Allied, Associate and Student Members
Raquel Demaio, Student ASID | Christina H. Romann, Allied ASID | J.Ramon Portillo, Allied ASID | Stephanie Ruth Conca, Student ASID | Chunxue Zhao, Student ASID | Savannah T Dominguez, Student ASID | Debbie Blumencranz, Allied ASID | Rita Marber, Allied ASID | Janine Marie Colicchio, Student ASID | Christopher Gabriel Turpin, Student ASID | Natalie Steimle, Student ASID |
Kimberlee Ann Ageloff, ASID
Christine Smith, Student ASID
Melanie F. Schofield, Allied ASID
Carol D. Schuler, Allied ASID
Aileen Mazzeo, Student ASID
Ellen Elizabeth Kebabian, Allied ASID
Jennifer Kathryn Covino, Student ASID
Lisa Zhen, Student ASID
Taylor Mcknight, Student ASID
Jennifer S Weil, Student ASID
Mary Marcello, Student ASID
Shania Von Ballsieper, Student ASID
Alyson Gontarski, Student ASID
Jeffery Paul Graham, Student ASID
Pippa J Ellis, Student ASID
Judith Harrison, Allied ASID
Emily Prior-Crofoot, Allied ASID
Deborah Katz, Allied ASID
How to Upgrade your Designer Portfolio
Go to the Log In tab at www.asidct.org
then select your chapter and log in by entering your Firstname.Lastname.membership number (enter exactly as shown, using capital letters and periods)then use your ASID member number again as your password.
Once you have logged in you will see your member preview and a place to upgrade your portfolio. Also when you are logged in you can edit your profile and add photos.
If you have any problems or don't know your member number please email administrator@ct.asid.org
Transform the Education Experience and Get it Funded
The ASID Foundation is accepting proposals for its fifth annual Transform Research Grant through Dec. 7. This year, the Foundation will award up to $100,000 in grant money to evidence-based research projects that address the impact of design on learning and how to design spaces that optimize the learning experience. Design professionals, clients, scientists, and educators are encouraged to apply. Interdisciplinary collaborations are also welcome. For complete submission guidelines and additional information about the ASID Foundation Transform Grant, please download the RFP.
Two Months Left 'Til CEU Deadline
Have you earned the 1.0 CEUs (10 credit hours) required to maintain your ASID membership? You have until December 31, 2015 to complete the CEU requirement. Check your personal transcript at idcec.org to make sure you have reported all of the CEUs you have earned. Access your CEU report. The ASID Academy offers 30+ courses you can take anytime, anywhere to meet the deadline. Check it out today.
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation Recognizes the Value of Licensed Interior Designers!
The Florida Secretary of Department of Business and Professional Regulation (FL DBPR) showcases the importance of licensed interior designers in their Bottom Linenewsletter. Mr. Ken Lawson, Secretary of FL DBPR, highlights the value of licensed professionals who play a key role in designing Florida structures to be safe for the community. In the newsletter he further explains the knowledge and expertise these individuals must have to maintain their license and ensure consumer protection. These type of articles shall be celebrated across the design community as it demonstrates the impact licensed interior designers have on the industry.
To read the entire article you can access it here.
As the "One Voice" of the industry, ASID has the resources and commitment to serve not just our members, but all interior designers across the country. If you have questions and would like more information about the Florida law, please do not hesitate to reach out to the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID) Government & Public Affairs Department at either gpa@asid.org or by calling 202-546-3480.
Get to Know All of the ASID Advantage Programs
Trade Pricing Design professionals specified over $68.5 billion dollars over the last year,* so having access to wholesale pricing and exclusive products can be a huge advantage to your business. This is one of the top selling points that drive consumers to work with design professionals and the hundreds of ASID Industry Partner members that are eager to partner with you. Dedicated sponsor emails will keep you informed about the discounts ASID members receive with select manufactures. Keep checking our growing list of trade discounts here.
ASID Job Bank Looking for your next job or new talent to help build your team? ASID has one of the most respected job banks in the industry and has connected people to jobs all over the country. It's important to know where to look when you are ready to talk interior design jobs! ASID members receive a discount on job placement ads.
Magazine Subscriptions
In addition to your complimentary subscription to ASID ICON, you also have exclusive access to some of the leading publications within our industry!
Participating publications include Contract, Metropolis, Interior Design, and Luxe.
