New date - June 14th!

Participatory Sense-Making for Evaluators: Data Parties and Dabbling in the Data

Data parties (also known as sense-making sessions, results-briefings, and data-driven reviews) play an important role in promoting evaluation use, but there is little information available on how to conduct one.  In this interactive webinar learn how to facilitate participatory analysis and organize a data party, as well as tips and techniques that set the stage for success.  

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this webinar you will be able to:
  • list reasons for holding a data party
  • describe possible hosting formats
  • clarify the kind of question you want the group to answer
  • choose appropriate team-based sense-making activities
  • state three tips for overall success.

Help us better tailor the webinar content even more to your needs by answering a needs assessment survey beforehand.

June 14, 2016, 10:00 - 11:30 am Pacific Daylight Time

$65 Cdn (includes GST)/$50 USD


Corey Newhouse is the Founder and Principal of Public Profit, a consultancy that helps youth service organizations measure and manage what matters. Corey is passionate about using evaluation to improve the quality of youth services, and loves cooking up new ways to help her clients learn to love data as much as she does. 


Kylie Hutchinson is an independent evaluator and Principal of Community Solutions Planning & Evaluation. Kylie is happiest when she is developing resources for evaluators that aren't boring.

Past Participants

"The presenter makes all the difference, and I think you do an incredible job of keeping people engaged."


"By far one of the best webinars I have seen! Great ideas and also validated some of the things I am doing right now!"


"I LOOOVED your presentation today.  I already have added a bunch of actionable tasks to my to-do list based on today's session.  It's great to be able to instantly use information presented-not typically the case with many webinars I attend."


"Great example of how to make a boring topic interesting!!"


"I enjoy these quick courses and use them to keep myself up to date and as I pay for them myself - they are affordable."

Community Solutions                          Public Profit LLC
604.243.9458                                     510.835.1669

Community Solutions Planning & Evaluation | PO Box 1911 | Gibsons | BC | V0N 1V0 | Canada