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Best Practices Level III 2011-2012 & 2012-2013


Sky Hy Chapter 
Asheville, NC
Sky Hy Echoes Newsletter
Monthly Meeting
Thursday, February 13th
  5:30- 8:00 pm
Crowne Plaza
Please RSVP

Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 18th
6:00 pm
at the home of
Yvonne Cano
All members are invited. Please RSVP





MAY 1, 2014








February  2014  
~ President's Message
~ Scholarship Donation

~ Meeting, Guest Speaker

~ May 1, 2014 Champagne & Chocolate

~ Inspiration from Andrea Bishop
~ VetCard Program
~ New Small Business Growth Courses at
   New ABTech Venue
~ Fund Raising Year Round
~ January 2014 Meeting Minutes
~ Business Items
~ Eastern Regional Conference 4/24/14
~ National Women's Leadership
     Conference  10/30/14


Enjoy your newsletter. 



theme logoABWA Annual Theme 2013/14
....Like ripples emanating when a stone hits the water, the effects spreading wider and wider as they change the face of the entire pond, you too can change the world when you get more involved with ABWA.
.....With committed members like you creating the ripple effect, our Association/Chapter will continue changing women's lives one woman at a time.
President's Message
Lucretia Piercy, President

February 2014


HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! Awe, the month of romance.....I'm dreaming of red roses, dancing, and chocolate......speaking of chocolate, plans are in progress for our second annual fundraiser, (Table Top Stroll with Champagne and Chocolate). A small group of us met last Saturday for a very productive brain storming and planning session for this event. This fundraiser was a success last year, and we will repeat that success on Thursday, May 1, 2014.

The time will be 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Admission tickets will be $25.00 and vendor/exhibitor tables will be $50.00 each. Corporate sponsorships last year were $1,500.00, our goal this year is $3,000.00. I am asking the ENTIRE membership to seek corporate sponsors in any amount. Persons donating in this way will be a part of college/continuing education scholarships for worthy women in our area. They will also receive recognition in our advertising materials.

You will be hearing much more on this event in the next several weeks.

It is Woman of the Year time again! Deadline for your application submission is February 20 and should be sent to Michelle Marshall. The lucky woman will be "crowned" at our March 14 meeting.

District 4 spring conference is just around the corner. The dates are April 24-26 in Roanoke, Virginia. Thus far five of us are attending. Let's make it a few more, there is plenty of room. Conference registration is $285.00. We will share hotel rooms, car pool and split the cost. Sharing in the expenses makes attending conference affordable. There will be educational seminars, plenty of networking, and girl time with lots of fun. Come to conference and see what makes ABWA great.

Lucretia Piercy

theme logo

"Inspire and be inspired in ABWA."

Thank You for the Scholarship Donation

A big THANK YOU goes to United Community Bank
for their generous $500.00 donation to the ABWA Scholarship Sandy Worley & Lucretia Piercyfund.
Lucretia Piercy, President, SkyHy Chapter receiving the check from Sandy Worley, ABWA Member, VP/Commerical Relationship Manager at United Community Bank
Guest Speaker at the February 2014 Monthly Meeting
Marian Hobson
"Feel JOY Now"
         One Woman's Guide to Daily Contentment
In this brief talk, author, speaker and coach Marian Hobson teaches how to connect with your inner guidance system to JOY.
"As women of the 21st Century there are many voices telling us what we should be, do and feel.  The noise is so loud we often lose ourselves in all the clamor and confusion."
Join us at the meeting to hear Marian Hobson first hand.           


Get ready for our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year to raise scholarship monies for young women getting ready to go off to college.  We need YOUR HELP!  Let's make this year's fundraiser even BIGGER!  Think about a company who'd be willing to financially contribute to our scholarship fund and bring your ideas to the meeting on February 13th
Watch your email            SAVE THE DATE           MAY 1, 2014
Announcements coming soon!

Inspiration from Andrea Bishop!

Hi everyone. Over the next few newsletters I'm going to talk about changes. Small changes that can have significant impact. Small changes are usually easier don't you think? I'll cover 3 areas - relationships first, then work, and finally health.


I have some great relationship DVDs that talk about making small, daily deposits in your partner or family member's emotional "bank account," which is a great example of a small change that makes a huge difference! My husband watched them with me and he wisely noted that a bucket of water, doled out to a plant over a month's time, a half a cup at a time, is way more effective than a whole bucket of water poured on the plant once a month. Same amount of water, hugely different result!


