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Change Management Certification
May 13-15, 2013 Chicago, IL
Aug 20-22, 2013 Cinti, OH
Oct 14-16, 2013 Dallas, OH
Nov 4-6, 2013 Chicago, TX
Dec 3-5, 2013 Cinti, OH
PMI SeminarsWorld Best Practices in Organizational Change Mgt
Aug 28-29, 2013 San Diego Oct 7-8, 2013 Atlanta |
The Eight Constants of Change
May 15, 2013, 4-6:00 p.m.
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Exciting news at Change Guides! We are releasing our second edition of The Change Management Pocket Guide on June 17th! It's hard for us to believe that we wrote the original pocket guide eight years ago. Since then, thousands of people have bought and used that guide. The majority of the advice is still relevant today; however, we have made a few additions and improvements.
In the second edition, you will find four new tools - two of which are featured below. We have also taken your great advice and moved around a few tools to new stages based on the experiences of our consultants and clients. And we have included a "tool selection guide" that will help you choose which tools to apply at what times during your projects. If you would like to pre-order your copy of the second edition, please send an email to Sheri Schweppe at sheri.schweppe@changeguidesllc.com to place your order.
As always, keep in touch and let us know what you think! E-mail Feedback. All the best, Kate and Stacy
Change Management Effort Assessment
For years, people have asked us how we "scope" consulting work on projects. So we finally decided to create a tool that captures how we decide how much effort will be required to manage the people aspects of a change. The tool is called the Change Management Effort Assessment. The tool will be included in the upcoming second edition of The Change Management Pocket Guide.
Of course, like any tool, it is not a magic bullet. But it provides the process and the critical considerations to define how much effort will be required to plan and execute an effective change management strategy.
When deciding how many resources to apply to a change management project, it is important to consider both the degree of the change, as well as the expected difficulty of managing the change.
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Post Implementation Scorecard
Anyone who has implemented a major change in systems, processes or both knows that there is no such thing as a perfect go live. The go live is not the end game but another milestone. People need time to adjust to doing their jobs differently and the system rarely works smoothly no matter how much testing was done. That is the reality of implementation.
Too often, leaders assume after implementation that all is well and everyone is working in the new way when reality may be much different. It's only by measuring and understanding data related to adoption and post implementation, can we understand the real story. Having a scorecard to track actual versus baselines and desired outcomes is important. Without post implementation tracking and action, sustaining the change may be impossible.
In Your Shoes
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Dixie Gray
Human Resources/ Change Management Professional
What advice do you have for others trying to drive change?
Since the seminal work of John Kotter, Leading Change, (1996), the topic of organization change has inspired the writing of thousands of books, articles and courses. With some variation on the theme, most leaders and researchers in the field of change management believe that at least four conditions must be in place before employees will change their behavior. Emily Lawson and Colin Price in, "The Psychology of Change Management," identified the four basic conditions that are now widely accepted. Those conditions include: telling a compelling story about the need for change; role modeling the new way by the leaders and other respected employees; reinforcing mechanisms, so that systems, processes and incentives are in line with the new behavior; and capability building, so that employees have the necessary skills to make the changes.
The successful change management implementations that I have been part of always take at least these four conditions into account. The conditions are well grounded, well researched and rational. Leaders and managers find the conditions inherently appealing and often conclude that putting them in place just requires good common sense. Unfortunately, the common sense approach too often takes the leaders down a wrong path.
Aubrey C. Daniels, one of the world's foremost authorities on management and human performance, points out the dangers of the use of common sense knowledge as a management tool in his book, "Bringing out the Best in People." He expresses the following concerns: "Common sense knowledge is based on the unreflective opinions of ordinary people....Those unreflective opinions are very individual in nature, so what is common sense for one person is not for another....Unreflective opinions lack any scientific validation or proof....Common sense cannot be counted on to produce consistent results."
So, if not common sense, then what really works to put the four conditions in place effectively? Be willing to put effort into studying the science of behavior analysis so that you understand what motivates employees to change behavior and sustain it. Apply the learning to the change plan. Consider ways for the employees to experience benefits of the change from day one. Reinforce the new behaviors much more than you think necessary. In particular, reinforce employees' attempts to change. Gain an understanding of Appreciative Inquiry to help build a compelling story that contains both negative and positive aspects of the change.
In conclusion, management by commonsense is not management at all. Knowing that every organizational accomplishment is dependent on behavior is where management begins. Believing that the science of human behavior is the one thing that leaders and managers should know the most about in order to build a management system with staying power is downright liberating.
What one thing has helped you the most in driving change in your organization?
In the words of Chris Mcgoff, Caesar changes the Army! The mandate to lead change belongs to the Leader (aka Caesar). She/he must be front and center in the business change initiative-without fail and without giving in to the lure of handing off the dirty and sweaty work of driving the change forward.