality-assurance processes.



How Much Change is Too Much?    

You may find yourself wondering from time to time "how much change is too much." How much change can teams reasonably absorb before the demands exceed the capacity or capability of the workforce? A related, but distinct question often arises around workload. How much work, how many hours, how many projects are too much? When is it no longer reasonable or viable to expect teams to work harder or longer?


These are important questions for organizations to tackle when it comes to managing the change portfolio and managing talent within the organization. In working with clients, I've found that often these questions arise together. Prosci, a change management research organization, popularized the definition that change saturation occurs when the amount of change occurring (change disruption) is greater than the amount of change we can handle (change capacity). Change disruption is determined by the number and nature of changes impacting an organization. Commonly when the number of changes impacting a user group is on the rise, there is at least a sort-term increase in work demands.



In Your Shoes
Krystal FallAssoc. Manager
Small Market Implementation
Have you approached projects differently after the certification? If so, how? 
I certainly have approached projects much different now than prior to being certified. I am now conscience in project meetings that we are ensuring all stakeholders are being considered and bringing them into conversations as early as possible. I also watch where stakeholders are in the commitment curve in order to adjust my communication with them.

What advice do you have for others trying to drive change?   


I would suggest applying what I mentioned above in my approach to assist in driving change. Having the key stakeholders involved is extremely valuable to ensure a successful change is implemented. Knowing how to communicate with those stakeholders is crucial as well as being mindful of where they are at on the commitment curve. Making sure to involve key stakeholders in the process early and obtaining their feedback in order to gain buy-in will also drive the change to occur quicker and more effectively. Lastly, I would advise anyone to use the ChangeGuides tools to help keep on track with the change no matter how big or small it is. 


What one thing has helped you the most in driving change in your organization?   


Having open communication has helped the most in driving change for me. When associates are informed and understand the "why" behind the change, it helps to gain their belief in the change.