An extravagant birthday experience or holiday gift, but no loving gestures in between, might be an example of a bucket of water approach. A rose given once a month or so for no reason other than, I'm thinking of you, (vs. once a year on Valentine's Day) could be an example of the cups of water approach.


In relationships, other examples of small changes could be paying your partner a compliment, scheduling a date night, holding hands, sitting next to them on the couch while watching TV, texting or calling during the day, leaving a sweet new note of good morning or a loving expression on their car steering wheel or computer screen.


Next month I'll give you some examples of small changes you can make with work.

Have a good month all!


Volunteers Needed
Mr. Elliott sent this information to the ABWA SKYHY Chapter email address. Here is a summary of his program. Detailed information will be distributed at the February meeting.

The P.S. on the initial letter is what caught me. See below.





Many of our oldest veterans are now in care facilities or homebound, therefore many have very limited contact with outside world. Many suffer with chronic disability, illness, some are lonely or depressed. 

 The cards are a small but powerful way of letting these men and women know they are remembered and appreciated for the services they rendered our nation. 

  • Major Objective: To see that as many older veterans (with focus on WW2 & Korean era) in North Carolina receive a card of appreciation and support.
  • How To: Participants can either make their own cards or use store purchased ones. The most important thing is that they take the time to let a vet know he/she is remembered and appreciated

  • Fees: None


"P.S. I'm looking for an individual or group willing to provide cards of encouragement to ten (former) female veterans, now living in a community house in Asheville. I am told that women veterans typically receive less attention than their male counterparts, thus as added urgency here."


I contacted Mr. Elliott immediately and said that I would definitely be writing cards for all the veterans and I would ask the organizations that I am a member of to participate also.

Isn't ABWA about women helping women?


My request to the SKY HY CHAPTER is to bring a card for a veteran each month to the meeting and I will make sure they are delivered to the VETCARD Campaign.

Thank you for volunteering with me.

Randye Unsell

New Small Business Growth Courses
at New ABTech Venue
FROM: Bob Dunn, President, ESI Advisors & Managing Director, (formerly @Mountain  BizWorks)


Time are changing and so am I. One of the changes is in courses that I will be teaching.

   * I am concentrating my focus on small businesses that have survived their start-up days
 (or almost)  and now wish to escalate growth in the best way possible.

   * From now forward, all of my courses will be business efficient, one-day intensives
(versus the older scholastic  format of multiple weekly sessions of  few hours each)

   * Given community changes (i.e. BizWorks reducing its services to just lending), I am
pleased that the Asheville Center for Professional Studies wants to embrace these new courses as part of their Entrepreneurship & Business Development curriculum.

   * Lastly, I am discontinuing my "Better Business Practices" course and folding its
updated contents into the new suite of one-day intensives

The note below provides all of the key info. And, to reiterate, these are courses for folks
 who have gotten past the start-up stage and are wanting to figure out the best way to grow in a durably successful way.

Your feedback would be greatly appreciated and your referrals are pure Gold.

Thx for any comment or assist that you are willing to provide.


A New Resource for Growing Existing Small Businesses

Great news! Asheville Center for Professional Studies (AC4PS) is a new learning center from AB Tech with a major focus on Entrepreneurship & Business Development. They will be the hosts for my one-day intensive courses that help small business owners improve critical business operations for existing businesses.

It is a perfect venue for my NEW suite of 5 one-day intensive courses for NextStep Business Growth - especially now that Mountain BizWorks has dropped its teaching and training programs. These one-day intensive courses cover:

   * Guiding Business Growth: Navigating Business Opportunities, Targets & Challenges

   * Increasing Yield from Current Operations: Improving Processes, Methods & Systems

   * Growing Results From Current Customers: Increasing Retention, Repeat Buying, and Recurring Revenues

