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This report is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools 



The Jefferson Parish School Board met in Regular Session Board Meeting on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, at the Administration Building, 501 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey at 6 p.m., following a meeting of its Executive Committee at 4 p.m.

JPSBrief has summarized the agendas and activities for the meetings below. To review the posted agenda of a meeting, click on the meeting title. To review the full agenda and posted back-up data for the Regular Session Board Meeting, click here
***This email is created by Ken Ducote and Rose Drill-Peterson on behalf of the Eastbank Collaborative of Charter Schools and is not an official correspondence from the Jefferson Parish School Board***
Discussed issues prior to their consideration by full Board at later meeting 
  • Jefferson Federation of Teachers (JFT) Student Discipline Task Force Resolution
    • Committee was favorable to the proposal with several suggestions
    • JFT representative spoke in support
    • Discipline had been identified as # 1 issue in recent teacher and stakeholder survey
    • Task Force charge is to develop plans for implementation in August 2015
  • Terminating Property One management services for the Emenes Building
    • Committee was favorable to the proposal
    • Desire to reopen closed office building for convenient services on Eastbank
  • Jefferson Rise Charter Operating Agreement
    • Committee was divided over this proposal, which has been kept off the agenda for two months
    • RISE had previously been awarded the charter
      • School to be located in Gretna to serve grades 6-12
      • Current issue is only approval of charter's operating agreement
    • Board President questioned facility and whether starting a charter violates the Dandridge settlement
    • Other Board members stressed options the school provides for the parents in the area
    • RISE administrator spoke in support and reported diversity in population interested in the school
  • Regularly scheduled Jefferson Parish School BoardMeetings
    • Proposed that regularly scheduled meetings of the Jefferson Parish School Board be held alternating on the Eastbank at the Boardroom at Bonnabel High School on even months and the Westbank at the Boardroom at 501 Manhattan on odd months
    • After discussion, Board members were more supportive of keeping base on the Westbank but giving Board president discretion to schedule meetings on the Eastbank if agenda items indicated mostly Eastbank interest in the agenda for a particular meeting
  • Memorandum of Understanding with Kenner Discovery Health and Science Academy for one Pre-K class for the 2015-2016 School Year
    • Committee was generally supportive but with several questions about district's and school's Pre-K programs
    • Three persons spoke in support
    • The MOU was for a state-funded LA-4 Pre-K for low-income families
      • See as one way for school to increase diversity of student body
  • Laureate Academy Charter Operating Agreement
    • Committee was divided over this proposal, which had been kept off the agenda for two months
    • Laureate had previously been awarded the charter
      • School to be located in Harvey to serve Grades K-8
      • Current proposal was to approve Operating Agreement
    • Two persons spoke in support of the proposal
  • General public comment being placed on every JPSB agenda
    • Proposed that citizens be allowed to speak to the Board at every meeting on non-agenda items so the public can have their concerns addressed
    • Not discussed due to limited time available - deferred to Regular Session Board Meeting
  • Executive Session to discuss a letter sent out to Dr. James Meza, past Superintendent
    • Proposal to discuss in Executive Session the letter that was sent out to Dr. Meza and any potential damages to the School Board
    • Not discussed due to limited time available - deferred to Regular Session Board Meeting
  • Preparation of the JPSB agenda
    • Proposed policy that the Superintendent shall maintain the authority and be responsible for the preparation of the agenda for all Board meetings and said agenda shall include all matters properly brought forth by Board Members and matters recommended by the Superintendent and Administration for consideration by the Board
    • No Board Member shall cause any item recommended by the Superintendent and Administration to be removed from the agenda before consideration by the full Board
    • Any action by any Board Member to coerce, intimidate, threaten or otherwise influence the Superintendent and Administration's placement of recommendations on the agenda for consideration, shall be reason and cause for public censure of the offending Board Member
    • Not discussed due to limited time available - deferred to Regular Session Board Meeting
  • Memorandum of Understanding between JFT and JPSB
    • Regarding eliminating annual contracts for individual teachers
    • Not discussed due to limited time available - deferred to regular Session Board Meeting
  • Bid process for dental and vision benefits for all employees of JPPSS
    • Joint proposal with JFT Health and Welfare Fund
    • Fund director discussed the plan
    • A vendor asked to be allowed to submit a bid
Regular Session Board Meeting
Viewed presentation and recognized achievements 
  • School Showcase - Helen Cox HS
    • Presentation by school honoring the student body's diversity
Second Readings
Discussed recommendations and took action as indicated 
