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March 2015

We're Counting the Days!

It's been a long, cold winter and the thought of juicy blueberries makes our mouths water! Mother Nature is fickle, especially about the arrival of warm temperatures, and we can't predict when our berries will be ready for harvest. will have details and updates about the progress of our berries.

 Remember Mom,  
Grads + Teachers  
with Gift Certificates  
from Blueberry Gardens

You'll be everyone's favorite when
you give a gift certificate from
Blueberry Gardens. The lucky recipient can use the certificate to participate
in classes or for treatment sessions
  with our practitioners.

Mother's Day is Sunday, May 10,
the perfect opportunity to give
some love and relaxation to Mom.

Gift certificates also are excellent
ways to acknowledge the contributions
of school teachers, day care providers and other significant persons
in your children's lives. Get a group together to chip in. Who
wouldn't appreciate a stress-releasing treatment or class?

And, don't overlook the
accomplishments of a high
school or college grad. They've
worked hard and earned the benefits
of some relaxation!

Gift certificates are easy and
quick to purchase.
Gift certificates in various
amounts are now available at
Click on the "gift certificates"
button in the upper right. 

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  Octagon exterior

Blueberry Gardens' lovely 
Octagon Room is available  
for rental for wellness events
such as workshops and
retreats. For more
contact us
at 301-570-5468 or


Pam Shah Brings Healing Practice
of Reiki to Blueberry Gardens   


Pam Shah, a certified Master Reiki practitioner and teacher, is a new addition to Blueberry Gardens. She's put together this brief overview of Reiki to introduce Blueberry Gardens family to this valuable healing art.


The practice of Reiki is a non-invasive method of healing, rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan early in the 20th century. Reiki is activated by intention. The practitioner, acting as a channel, harnesses the surrounding Universal Life Force energy and intends the energy to flow to the client. Reiki positively charges or raises the level of the client's energy field in and around the physical body and clears any blocks causing the energy to flow in a healthy and natural way. Reiki's natural healing energy works on every level, not just the physical, and promotes the body's ability to regenerate itself resulting in higher energy levels and over all wellbeing.

Among its many benefits, Reiki is calming, boosts the immune system and accelerates the healing process, helps with pain-management, and reduces and eliminates stress and fatigue.  Reiki also promotes spiritual transformation and growth, helps with personal and professional relationships.

A typical Reiki session is usually carried out with the client, always fully clothed, lying down or sitting, in a comfortable and peaceful environment. The practitioner places their hands gently, in a series of positions, on or over the body. Reiki is deeply relaxing, eases stress, and has a calming effect. Reiki may be felt as a flow of energy, mild tingling, warmth, coolness, other sensations, or nothing at all.

Pam Shah has recently joined the practitioners at the Blueberry Gardens.  Born and raised in Bombay, India, she received training in Usui Reiki Shoden (First Degree) and Okuden (Second Degree) in 1995.  Initially she practiced on friends and family members while living in India.   


After her move to the U.S. in 1997, Reiki continued to be part of Pam's life. During the early years of her marriage and when her children were little, she practiced primarily on friends and family.  She soon realized she wanted to expand her practice professionally and went on to receive further training and practice in the US with David Gleekel, CRMT. Pam became a certified Usui Reiki Master and Teacher herself in 2007.


During the month of April, Pam is offering a 10% discount.

For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Pam Shah, Certified Reiki Master at or 202.329.1489 or visit her website


A Varied Bouquet of Spring Special Events

The early spring flowers are starting to pop, their colors are a cheery reminder of warmer temperatures and reawakening of Mother Earth that will soon unfold. Blueberry Gardens has a full schedule of special events designed to help you find comfort, fulfillment and healing during the spring.


Considering a new direction in your professional or personal life? Find Your Edge, a one-day transformational retreat, helps you reconnect, reframe and refresh. Sandy McDougall urges participants to shed mediocrity and embrace excellence. The retreat is set for 10am to 4:30pm, Saturday, March 21. Cost: $149. Info: 


The first of seven monthly weekend sessions in the 2015 Systems Constellation Facilitator Training: Family, Community, Organizational and Nature Constellation starts March 27-29 and continues through September. This intensive training is designed for facilitators to learn how individuals heal deep patterns that hold them back from fulfilling relationships, reaching dreams, realizing goals and expressing values. Instructor Francesca Mason Boring has offered this training on the West Coast and now brings it to the East. Cost: $3,200. Info: 202-255-8602 or 


Meditation and Mindfulness for Massage Therapists allows massage practitioners to utilize the power of presence to amplify techniques and cultivate deep listening from 9:30am to 5:30pm, Wednesday, April 1. Using the research-based tools of mindfulness and meditation, participants focus on developing a coherent and compelling presence. This session meets state and MCBTMB ethics requirements and offers 1 CE hour of diversity and cultural mindfulness. Info: 


Pause from your busy life, tend the garden of your heart and celebrate spring with a day of meditation, Qi Gong, deep relaxation and walking meditation. Spring Awakening, A Day of Meditation to Embrace Spring is scheduled from 9:30am to 3pm, Saturday, April 4. Cost: $45. Info:  


Nourish Your Self, Heal the Earth is a one-day wellness retreat to celebrate Earth Day, 9am to 4:30pm, Saturday, May 2. Certified Holistic Health Coach and experienced vegan chef Ingrid Benecke and yoga teacher Kelly Fisher use yoga, chanting, meditation and healthy eating to encourage participants to step out of everyday routines and to make space for to be loving, creative individuals. Cost: $110 by April 5, $140 after April 5. Register: 


Zero Balancing is a hands-on body-mind system to enhance your health and well-being by balancing body energy through touch. Dr. Fritz Smith, MD, offers a four-day program introducing participants to Core Zero Balancing I, from 9am to 5pm, May 8-11. Cost: $595. Info: Stan Fox, CZB, L.Ac., Magestic Oak Acupuncture at 571-330-1805 or


Begin a journey of centering, healing and transformation through the process of creating luminous mandalas. Mandala, Discovering the Radiant Self, is a one-day retreat to heal the inner artist and discover potential, to release fears and move past limitations, and to bring form to the inner light of the soul. The session is scheduled for 9am to 5pm, Saturday June 6. No art or meditation experience is necessary to benefit from this retreat. Instructor Mary Mulrow, BA, LMT, is a visionary artist, massage therapist and workshop facilitator with more than 25 years of experience practicing and teaching in the healing arts. Cost: $175 includes art materials. Info or register: 240-620-3425 or 


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Blueberry Gardens

A Center for Yoga, Growth, & Healing

237 Ashton Rd (RT 108)

Ashton, MD  20861