   * Expanding Your Customer Base: Adding New Customers

   * Building Durable Success: Management Practices For Sustainable Satisfying Results
There is a natural sequence to these courses and they can be taken separately in any order. There will likely be 2-3 cycles of the 5 courses in each 12 month period.  That said, AC4PS has worked out a great launch deal for my new NextStep Business Growth series of courses. Buy 4 get 1 FREE or 5 for the price of 4. No matter how you look at it, it's a great buy.
You can help a little at a time........
Have unwanted items....Take your items to the following Consignment Shops and support ABWA.  The monies collected from these accounts will go back into Sky Hy!
ETC Consignment Shoppe
ABWA account number is 9915
1500 Patton Ave. Asheville  828.251.1160
Check website for information & restrictions
Lulu's Consignment Boutique
ABWA account number is 9600
3461 Hendersonville Rd Fletcher  828.687.7565
Check website for information & restrictions

Mine & Yours Asheville Resale
ABWA account number is 5817
234 New Leicester Highway   Asheville  828.251.9231
Check website for information & restrictions


JANUARY 9, 2014

Lucretia Piercy called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m., at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and we recited the Pledge of Allegiance.


Savannah, our scholarship recipient was present this evening to receive a check for $750.00. $250.00 of this was a refund from her previous school, as she has now moved to UNC Asheville!


Lucretia told us that one of our members, Sandy Worley, with United Community Bank presented the chapter with a donation from United Community Bank for $500 to our Education fund!! Thank you United Community Bank and Sandy!!


Introductions were made.


Lucretia asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer's report as sent in email. Randye U. made the motion and it was seconded by Yvonne. The motion passed. There was no secretary's report for December due to our Christmas party.


The deadline for our commitment to contribute to SBMEF is January 31st. Potential recipients of a scholarship or grant through National for the SBMEF submit application through our Chapter and if chosen, the funds are awarded in May for July distribution. Applicants can apply 4 years in a row through National. It was decided that the $500 from United Community Bank will go to SBMEF.


It's that time of year for the Top 10 and the Chapter Woman of the Year. Lucretia will provide information in February. The Woman of the Year will be crowned in March. She asked for volunteers for a nominating committee for the Top 10 and WOY. Michelle, our current Woman of the Year will serve on the committee and Jacqui and Jennifer volunteered to do so as well.


Lucretia made an EXCITING announcement... She has been encouraged by National to run for District IV Vice President!! Though she says she never even considered undertaking such a step, she has decided to take the journey and informed the Chapter that she would need our Chapter's support both mentally, and financially! This is a big undertaking and the consensus from the Chapter was unanimous - YES, DO IT!!!


Our National President, Lorie Burch, Skyped into our meeting to congratulate Lucretia and our Chapter for supporting her in this run. She answered questions about what type of commitments would be needed and various things that Lucretia will have to do in order to participate in elections for this Office. Lorie was very encouraging and was able to really get us all excited about the possibilities! It is a BIG deal and we will need to have fundraisers specifically for Lucretia, so that she can meet the requirement of attending both the District and National conferences this year. In addition, there will be various materials that will need to be printed for her campaign, as well as travel to various Chapters in our District. All the members will have to be involved to make it successful. Lorie closed with letting us know to get in touch with her should we have any questions.


Savannah Henderson, our scholarship recipient, was able to meet Lorie via our "Skype" connection. She expressed her appreciation to Lorie for ABWA's assistance with her education.



Lucretia called for a vote to accept her run for the District IV Vice Presidential run. The vote was unanimous for those in attendance: Those attendees were:


Jacqui Friedrich

Lacy Hagan

Karen King-Smith

Michelle Marshall

Kimberly McAfoos

Julia Nease

Dora Nelson

Carla Parvin

Deborah Pettersson

Toni Poppy

Jennifer Smith

Sue Stewart

Randye Unsell


Those who were not present, make their vote via email to the Vice President, Kimberly McAfoos. Those who have voted YES, as of January 24, 2014 are as follows:


Patty Couch

Mary Nesbitt

Priscilla Lloyd

Yvonne Cano

Linda Ray

Joy Stern

Sandy Worley


In the newsletter, there is information and dates for the District Conference to be held in Roanoke, Virginia. The cost is $285. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Lucretia will be required to make a 3 minute speech at the conference for her bid for District IV VP.


Our program speaker this evening was Lucretia Piercy, who gave us a "WIN 101" tutorial online of our National WIN website. She took us through the log-in stages and the various sections, showing "conversations" with other members, our "Team Board" and the "National Board". You can also find all the information and transcripts about the various courses you have taken. It was a very informative tutorial.


