The OPSBrief

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This report is created by Ken Ducote  on behalf of the Greater New Orleans Collaborative of Charter Schools 

On November 17, 2015, the Orleans Parish School Board held the following meetings at the OPSB Timbers Office Building, 3520 General DeGaulle Drive:
  • Public Hearing on Millage Rates 
  • Board Business Meeting 
OPSBrief has summarized the events of the meetings below. Complete agendas and back-up documentation can be accessed by clicking on the meeting titles. Videos of Board Business Meetings are archived on OPSB-TV via

***This email is created by Ken Ducote on behalf of the Greater New Orleans Collaborative of Charter Schools and is not an official correspondence from the Orleans Parish School Board***
  • To solicit public comment on whether OPSB should retain property tax millage at current rates (40.34) or set at the lower rate (38.01) for 2016
    • No action to be taken until Board Business Meeting
  • Three persons spoke in favor of retaining the 40.34 mills rate in order to support continued growth in school quality
    • Representative of Greater New Orleans Collaborative of Charter Schools
      • Disclosure - Ken Ducote, writer for OPSBriefs
    • Representative of Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools
    • Representative of Cowen Institute for Public Education Initiatives
  • No one spoke in opposition 
  • Superintendent's Report (information only)
    • Initial meeting held of Act 467 Committee to provide input to BESE on a uniform MFP Differentiated Funding formula for Orleans Parish
    • Rooted School, a previously approved Type 1 OPSB charter, has deferred its opening until SY 2017-2018
    • Mahalia Jackson ES has been chosen as the winner of the Innovative Approaches to Early Childhood Integration Award for 2015 by Orleans Public Education Network (OPEN) 
  • Action Items (all items were approved as indicated)
    • Timbers Office Building - First Floor Renovation
      • Public Bid Results - five bids received
      • Funded by Enterprise Fund (receipts of building rents)
      • Creates meeting room and professional development space
      • Crescent Commercial Construction - $ 278,000
    • Purchase of Land from HANO
      • Booker T. Washington HS Campus Expansion
      • Creates service drive and better access to rear of site
      • $ 17,000 for 0.64 acres (appraised value)
    • Resolution 35-15 Millage Resolution (Adjusted)
      • Sets adjusted rate at 38.01 mills for 2016 if millage rolled back
    • Resolution 36-15 Millage Resolution (Adjusted and Increased)
      • Sets adjusted and rolled forward millage at 40.34 mills for 2016, the same rate as prior year
      • Subject of Public Hearing (see above)
    • Resolution 37-15 Millage Resolution (General Obligation Bonds) 
      • Sets new millage to retire bonds at 3.57 mills for 2016
      • Lower than 4.97 mills in prior year due to pay out of one series of bonds
    • Resolution 38-15 Millage Resolution (Preservation, Improvement, Capital Repairs)
      • Initiates School Facilities Preservation Program fund at 1.40 mills
      • Authorized by voters in referendum on December 6, 2014
      • Calculated by subtracting GO Bonds rate of 3.57 mills above from 4.97 mills in 2014-15 
      • Representative of Greater New Orleans Collaborative of Charter Schools spoke in favor of the resolution
        • Disclosure - Ken Ducote, writer for OPSBriefs
        • Pledged to work with OPSB and RSD administrations for a successful program
    • Resolution 39-15 Capital Projects Budget Amendment No. 1 - FEMA Funds
      • Reallocation of contents funding by various school sites
    • Resolution 40-15 Capital Projects Budget Amendment No. 2 - Harrah's Funds
      • Transfers residual funds from completed projects to other needs
    • Resolution 41-15 Capital Projects Budget Amendment No. 3 - Bond Funds
      • Reallocates funds for immediate repairs at Karr and McMain HS
    • Resolution 42-15 Capital Projects Budget Amendment No. 4 - Other Funds
      • Repurposes residual funds from completed projects for modulars removal at Gordon ES
    • Resolution 43-15 General Fund Budget Amendment # 3 FY 2015
      • Technical amendment for actual revenues and expenditures during the prior year
    • Phase-Out Closure Plan for McDonogh 35 Academy
      • Two-year phase out of 7th and 8th grades
      • Representative of the McDonogh 35 Alumni Association spoke in support of the plan
    • Calendar of 2016 OPSB Board Business and Committee Meetings
      • Includes a few adjustments to avoid conflicts with holidays and BESE meetings
  • Executive Session
    • Recessed into Executive Session to consider settlements in four lawsuits over employment issues
    • Reconvened in Open Session and approved the General Counsel's settlement recommendation in all four cases 

This service is made possible by support from the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools and funding from the
Robert Reily Family Trust