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November 2014

Issue No. 44

Volunteer Corner

Volunteers of the Month   

Xiomara Mena and Lucy Cristancho have been members of the Volunteer Corps for almost three years. In 2012 they attended a Citizenship Now! event at LaGuardia Community College as part of a group. Since then, they have attended countless events almost always together. We sat down with them at our October 25th Brooklyn event to hear their thoughts on being part of our Volunteer Corps. Click below to read the interview.

Director's Corner

nullObama Announces New Deferred Action Program
In this month's column, Allan discusses the President's new deferred action plan and what this means for CUNY Citizenship Now! and the Volunteer Corps. 
Click here to read more.

What's Happening at
CUNY Citizenship Now!


Recent Events
CUNY Citizenship Now recently held two Citizenship Application Assistance Events in Queens and Brooklyn. On October 18, we held a NYCitizenship in Schools event sponsored by the Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs. Forty seven volunteers came out and assisted 131 participants interested in naturalizing. On October 25th we held an event at Sunset Park High School in Brooklyn where 45 participants were helped with determining their eligibility for citizenship. Council Member Carlos Menchaca, CUNY Vice Chancellor, Jay Hershenson and the Consul General of Mexico in New York, Emb. Sandra Fuentes-Berain came out in support of volunteers and to thank them for their effort in helping others in the community. Click here to see photos from our October 18th event and click here for photos from our October 25th event.


Member Network

Mark Your Calendars

November 25, 2014
Citizenship Now! Application
Assistance Event in Manhattan
Register Now!

Saturday, December 6, 2014
Citizenship Now! Application
Assistance Event
Registration Coming Soon



  Bulletin Board

Thanks to all our volunteers for giving their time to help us at our CUNY Month Citizenship Application Assistance Events so far! Your contribution is greatly appreciated.  


Fun and Stuff

Question Mark Icon

Poll Question  

You are assisting a participant, Stella, at
a Saturday event at the application
assistance station. Stella tells you that her
brother, Andrew, also wants to apply for
citizenship but he was arrested several
years ago. Andrew lives in Brooklyn and
has made an appointment to be assisted
at the next Brooklyn event. Stella wants to
know how she can help Andrew prepare
for the next event by helping him get
information about his arrests.

You assist Stella by:

Click here to answer

Managing Editor

A. Sofia Carreno


Legal Editor
Allan Wernick, Esq.


Gabriel Espinal

This Month's Newsletter and
Member Network Contributors

Tom Shea, Esq.
Tamara Bloom, Esq.
Stina Rosenquist
David Sturniolo