Statehouse action alert
Spotlight HEC
What happened to key Indiana legislation on final day
- Indy Star

Changed wording delays debate on right to hunt, fish
- Rushville Republican

Governor should veto bill that kills energy efficiency
- Indy Star

DNR announces Owen-Putnam Forest expansion
- Banner Graphic

Last ever load of coal arrives at Downtown steam plant
- Indy Star
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Talk to your Legislators

Now is the most important time to talk to your legislators!  Attend events in your district, or email them to thank them for their votes...or urge them to vote differently in the future.

Meet Your Legislator

March 21
- LaPorte
- South Bend

March 22
- Vincennes
- Warsaw

March 24
- Danville

Some Chamber-sponsored events are not open to the general public; for others, there is a cost to attend.  

Find information on upcoming events HERE.
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Wrapping up the 2014 Session
Thanks to Your Support, Several Positive Bills will Become Law! 

Learn more about the 2014 Legislative Session and how this year's legislation fared on our Bill Watch page.  In the coming weeks, we will post an in-depth legislative wrap-up and scorecard.  

Urge Governor to Veto Anti-Clean Energy Bill

Despite opposition from numerous stakeholders, Senate Enrolled Act 340 passed both the House and the Senate. This bill was amended in the House to completely eliminate our only comprehensive clean energy program - Energizing Indiana. This dramatic change to the bill occurred late in the session, and happened without being thoroughly evaluated in House or Senate committees. HEC and our allies have reached out to Governor Pence, and we continue to encourage him to stop this act from becoming law!

ACT TODAY: Tell Governor Pence to veto SEA 340!  Send an email with one click through our Action Center!

Find out how your legislators voted HERE.

The General Assembly also considered other energy bills.  House Bill 1157 would have authorized municipalities to issue Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) bonds - helping to fund clean energy projects. Unfortunately, PACE legislation did not progress this session.

On the other hand, House Enrolled Act 1423, a bill to allow the owner of a private generation project to sell back excess electric output, also passed this session. This bill will make it easier to finance clean energy projects.
Find out how your legislators voted HERE.

General Assembly Gets on Board with Transit

Legislation - Finally!

In a milestone for more sustainable transportation in Indiana, the Central Indiana transit bill -- Senate Enrolled Act 176 -- was approved in the final hours of the session, as House and Senate conferees resolved differences between the two chamber's versions.  The final compromise was convincingly approved by the Senate by a vote of 32-16, and by the House by a vote of 66-34.  


The bill now goes to Governor Pence to be signed into law.  Please call his office at 317-232-4567 or click here to send an email and urge him to sign the bill.

Find out how your legislator voted HERE
 , and be sure to say thanks to your legislators who supported this bill.
SUCCESS! HEC and Allies Stop Anti- Environmental-Safeguard Bill in Committee!
coal ash/power plant HB 1143 would have prohibited the Indiana Environmental Rules Board from adopting any environmental safeguards that are stronger than the federal minimum standards. Had this bill passed, Indiana's environmental policymakers would not have been able to, say, tighten safeguards for atrazine, a chemical banned in the EU.

We thank Senator Charbonneau for holding this bill in committee!

In other legislative action, language that would have put into law a moratorium on new environmental regulations was stripped from HEA 1005 - ensuring that the environmental rules board retains the authority to enact new safeguards!
Huge Victory! Constitutional Amendment Favoring Factory Farms Defeated  
With your help, we were able to convince lawmakers not to enshrine a fundamental Right to (Factory) Farm in the Indiana Constitution. Given the significant influence that lobbyists for Big Ag have in our state legislature, this is an incredible victory for people who are concerned about the devastating impacts of factory farms. Had the amendment passed, it would have provided unprecedented legal immunity for factory farm operators at the expense of public health, food safety, the environment and rural communities.   

Thank you for helping us defeat this dangerous measure!

The controversial Ag-Gag bill was dramatically changed over the course of this session, and was  amended to focus only on criminal trespass.  While SEA 101 did pass, the most troubling provisions were removed.
Find out how your legislators voted on SEA 101 HERE.

Unfortunately, SEA 186 passed. The bill grants special legal protection for agriculture and requires judges and policymakers to construe Indiana's laws in favor of agribusiness interests. HEC will follow the implementation of this law to make sure that it doesn't infringe on the rights of others.
Find out how your legislators voted on SEA 186 HERE.
Legislators Adopt Resolutions that Encourage Wilderness Protection Study
trees-square-sm.jpg Resolutions introduced by Rep. Eric Koch (R-Bedford) and Sen. Brent Steele (R-Bedford), and cosponsored by nearly one-half of the legislature, have been approved by the House and Senate.  Both House Resolution 16 and Senate Resolution 61 urge a legislative study of the merits and drawbacks of wilderness protection on state public lands such as state forests and state parks. 

We are also pleased to report that the "Canned Hunting" legislation (SB 404) was defeated on the Senate floor!  Please take just one minute to thank your Senator for voting against this measure...or explain why they should have opposed it. 

Thank you for taking action on these critical bills!  If you need help reaching your legislator, or want more information on these bills, please write Falon French at



JesseTrans Sig final  

Jesse Kharbanda

Executive Director

Hoosier Environmental Council