A gift of $500 was donated to begin Lucretia's campaign. We will open a separate checking account for all funds collected for her campaign expenses, thus insuring that funds and disbursements for this will be kept separate for the chapter's disbursement and scholarship accounts.


Kimberly McAfoos took the minutes for this meeting in place of Priscilla who was not present.

Kimberly left the meeting at 7:41pm. Door prizes were disbursed. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.



Business Items
WIN ~ Women's Instructional Network....
Have you uploaded your photo?
ABWA Roster....
  Have you checked ?  Make sure it has the information you want to share.
Have you ordered your Sky Hy Chapter Name Badge?
Order from the National Website
Contact Membership Chair, Karen King-Smith to order
Have your brought a friend or co-worker to one of our monthly meetings or special events?
For the next meeting will be ____
Who Wants to be Next?
Skills you will hone to perfection:
Public Speaking, Marketing yourself and your business, Networking in a trusted environment.  Take advantage of this opportunity...
contact Karen King-Smith


ABWA Eastern Regional Conference
April 24-26, 2014
Districts I & IV

Roanoke, VA

Don't miss these great opportunities to connect, learn, and grow with your local ABWA community at 2014 Regional Conferences.

The regional conferences not only support the goal of strengthening ABWA but also uphold the Association's mission; providing a blend of professional development with members who are serving, or plan to serve, in a leadership position with ABWA.  Make plans now to meet the 2014-2015 candidates for district vice president, inspire your ABWA community, and continue changing women's lives one woman at a time.


ABWA National Women's Leadership Conference

October 30 - November 1, 2014

Overland Park, Kansas


The National Conference features nationally acclaimed authors, speakers and entertainers presenting on topics that are timely, integral and invaluable to women who want to succeed in any environment.  Attendees of the annual national conference may choose from a variety of programs designed to leverage their careers and empower personal growth.  Professional development seminars include programs in leadership and technology, management, entrepreneurial skills, and more.



bday cakeABWA Happy Birthday Wishes - January       
  Melanie Williams    10th                   Sandy Worley    23rd


2013/14 Executive Board                Committee Chairs

President                                                     Programs
         Lucretia Piercy                                          Margie Presley
Vice President                                             Fund Raising
         Kimberly McAfoos                                       Deborah Pettersson
Treasurer                                                     Newsletter
         Toni Poppy                                                  Randye Unsell
Secretary                                                      Hospitality
         Priscilla Lloyd                                               Yvonne Cano
                                                                             Karen King-Smith
                                                                      Professional Development
                                                                              Jennifer Smith
                                                                              Sue Stewart
                                                                      Corresponding Secretary
                                                                              Michelle Marshall
If you have a Face Book page you can go in and put ABWA Sky-Hy Chapter in the search bar and it will come up. Click on Like and ask your friends to like us as well. Write a comment pertaining to our chapter such as upcoming meetings, etc.             Michelle
  ABWA Vision Statement
ABWA Sky Hy chapter is committed to seeking membership growth, business opportunities, and raising scholarship funds by providing our membership a professional, enthusiastic, and organized chapter within the national organization. We strive to reach our goals, by meeting the needs and expectations of our future and current membership. 
In addition, we continually improve and determine the roles and responsibilities for committee chairs, by holding them accountable for their duties. We exchange career focus of business knowledge, support and encourage one another in our professional endeavors, and develop friendships that will last a life time. 
We develop professional relationships with our chapter members, the national organization, and past and future members.  The ABWA Sky-Hy chapter members continuously grow personally and professionally within our organization, illustrating the dedication of accomplishing our goals and this vision statement. 
ABWA Mission Statement:   
Bring together women of diverse backgrounds and to provide opportunities to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support and national recognition.


ABWA Proud Code of Conduct:
All members will serve as goodwill ambassadors for the American Business Women's Association.
Members will not allow their personal beliefs and convictions to interfere with the representation of ABWA's mission.
Members will always treat their member colleagues, guests, vendors and sponsors with honesty, respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, kindness and in good faith.
Members will maintain compliance with ABWA National, Chapter and Express Network bylaws.
Members will not use their personal power to advance their personal interests.
Members will strive for excellence in their professions by maintaining and enhancing their own business knowledge and skills, and by encouraging the professional development of other members.
 encouraging the professional development of other members.



Newsletter Chair - Randye Unsell