Volume 183 - Friday March 4th 2016
Have you seen www.UptonBass.com lately?  No?  We'll hit the link and take a look!  

Its all new...from the ground up completely rebuilt to utilize all the latest web technology!  

Easier to navigate, mobile friendly, "Amazon" style reviews and more...

We've been hard at work on this one, and with over two years of development, building, testing and soft launches, it's rip roaring and ready to go!
Got GAS?
Git your mind out of the gutter! We're talking about Gear Acquisition Syndrome.

All musicians have it.  We look...we drool...we wonder about all these strings and pickups and amps.  Will it make me sound better?  Can I play for longer? Will my audience be able to hear me better?  Will it make me sound like Ray Brown?

We'll wonder no more!  Get that gear you've had your eye on...and make no payments or have no interest for 6 months!  We've just implemented PayPal checkout in our online store and if you have (or apply for) PayPal Credit, qualifying purchases ($99 or more) are just around the corner!  Read more here on our Blog and get that Coda bow you've had your eye on for years!
Vintage Bass Showcase 
Bright, quick voice, very responsive and warm.  This reminds us of the Italian Pearwood bass we had last year, valued at nearly $100K.   
This pearl of a Hausmann is very lively and fun to play - light and compact with a quick large voice & good growl. Excellent

Beautiful tiger flamed maple highlight the back and sides, with arrow straight spruce.   

Its condition absolutely defies its age.
About Us 
Did you know Upton Bass is on a Historic Mill Site?
Located in the Burnett's Corner historic district of Old Mystic, CT, the Upton Bass barn brings back to life an important part of early American history when small groups of craftsmen created things with their hands...

Have fun exploring the new site and be sure to drop us a line and tell us what you think!


Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co

Upton Bass String Instrument Co
159 Packer Road, Mystic, CT 06355