  • Jefferson Federation of Teachers (JFT) Student Discipline Task Force Resolution
    • Approved the resolution
    • JFT representative spoke in support
  • Terminating Property One management services for the Emenes Building
    • Passed 8-1
  • Jefferson Rise Charter Operating Agreement
    • Passed 7-2
    • Board Vice-president said that these were the last charters he was voting to approve
    • Seven persons spoke in support
  • Regularly scheduled Jefferson Parish School BoardMeetings
    • Proposed that regularly scheduled meetings of the Jefferson Parish School Board be held alternating on the Eastbank at the Boardroom at Bonnabel High School on even months and the Westbbank at the Boardroom at 501 Manhattan on odd months
    • Passed 8-1 and alternative proposal that meetings will normally be on the Westbank but  to allow Board President to set meetings on Eastbank when meeting agendas have mostly Eastbank issues
  • Memorandum of Understanding with Kenner Discovery Health and Science Academy for one Pre-K class for the 2015-2016 School Year
    • Passed the proposal
    • Three persons spoke in support
  • Laureate Academy Charter Operating Agreement
    • Passed 7-2
    • Seven persons spoke in support
    • Also included lease of closed JPSB school building to be renovated at charter's expense
  • General public comment being placed on every JPSB agenda
    • Proposed that citizens be allowed to speak to the Board at every meeting on non-agenda items and so the public can have their concerns addressed
    • Withdrawn because Board policy already says that for Regular Session Board Meetings
  • Executive Session to discuss a letter sent out to Dr. James Meza, past Superintendent
    • Recessed to discuss in Executive Session the letter that was sent out to Dr. Meza and any potential damages to the School Board
    • No action taken when Board reconvened in Open Session
  • Preparation of the JPSB agenda
    • Proposed policy that the Superintendent shall maintain the authority and be responsible for the preparation of the agenda for all Board meetings and said agenda shall include all matters properly brought forth by Board Members and matters recommended by the Superintendent and Administration for consideration by the Board
    • No Board Member shall cause any item recommended by the Superintendent and Administration to be removed from the agenda before consideration by the full Board
    • Any action by any Board Member to coerce, intimidate, threaten or otherwise influence the Superintendent and Administration's placement of recommendations on the agenda for consideration, shall be reason and cause for public censure of the offending Board Member
    • Passed 5-3-1
    • Discussion mostly centered on role and limitations of the position of Board President
Consent Agenda
Passed all of the Superintendent's recommendations 
  • Budget and scope - Airline Park Academy for Advanced Studies - Project #2015-55
    • Roof replacement and related structural repairs - $80,000
    • Competitive bids will be sought
  • Engineer, contractor and scope - John Ehret HS - Project #2015-56
    • Emergency structural repairs to gym
    • Budget = $65,000 including design
    • Python Corporation contractor - $59,855
  • Construction Contract - G. T. Woods ES - Project #2012-12
  • Contract with Young Audiences of LA for artist-in-residence program at West Jefferson HS
    • Dance and theatre classes - $ 28,320
  • Purchase of Superintendent's vehicle via cooperative purchasing agreement with JPSO
    • 2015 Ford Expedition
  • Adjustment of grade-level enrollment capacity at Patrick Taylor Academy
    • Align the per grade level enrollment at Patrick Taylor Academy with the other 6-12 ASA school (Haynes Academy)
    • Beginning with the 15-16 school year, Patrick Taylor will have an enrollment capacity of 125 students per grade level
  • Project READ contract for Kindergarten Advancement Program (KAP)
    • Students who were in Pre-K during the 2014-2015 school year will be offered a 17-day intensive jumpstart program during the month of July
New Business
Discussed proposals and took action as indicated 
  • Public Hearing on Monday, June 8, 2015 
    • Proposal for reopening of St. Ville and Middleton at the Ruppel Site
    • Consolidation of Ruppel and Thomas Jefferson Academies
    • Information item only
    • One Board member objected to procedure for such a hearing being called by Board President without prior review and discussion
      • Motion to strike from the agenda was not recognized by the President
  • Memorandum of Understanding between JFT and JPSB
    • Elimination of individual contracts for teachers
    • Passed 6-3
    • JFT representative spoke in support
  • Agreement with JFT Health and Welfare Fund to study and conduct a bid process for dental and vision benefits for all employees of JPPSS
    • JFTHWF representative spoke in support
    • Lengthy discussing on various aspects of the proposal
    • Passed 7-2 with shared costs and JPSB's share capped at $25,000.
Public Delegation(s)
Heard public delegations on items not on agenda and took action as noted

  • Teacher for America (TFA)
    • Over 40 persons registered to speak in support of the TFA contract which the Board deferred from its last meeting but did not place on the agenda for this meeting
    • Passed $266,000 contract deferred from last meeting

Appendix - Administrative Reports 
  • Check register - March 28 - April 27, 2015
  • Budget to actual 3/31/2015
  • 2015-2016 Employment Calendar

This service is made possible by funding from the 
Robert Reily Family Trust.