If you would like to learn more about industry partner membership and how it can leverage your company, click here.
A Mother's Journey
Her Haven's mission to bring comfort and care to inspiring women through the gift of design is realized in this outreach of support for Donna, mother of Maren Sanchez of Milford, CT. Even with the most significant loss a mother can imagine, Donna is continuing to move forward and transition to a new stage of life. Her Haven will help Donna by transforming the house that was once a family home to one that provides comfort, care, healing and hope for a bereaved mother, determined to uplift her community and inspire others through her efforts to share Maren's legacy of peace and love.
We are pleased to announce that award-winning interior designer Christina H. Romann, Allied ASID, Partner and Co-creative Director of C2 Limited Design Associates, has offered her pro bono services to be the Lead Designer on this project. We know Ms. Romann will utilize her many years' experience, talent and compassion to ensure Donna has a beautiful, warm and comforting home.
Event Summary
Her Haven wishes to hold a fundraiser at the Fairfield County Hunt Club in the spring of 2016 to raise operating and project funds. The evening will include hors d'oeuvres, dinner, a concert by renowned reggae artist Mystic Bowie, live and silent auction, and raffle. We expect the event to be well-attended to maximum capacity, as the outreach of support for Donna has been tremendous.
A committee of well over 30 people will help plan this event, ensuring it is well-executed and fun!
Caitlin Lott, Student ASID
University of Bridgeport
About 17 years ago, my grandma put on HGTV while she was looking after me. That's when I decided I wanted to be an interior designer. I have my associate's degree from Norwalk Community College and I'm working on my bachelor's degree at University of Bridgeport. My goal is to do as many different things as I can and eventually open my own design business.
Joining ASID was one of the smartest things I've done. There are a lot of helpful resources and you meet so many other design students. It's nice being surrounded by people who share the same passion as you!
As promised, ASID CT 2015-2016 is off to an amazing start. Our calendar of events and CEU offerings have thus far and will continue to be diverse and geared for our entire membership demographic at little or no cost to you as members of ASID CT, thanks in part to our Industry Partners and their amazing support and generosity.
Our vision for engaging and empowering membership is working. To date we have exceeded our initial self-imposed metric to increase membership and I am happy to report that we have 11 new members since implementing our membership drive in September thanks impart to the amazing work of Leo Robitaille our Membership Director.
Please reach out to Leo at membership@ct.asid.org so we can better understand your changing needs as a Member of ASID CT .
Mentoring Matters: Empowering Our Next Generation of Designers
Whether you own your own design practice or plan to at some point in your career, you probably realize the importance of mentorship in the workplace. You may even have a mentor of your own whom you look up to, ask for advice, and count on for feedback on tough assignments and situations.
5 Reasons you'll benefit from helping a Mentee
It sounds like another obligation, but serving as a mentor has its benefits too.
So why not consider becoming a mentor? Young designers often need someone to guide them in the beginning of their career.
Learn new things.
It's inevitable that a designer younger than you will know more about a topic you're less familiar with. For example, technology or social media. Every generation has their strengths, and mentor relationships are a great way to learn from one another so we can all improve our professional lives.
Share your knowledge.
Even if you've never wanted to be a teacher, sharing your knowledge with someone else can be empowering. Help emerging designers avoid pitfalls you may have faced in your career.
Build professional relationships. Although you probably have a variety of design community connections at this point in your career, a mentor-mentee relationship offers different benefits.
Develop leadership skills.
Becoming a mentor can help you learn how to oversee and guide others. Discover how to manage an emerging designer and tap into your leadership abilities through advising a mentee.
Give back.
Mentoring is an opportunity to help emerging designers improve their skills, continue their education, and become better at their jobs. Not only does it help our industry but it can also make you feel good by helping someone else.
ASID is the voice of the industry. We are here to help you find yours!
With best regards and tremendous respect,
Craig J. Smith, RID ASID, NCIDQ
President, ASID CT
ASID CT Design Matters invites you to join two sessions of Business Strategy in Design
Tuesday, November 17
5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Hosted by Fordham Marble
2291 Fairfield Avenue
Click HERE for further information and to register
Thank you to our sponsors
Fordham Marble
Murphy Brothers Contracting
Andersen Windows
Carlisle Wide Plank Floors
ASID CT Holiday Party 2015
Save the Date
Thursday, December 10
6 to 9 p.m.
