The Upton Report
Volume 175
Friday, October 16th, 2015

In This Issue
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Upton Bass Barn

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Award Winning Tone!

This Gutierrez & Roy Double Bass was made expressly for the ISB Maker's Competition as the 2015 "Team UB" submission. It was awarded a Certificate of Tone and is ready to propel your career.  It's already won over one panel of take it to your next audition and be heard!

Fly Faster...

Pictured here is an Upton Bass Brescian Hybrid Travel Bass from 2012, Opus 390.

Complete package includes lightweight flight cases. It can be shipped to your door! 
Please call for more information 
+1 (860) 535-9399

In last weeks video I cut off the neck!  It always feels so wrong to do that...just cutting away on something that was never meant to be cut.

Check out this THIRD of 5 videos we shot on it below...and be sure to check out as we'll be blogging about it there too.

More to come on this one...although we only had two weeks to get it done...we pulled together as a team and got it done on time!  The owner picked up the bass Monday and headed (almost) right to the airport.  He'll be back at the shop in a couple weeks to shoot a wrap up video...and during this time he'll log 5 flights with his "new" travel bass.  

We'll keep teasing this one out over two more stay tuned for the dramatic conclusion.

We LOVE what we do and we LOVE doing it for you!

Give us a call at 860-535-9399 and lets build your next bass! 


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Upton Bass String Instrument Co.

Baroque Travel Bass Modification
Part 3

Uploaded on Oct 13, 2015
Eric from Upton Bass does a test fitting of the removable travel neck on this Baroque-styled Tyrolean bass project. Getting very close to completion!
Catalin Rotaru
I titled this Upton Report "Another One Bites the Dust".  Since we started doing this series a month ago, we've had 3 basses broken while world class musicians flew with their basses, and this most recent one just happened!  

THREE!  You'd think we had a crystal ball here at the shop and planned our marketing perfectly!

The article is in Portugese but no doubt it'll be picked up by all the sources soon.  Thanks to our friend Marc Ramirez for alerting us to this one (and I'm sure Marc is very pleased he has one of our removable necked basses now!).

The pictures of these three basses PROVE our HAVE to reduce the FOOTPRINT of the bass if you're going to fly with a bass!
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