Innovar Ltd Newsletter    

News update on financial planning for business


February 2014
Hi all,

Its seems amazing that January has already come and gone, albeit without the usual deposit of snow, just lots and lots of rain. This hasn't deterred us at Innovar from delivering another Newsletter full of articles that we hope you will find of interest.

This month our articles all consider ways to get the best from the planning, forecasting and budgeting you do within your company. The article 'Planning to Change' considers some searching questions you need to ask yourself if you are thinking of changing your planning system. The article 'Three Practices to Improve Your Planning and Forecasting' explains ways you can improve your planning system, learnt from our experiences on seeing some of the poor practices we repeatedly come across when visting customer sites. And finally the article 'Where's My Data Gone?' provides sound advice for avoiding a disaster recovery situation and how to cope if it does happen to you.

We hope you find this useful and would welcome any feedback you may have. If you enjoyed reading this then please feel free to share this with your colleagues 


Innovar is the expert planning company. We offer Cognos Planning, BOARD and  Anaplan software and implementation services. We provide specialist budgeting and forecasting training and consultancy services and we help solve spreadsheet issues.

In this issue
Planning to Change
Three Practices to Improve Your Planning and Forecasting
Where's My Data Gone?
And Finally


Planning to Change?


If you think you might want to change your planning solution, then think very carefully. You are about to make some important choices that could cost you dearly. They could cost your company lots of money. They could cost you and your company loads of heartache and wasted time. They could ultimately cost you your job. Let me explain.


Read full article Here 


 Three Practices to Improve Your Planning and Forecasting

There are many ways to do planning and forecasting within a company and undoubtedly some ways are better than others or at least more appropriate than others. Over the years we have experienced many of these during the course of working with hundreds of customers. So I have documented in this article three suggested practices to help improve your planning and forecasting.


Read full article Here 


Where's My Data Gone?

Have you thought about, what if any of your critical systems or processes failed? What if your mega spreadsheet(s) containing all your workings for the next forecast became corrupted? How would you cope? How would you manage? What is your back up plan? Is there a backup plan?

Read more Here 

And Finally

"All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your destination." 



Earl Nightingale



Quick Links


Best regards, 



Janice Jones

Office: 0844 870 0083

Mobile: 07884155863


Follow us on Twitter: @innovarltd

Follow us on Linked In:Click Here 



Registered in England & Wales 6457757



If you want to improve your forecasting, then why not talk to me and find out if Innovar

can help you. We are "the planning experts" and we have helped hundreds of  

companies improve their planning processes so that they have more accurate forecasts  that take less time to complete.  


I can arrange to do a free web demo for you which will take just 45 minutes to complete.   


This could be the first step to helping you achieve all your budgeting, planning and  forecasting goals.