Issue: # 13
October 2013

Dear Kid's Creek Families,


Early Intervention... 
Do it now... 
The sooner the better... 
Practice and do therapy skills every day at home too!


Yes...but does it really pay off in the end?


Don't take my word for it...listen carefully to the words of a parent who has been there and walked the path that many of you may be on today....Read more here!  



 Melanie McGriff                      

Owner/Clinical Director       



Community Events





6:30 PM - 8:00 PM 


Please join us for a FREE   

    Parent Seminar that defines sensory processing and its impact on a child's attention, learning, behavior, motor skills, social skills and emotional development.


Bethany Bearden, M.S., OTR/L is an Occupational Therapist who is certified in Sensory Integration (SIPT certified). She will discuss symptoms and signs of Sensory Processing problems, how they may affect every day activities, and ways that we can help children with Sensory Processing Disorder.

Free Consultations are available for all attendees!            

**There will be no cost for this seminar. Seating is limited. Please call or email to RSVP and reserve your spot.** 


Scheduling Notes
We will be open Halloween
Thursday October 31, 2013
Staff News
  Ashley Gleit, MHS, OTR/L is thrilled to join the team at Kids Creek Therapy as a staff Occupational Therapist. She graduated with her Master of Health Science in Occupational Therapy from The Medical College of Georgia after completing undergraduate coursework at The University of Georgia. Ashley was inspired to become an Occupational Therapist in high school after participating in early intervention services while working as a caregiver to two and a half year old twins born extremely prematurely. She has since had experience working with pediatric patients in both the outpatient and community settings, with diagnoses ranging from autism and developmental delay to Cerebral Palsy and anoxic brain injury. She is a member of AOTA and enjoys keeping up with the newest research concerning how to best help her kiddos. Ashley loves creating motivating, client centered treatment plans, as well as developing close bonds with both her patients and their families.
Therapy Articles

Improving Sensory Tolerance for Brushing Teeth

Help Students Develop Strong Vocabulary Skills

W Sitting
Parent Resources

Resource Links

Who do you know that needs our help? Let them know offer FREE CONSULTATIONS and SCREENINGS. There are many people who are looking for a speech, occupational, or physical therapist for their child. They would like to know about a place where both the child and the family are important,and where results are achieved. Just ask them to bring this to us or have them call us and we'll take care of the rest. Plus, we'll include you in our refer a friend award program so that you could win a professional massage! 

Please Note:  The views and advice expressed in articles, videos and other pieces published in this newsletter are not necessarily the views and advice of Kid's Creek or its employees but rather that of the author.  Kid's Creek is not endorsing or implying agreement with the views or advice contained therein, rather presenting them for the independent analysis and information of its readers.