Issue: # 12
September 2013

Dear Kid's Creek Families,


On Saturday August 10th Kid's Creek welcomed 20 children whose parents took advantage of a parent's morning out! Kid's Creek was able to offer a morning out for parents to go out and take advantage of the back to school savings during tax free weekend, or to just take a break. While parents were out, their kids had a BLAST engaging in a variety of gross motor games, sensory exploration, fine motor crafts, and speech, language and social skills activities with the therapists they already know and love!
Our volunteers (17 in all) for the day were glad to be engaged with the children and see the smiles and laughter that melts our hearts on a daily basis. 
Tax Free  



 Melanie McGriff                      Silvia Herstik 

Owner/Clinical Director       Owner/Operations Director 



What's going on at Kid's Creek?

Social Skills Groups

Kid's Creek is pleased to offer a Social Skills 6-week session this Fall focusing on Emotional Intelligence.  Groups are for children in 1st and 2nd grades on Tuesdays and for children in 3rd - 5th grades on Thursdays.  The sessions will begin the week of September 16th and complete the week of October 21thStudents will:


  • Learn how to read facial expressions and nonverbal cues seen in body language;
  • Become "social detectives" as they look carefully for social cues that give important information about when to join in groups, making and keeping friends, and how best to cooperate;
  • Study feelings and learn how to express powerful feelings appropriately;
  • Participate in role-playing, games, video modeling, surveying, brainstorming, decision making and stress management.
  • Participate in activities that promote empathy and self-control.

There is no doubt that children with emotional intelligence do better in the classroom and are more at ease in social situations.  At the end of six weeks, students will have a greater social and emotional awareness and even better self-esteem.

For more information, call Kid's Creek today.  Class size is limited.

Tuesdays       4:30 - 6:00 p.m.                  Children in 1st and 2nd grades

Thursdays     4:30 - 6:00 p.m.                  Children in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades

Cost: $350 for the 6-week session




Community Events






Please join us for a FREE Parent Seminar that defines sensory processing and its impact on a child's attention, learning, behavior, motor skills, social skills and emotional development.


 Bethany Bearden, M.S., OTR/L is an Occupational Therapist who is certified in Sensory Integration (SIPT certified). She will discuss symptoms andsigns of Sensory Processing problems, how they may affect every day activities, and ways that we can help children with Sensory Processing Disorder.

Free Consultations are available for all attendees!

**There will be no cost for this seminar. Seating is limited. Please call or email to RSVP and reserve your spot.**



Patient Results

These are examples of results we are accomplishing at our clinic.
Therapy Articles

Sensory Integration Global Network

Helping Children Understand and Deal with Emotions

Catalyst Sports Become Inspired

Parent Resources

Resource Links

Who do you know that needs our help? Let them know offer FREE CONSULTATIONS and SCREENINGS. There are many people who are looking for a speech, occupational, or physical therapist for their child. They would like to know about a place where both the child and the family are important,and where results are achieved. Just ask them to bring this to us or have them call us and we'll take care of the rest. Plus, we'll include you in our refer a friend award program so that you could win a professional massage! 

Please Note:  The views and advice expressed in articles, videos and other pieces published in this newsletter are not necessarily the views and advice of Kid's Creek or its employees but rather that of the author.  Kid's Creek is not endorsing or implying agreement with the views or advice contained therein, rather presenting them for the independent analysis and information of its readers.