Volume 182 - Friday January 22nd 2016
We're going to be leaking out several new format changes in the upcoming months.  Everything from this newsletter, forum banners, business cards and even the website are getting a makeover for 2016!  We've been super busy over the past few months and we can't wait to show you what we've been up to!  As always, The Upton Report readers get the sneak peaks and first news...so stay tuned and be sure to share The Upton Report with all your bassist friends...
Who's trending right now?
Upton Bass is of course!  

D'Addario just completed an interview with yours truly, and it's been the most read, shared, liked, and reposted blog post they have ever done!

Gary and I have been approached by two other magazines, and a podcast interview is in the works.  Seems our little workshop in the corner of CT is a pretty interesting read!  We love what we do and we're happy to share.  

I'll be sure to link out any publicity we gather as I get it.

This week on Behind the Bridge, we're telling the story of Eric Roy: head luthier at Upton Bass.

Learn More on Tumbler

Vintage Bass Showcase 
Bohemian Double Bass
Bright, quick voice, very responsive and warm.  This reminds us of the Italian Pearwood bass we had last year, valued at nearly $100K.   
1941 Kay
Vintage appeal, well loved early Kay from 1941!
Working mans bass thats been played often.  What she lacks in beauty she makes up for in tone.
Wenzl B. Wilfer
Beautiful tiger flamed maple highlight the back and sides, with arrow straight spruce.   

Its condition absolutely defies its age.
About Us 
Did you know Upton Bass is on a Historic Mill Site?
Located in the Burnett's Corner historic district of Old Mystic, CT, the Upton Bass barn brings back to life an important part of early American history when small groups of craftsmen created things with their hands...

2016 is sure to bring about a tremendous amount of growth for us here at Upton Bass, and we welcome you to share in our journey!


Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co

Upton Bass String Instrument Co
159 Packer Road, Mystic, CT 06355