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Visit our Gift Shop for great apparel and accessories that help Save Our Lake & Coast and look for our Lighthouse Gift Shop to open Spring 2013.
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Tuesday, January 22

Docent Training mtg


Tues., February 5th 

Coastal Crew mtg.  



June 1 & June 2 

Back to the Beach Festival


Area businesses and organizations frequently team up with LPBF to help Save Our Lake & Coast in fun and unique ways.  You can help by supporting our partners.

LPBF Outreach Programs


LPBF offers 

free educational programming  

for students, adults and out of town visitors. Email joann@saveourlake.org for details. 


New Canal Lighthouse
Become a part of our rebuilding.
 Buy a brick to get in the second installation or donate today! 

 Signing up to make a recurring donation to LPBF is a great way to show your continued support.  For just $10 a month, you will become an LPBF SUSTAINER.    

Thank you for your support!

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Basin Bulletin Logo

January 2013

1st Brick Installation scheduled for New Canal Lighthouse Fountain Plaza Lighthouse

Great news! We are installing the first personalized, commemorative bricks at the New Canal Lighthouse.  Thank you to everyone who has already purchased a brick to help rebuild a beloved city landmark.   If you have not yet bought a brick you can still become a permanent part of this beautiful lakefront structure.  By purchasing a brick now, you will insure your inclusion in our second brick installment. Don't miss out,

$200 - 4"x8" with 3 lines of text

$500 - 8"x8" with either 3 lines of text and our lighthouse logo OR 4 lines of text

$1000 - 8"x8" with 3 lines of text and the logo of your choice (you provide artwork)

* On all bricks, text must be a maximum of 18 characters (spacing and punctuation included) 

      Call to Action bohemia

In 2012, Mardi Gras Pass (MGP) became the most recent distributary of the Lower Mississippi River.  It was created by natural erosion processes initiated by the high-water event of 2011, while LPBF was conducting a spillway-wide hydrologic survey.  A proposed private project under permit  review by the Corps  would severely limit Mardi Gras pass, and reduce the ecologic benefits.


Please urge the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State of Louisiana to deny Sundown Energy's application to culvert Mardi Gras Pass in order to reconstruct a private road.  Leaving Mardi Gras Pass open-and classifying it as the navigable river it is-will benefit our eroding coastal wetlands and is in the best interest of the citizens of Louisiana.


The state's new coastal master plan calls for a project not unlike Mardi Gras Pass just a few miles south of this location. If left open, the pass could evolve into a managed diversion at a large cost savings to the state and the nation.  If the permit is not denied outright, then the issue of the permit's impacts on Mardi Gras Pass-and alternatives to filling in the river-should be further explored at a public hearing.


 New Canal Lighthouse Volunteer Class
LPBF will be holding the first of two training classes on January 22nd for adults interested in becoming a lighthouse volunteer (also called "docent").  The second class (two time options) for the docents
will be in February.  After being trained, docents will be asked to donate one four hour shift every two weeks to assist at the lighthouse leading tours, giving out info, taking admission and helping in the gift shop. Email joann@saveourlake.org for more information. 
LPBF New Canal Lighthouse Update
The New Canal Lighthouse is scheduled to open in Spring 2013. There will be a museum on the first floor with displays and a beautiful panoramic view of the lakefront. It will be open to the public Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays for a small admission.  Staff offices will be on the second floor. There will also be an education center where environmental and history programs will be offered. 
"Back to the Beach" scheduled for 2013
Save the Date! 

The 24th annual LPBF Back to the Beach Festival will be held on Saturday, June 1st and Sunday 2nd at Laketown on the lake in Kenner. Contact LPBF for sponsorship information and look for the band schedule in the next few weeks.

Volunteer and Membership Opportunities
Is your New Year's resolution to volunteer your time for a great cause? Come help Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation to Save Our Lake and Coast.  LPBF has annual memberships starting at only $25.  There are also many volunteer opportunities including event volunteers, office volunteers and Coastal Crew volunteers. 
LPBF in the News...
USA Today