Hosted by LaPietra Marble & Granite
Sunday October 11th was the perfect fall day at Short Beach Park in Stratford, where the ASID Connecticut Chapter held our "Sunday Social Pumpkin Painting," organized by our Student Representative to the Board Kristin Firine. The upcoming holiday scene was set with Halloween décor and music directing students to one of the pavilions along the beach.
The event started out by 26 students from both University of New Haven and University of Bridgeport filling out all of the picnic tables and networking with each other and other board members and designers, such as Leo Robitaille our Membership Director, and Shamima Momtaz our Emerging Professionals Committee Chair, and Alex Lanuk of ATL Environments. Catering provided by our sponsor and guest speaker Amy Figueroa of Benjamin Moore occupied a large table among a wide variety of painting supplies available to the students. Pumpkins were placed at each seat at the tables and students had a blast letting their creativity flow while being inspired by Amy's "The Power of Color" CEU, discussing colors impact on a room and the emotions the colors can reflect.
The end result was a whole line of pumpkins painted by each individual student, and they continued to mingle while admiring all of the detail and originality of each pumpkin. The intention of the event was to strengthen the connection of the various design schools, while inspiring the students ingenuity for a relaxing Sunday afternoon. This was successful as shown in the various students from both schools that went out of their way to volunteer and help both set up and disassemble the event, while discussing future events to host together.
Please click HERE for photos
We celebrated the end of another great year at ASID CT and began an exciting new year at the wonderful Fairfield County Hunt Club, Westport on Thursday, September 17. It was a superb sold out evening sponsored by Farrow & Ball, Circa Lighting and New England Home. Amy Eisenberg, ASID CT Chapter President in 2015 handed over the reins to Craig J. Smith, the new Chapter President for 2016, during a wonderful dinner, a video by ASID CEO Randy Fisher and a fascinating talk by our keynote speaker, Dr. Leslie Harrington, executive director of the Color Association of the U.S. Our silent auction raised funds for Her Haven, a non profit organization, who bring beauty, comfort and
care to inspiring women - and organizations that serve women - through the gift of design. Thank you to IMT, Waterworks, L&M Custom Carpets, Duxiana, Greenhook Ginsmiths, Kat Burki, Diane James Home, Visual Profile Books, Collyer Catering, Rockwell Art & Framing, Artistic Tile, Westport Playhouse, Westport Arts Center and Old Saybrook Inn for the generous silent auction items and all those who helped organize this wonderful evening, especially the Fairfield County Hunt Club.
For photos please click HERE
British craftsmen in paint and paper, Farrow & Ball creates unmatched paints and handcrafted wallpapers at its home in Dorset, England. This Fall three new wallpaper designs were introduced globally - bringing the outside in as each conjures lazy days in country meadows. Each pattern evokes rural scenes with hazy grasses, endless hedgerows and pretty blossoms all represented. Inspired by Farrow & Ball's Dorset roots, and time spent in the nearby Isle of Purbeck, the collection embraces the beauty of nature. People lead increasingly busy lives and these designs will create a soft, peaceful look in any space. Blotsma, named after the old English for blossom, is inspired by the serendipitous moment when petals are caught and carried away by the breeze. Hornbeam celebrates the hedgerows characteristic of the British countryside. Made popular by English gardener Tom Stewart-Smith, Hornbeams are often cloud pruned into the shapes seen in this design. Feathered Grass, the first large scale border created by Farrow & Ball, conjures images of lazy days in country meadows with the feather grass pattern 55 1/8" high. Its gentle outlines will create a calming effect in any room. Made in the same way as all Farrow & Ball
artisanal wallpapers, the new designs are traditionally block printed using real Farrow & Ball paint, creating papers with exceptional beauty and a uniquely textured appearance. Each design is available in 7 colourways ranging from muted pastels to bold tones with metallic accents.
These and the entire Farrow & Ball paper and paint collection can be viewed at Farrow & Ball's showrooms in Westport and Greenwich, Connecticut and at its showroom in New York's D&D building. For more details, designers can visit farrow-ball.com or call a Farrow & Ball showroom for expert guidance.
Thank you to our Platinum Sponsors
Thank you to our Bronze sponsors
Thank you to our Media sponsors
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please visit our website or contact
administrator@ct.asid.org if you would like more information about partnering with ASID CT, advertising in our enewsletter, or sponsoring an event. We look forward to working with you!
Click Here for Event Sponsorship
and Annual Sponsorship