October 1, 2014
Vancouver Island School of Art Newsletter

Help us spread the word about our upcoming  
10th Anniversary Gala fundraiser on October 19 
Please send image below to friends, family and/or businesses and  professionals you deal with on a regular basis. We are asking for your assistance in promoting the event because it would be so fantastic to get some people at our celebration who are new to VISA.
Collage: Studies in Composition
Sunday, October 5, 1pm - 4pm

In this workshop you will work with simple materials and tools such as coloured and patterned papers, scissors and glue. These are all you need to create exciting and vibrant compositions. Working with a 'paper palette' of colours and patterns is the most immediate way to arrange various elements on a picture plane. Overview of the basic principles of design and how to implement them in collage compositions will be covered.

This workshop is perfect for you if you are looking for new ways to approach the design of your work, or if you want an easy, stress-free way to do something creative.

Suitable for beginners.

Instructor: Wendy Welch
Fee: $65 (materials included)


To register on-line
Update on Beautification Project
We are almost at the half way point of our fundraising goal of $10,000 for the beautification of the school. We are in need of more funds to paint the
front entrance area and to purchase materials for the
VISA letters to be mounted on the front. 

Below is Xane St Phillip's design sketch for the north side of the building.    

Letter panels for front


To donate: Beautification Campaign

Thank you to all who have donated so far: Shirley Grosser,
Alice Hargrove, Lynda Gammon, Barbara Haslin, Annelie Dominik,
Miko Betanzo, Barrie Szekely, Barbara Kerwin, Tish Clayton,
Amy Cripps, Katheryn MacCallum, Tricia Hodgins, Christine Scott,
Dawn Brook Lang, Nikky Rendell, Lesley Bennett, Wendy Patterson,
Terry Vatrt, Judith Herman, Kathleen Lane, Frank Mitchell, Bev Lenihan,
Josi Abata, Michael Shamata, Karen McDiarmaid, Deborah Glover,
Marlene Jess, Chiarina Loggia, Linda Large, Colette Baty, Kevin Farris,
Barbara McCaffrey, Mary-Ellen Threadkell, David Good, Lynda McKewan,
Mena Quilici, Doug Turner, Marianne Brabanski, Steve Mac, Joanne Kahan, Alana Nast, Beatrice van Winden, Kristin Krimmel, Lynn Wylie, Elizabeth Wells, LA Nicholson, Rhonda Usipiuk and all those who wish to remain anonymous.

Christine Clark: Birthday Party Paintings
Xchanges Friday, October 3, 7-9 pm

Christine Clark's paintings were made over two and half years.  Each complete image encapsulates up to three or four previous versions, each new version either obliterating or enhancing the previous image.  Texture can never be entirely erased, and in many of the complete images, previous versions are still visible.  

Exhibition continues to Sunday October 19th
Gallery open Saturdays and Sundays 12-4pm

Studio Space Available

$520.00 atmonth for 400 sq feet w/ sky light and track lighting. Includes internet, hydro, access to washrooms
at the Ministry of Casual Living - 819 Fort St

Possible for studio share or individual use.

For more info

For more information contact Melissa in the office
Certificate of Visual Art = 1st year of a BFA at Emily Carr VISA's Certificate of Visual Art = 1st year of a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Media Arts or Bachelor of Design degree at the EMILY CARR UNIVERSITY OF ART + DESIGN
Diploma of Fine Arts at VISA transferable to University of Gloucestershire, UK Diploma of Fine Arts + 8 months at the University of Gloucestershire = BA in Fine Art.
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Vancouver Island School of Art
2549 Quadra Street
Victoria, V8T 4E1

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