Newsletter | November 2014
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Get 'em on The Boat!

Living to our principles is what unites us and will change the world.


This month we point you toward stories of fiercely hot Unitarian Universalist belief and action from the past month of the Blue Boat - and a rockin' fun video by the Youth Caucus '15 Deans who have a time-limited offer you are going to want to accept!
Generate some heat and energy - share 'em.

- Your Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

Stories and Voices  From the UU P.O.V. 
Samantha Ames testifies at the United Nations, aiming to end a form of torture with her
Events and Opportunities  To Involve UUs.
Emily Parker energetically tracks the Bridging experience to Improve Unitarian Universalism for Young Adults
Guides and Tools  To Build Vibrant Ministry.

Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries | Unitarian Universalist Association