Summer 2014 Newsletter 

We wish you a safe, relaxing and productive summer! 
Commencement 2014

Many E-IPER students participated in the School of Earth Sciences Commencement Ceremony on Sunday, June 15th. E-IPER Sykes Family Faculty Director Peter Vitousek and Associate Director Deb Wojcik introduced the distinguished E-IPER PhD and Joint MS graduates.

Students participating in the ceremony included PhD graduates Dane Klinger, Adam Leising, Heather Lukacs and Charlotte Stanton; Joint MBA-MS students Henry Lippincott and Jake Saper; and Joint JD-MS students Hunter Ellis, Julia Forgie and Joel Minor. 


E-IPER Graduates and Faculty

(top, left to right) Adam Leising, Dane Klinger, Charlotte Stanton, Heather Lukacs, Hunter Ellis, Assistant Professor Nicole Ardoin, UPS Foundation Professor Len Ortolano
(bottom, left to right) E-IPER Sykes Family Faculty Director Peter Vitousek, Henry Lippincott, Jake Saper, Julia Forgie, E-IPER Associate Director Deborah Wojcik

Additional 2013-14 graduates include Joint MBA-MS students

Dele Adeyemo, Mina Alaghband, Kerem Alper, Anna Kovaleva, Lauren Laustsen, Marc Manara, Sendil Palani, Zachary Scheel, Nicole Schuetz, Ruth Schwab, Karl Skare, Emily Steinberg, Douglas Weiss, Philipp Wieland, Mark Wittman; Joint JD-MS student Peter DeMarco; and PhD students Noa Lincoln and Valentina Zuin.  



  E-IPER PhD Graduates with Faculty Advisors  


(left to right)
E-IPER Sykes Family Faculty Director Peter Vitousek, Assistant Professor
Nicole Ardoin,  Heather Lukacs, UPS Foundation Professor Len Ortolano,

Charlotte Stanton, Dane Klinger 

Congratulations to all 2013-2014 E-IPER graduates!

Joint MS Capstone Symposium


Twice each year, E-IPER Joint MS students present the culmination of their graduate work at the Feigenbaum Nii Capstone Symposium. The presentations for Spring 2014 encompassed a broad range of topics, including the market value of green buildings, a prototype to monitor residential air quality, regulation of methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, financial risks due to climate change in the petroleum sector, the California instream flow transaction process, and nitrogen loading from dairy farms proximal to disadvantaged communities.


Spring 2014 Capstone Presenters   


(left to right) Henry Lippincott (MBA-MS), Peter DeMarco (JD-MS), Mina Alaghband (MBA-MS), Joel Minor (JD-MS), Hunter Ellis (JD-MS), Julia Forgie (JD-MS) 


The winner of the Spring 2014 Feigenbaum Nii Capstone Symposium Prize was Joel Minor (JD-MS '14) for his presentation Completing the Bridge to Nowhere: Prioritizing Oil and Gas Emissions Regulations in Western States.

We are grateful to the Feigenbaum Nii Foundation for their generous support of the Capstone Symposium and Prize.

Feigenbaum Nii Capstone Prize Winner Joel Minor (right)  

with Penny Nii and Ed Feigenbaum


Videos of past presentations are available online; use the password "viaortega."

Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in 
Environment & Resources
473 Via Ortega, Y2E2 Suite 226
Stanford, California 94305

Photo credits:
Jen Mason, Anjana Richards