The OPSBrief

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This report is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools 

The Orleans Parish School Board held four regular monthly Committee Meetings on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, in Room 4050 of its Timbers III Office Building, 3520 General DeGaulle Drive.
Committees typically review and discuss items that will be considered at a subsequent Board Business Meeting.  They also review the progress of the implementation of items which they previously approved. The public's best opportunity to comment on issues before the Board is usually through its Committee Meetings.
The next Board Business Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. in the Mack Spears Auditorium of the McDonogh 35 High School, 1331 Kerlerec Street. A Public Hearing on the pending Type 1 Charter School Applications will be held before the Business Meeting.
OPSBrief has summarized below the activities of the Committee Meetings. The posted agendas and back-up documentation can be reviewed by clicking on the Committee titles.
During the Committee Meetings, various references were made to certain aspects of the transition plans of Superintendent Dr. Henderson Lewis, Jr. The following links provide good background information on Dr. Lewis' thoughts, priorities and plans: 
***This email is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools and is not an official correspondence from the Orleans Parish School Board***
Received and discussed reports from staff and took action as indicated
  • Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between OPSB and RSD
    • Received status report from staff
      •  Addressing demographic needs
        • Superintendent's Plan includes updating Master Plan to account for higher enrollment projections
      • Common Enrollment
      • Early childhood
      • Harrah's funding for at-risk students
      • Improving facilities
      • Court-involved students and Student Hearing Office
      • Exceptional needs fund
  • Consideration of 2015 Type 1 Charter Applications and recommendations from OPSB Administration
    • Received report from staff and forwarded items to the full Board for action after a Public Hearing
      • Each proposal was evaluated by third party team based upon standards
        • Education Plan
        • Organizational Plan
        • Financial Plan
        • Evidence of Capacity
      • Evaluations to be subject of Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 19th 
    • Firstline Schools, Inc.
      • Columbia Parc Charter School
        • Recommended for approval
      • New Orleans Charter Elementary School
        • Recommended for deferral  
    • Rooted School
      • Rooted School
        • Recommended for approval
    • ACCESS School Alliance
      • Access Career and Technical Academy
        • Recommended for denial
    • AMIKids Bayou Region, Inc.
      • AMIKids New Orleans
        • Recommended for denial
    • Noble Minds
      • Noble Minds Institute for Whole Child Learning
        • Recommended for denial
    • Young Audience Charter School Association
      • Young Audiences Orleans Parish Charter School
        • Recommended for denial
      • Representative of the charter group spoke in opposition to the denial
Received and discussed staff reports but no action was required at this time
  • Capital Projects Status Report
    • Received report from staff and project manager
      • Asked questions about status of several projects, including McDonogh 35 HS, Karr HS, Moton ES
      • Contractor's surety is taking over project at McMain's Gym to complete
    • McMain repair projects are being advertised for bids in May and June 1015
    • Negotiations are proceeding for keeping Moton swing space during project delays
  • DBE Program Status
    • DBE Director gave report on DBE issues in Capital Projects Status Reports
      • Concerns expressed that contractor on new Moton ES has pledged 24% DBE but only has 11% DBE
      • Concerns expressed that surety taking over McMain Gym project might not honor contractor's 20% DBE pledge
    • Distributed progress May 2015 Newsletter
  • Hynes Playgrounds Donation
    • Deferred to Budget and Finance Committee
Legal and Legislative Committee
This meeting was cancelled
Received and discussed information with no action required at this time
Received and reviewed staff recommendations and forwarded to the full Board for approval
  • Donation - Hynes Charter School Playgrounds
    • School raised funds and constructed two phases of playgrounds valued at $ 413,000
    • Board complimented the charter for its efforts and success
  • Non-Public Schools Title II Part A Services for 2014-2015
  • Capital Budget Amendments
    • # 4 - Audubon - Broadway Renovations
      • Increase by $ 474,000 for A/E fees to correct contractor errors
      • OPSB reserves rights to seek restitution
    • # 10 - Easton HS Chillers & McMain Repairs
      • Decrease completed Easton HS Chillers by $ 157,303
      • Increase forthcoming McMain project by $ 157,303
    • # 9 - Master Plan Contents
      • Sherwood Forest ES (Einstein) - Budget $ 550,000
      • Bio Med District HS - Budget $ 900,000
      • Bradley ES (Bethune) - Budget $ 550,000
    • # 11 - Digital Photographic Services
      • Decrease Lusher ES Repair Project (completed portion) by $ 95,000
        • Correction of previously posted agenda item
      • Increase Other Expenses for Digital Photographic Services by $ 95,000
  • Child Nutrition Program Bids
    • Paper products
      • Discussion about need for corporate recycling program and phase-out of Styrofoam
    • Bread
    • Milk
    • Direct diversion of USDA commodities
  • Karr HS New School
    • Architect contract amendment
    • Trapolin Architects, Inc. - Add $ 109,233
  • FY 2016 Budget Timeline - Revisions
    • Revised timeline to allow approval of new Organizational Chart on June 11, 2015, prior to budget release
  • March 2015 Financial Report
    • Deferred to Board Business Meeting
This service is made possible by support from the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools and funding from the
Robert Reily Family Trust and the Smith/Cooper Foundation