Newsletter / January 2014
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Get 'em on The Boat!

Living to our principles is what unites us and will change the world.


A discussion, a sale and a chance to build something lasting...

2014 is looking pretty good.

                                      Happy New Year!

- Your Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries.

Stories and Voices  From the UU P.O.V. 
Carey McDonald's thoughts after attending "Sunday Assembly" is generating lots of discussion RIGHT NOW. Read it and voice your opinion! Sunday Assembly Has it Backwards.

Events and Opportunities  To Involve UUs.
The third annual Standing on the Side of Love
"30 Days of Love" campaign begins in one week. The sale on "love" gear is now, so you can
Wear Your Love on Your Sleeve.

CLICK for more Events and Opportunities  

Guides and Tools  To Build Vibrant Ministry.
Join C*YUUAN in its ambition to build a new Young Adult. Become a Faith Architect and
Build Faith by Plan

YA Mos Ch Many Voices
blue uua chalice

             Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Unitarian Universalist Association