The Upton Report
Volume 162
July 17th, 2015

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Upton Bass Barn

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Starting at just $2000, the UB Standard Models are a tremendous value for students or those on a budget. Time is running low, but it's not too late to get your order in for back-to-school.

Buthod 5-String, c1845

Nestled in our showroom among our fine stock of used and vintage double basses, this Charles Buthod Mirecourt style double bass has an impressive provenance.

UB Luxury Bow Case - $45

Protect your investment!
A hardshell bow case is a MUST for any double bassist.

Gary has let the cat out of the bag, and put a double bass in.

As customers come by the shop to pick up their new or newly repaired basses, one question I hear often is "what's the easiest way to get my bass into the gig bag?" As it turns out, there's the easy way...and the better way.

As some of us are wrapping up summer tours, and others are gearing up to head back to school...there's no better time to address these simple but easy techniques for safely bagging and handling your double bass.

Give Gary or myself a call, and let's talk about building a bass for today.
We love what we do, and we'd love to do it for you!


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Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
Bag Your Bass the "Better Way"

Gary Upton shares a few tips on the simple, everyday task of putting your upright bass into a gig bag. As it turns out, most of us have been blundering through the risky part!

Bows, cables, twinkies, and strings...if it fits into the pockets of your bass case, you'll probably put it there. But all those necessities add extra weight that can cause irreparable damage to your neck or scroll if you aren't paying attention. Gary has put together this quick video to show you how to bag your double bass the safe way. Click on the photo link above to view his informative how-to.

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A Better Bag at an Unbeatable Price

The "De la Ville" gig bag by Upton Bass loosely translates to "around town," and that's exactly what we designed it for. It is truly the perfect double bass case for everyday, rigorous, real-world use.


In 2005, Gary set out to build a durable yet light-weight bass bag for just over $100. Gary distinguished between the "fundamental" and "luxury" features of the deluxe double bass bag and worked closely with our suppliers to build a gig bag that offers all the necessities while still being affordable.


Prototypes of our "De la Ville" Double Bass Bag were road and gig-tested over many months to ensure that the handles were secure and the fabric would not tear. This double bass case was pulled in and out of trucks, cars, auditoriums, dorms, nightclubs, and bars...and still retained its excellent qualities of workmanship. Our real world testing gave Gary the confidence to begin production and put the Upton Bass name on the "De la Ville" Double Bass Bag. 


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A Cautionary Haiku

Priceless French bow, SNAP!
Next time you'll know--hardshell case
to cushion the blow.

The bow pocket on your gig bag can be very handy, but be sure to remove the bow BEFORE removing your bass, or else tragedy may strike. If you have a bag with a gusseted bow case such as the UB Deluxe, a hardshell bow case will slide effortlessly into the pocket and provide extra protection against accidents. Don't let the haiku above happen to you!

If you have your own bass-related haiku, share it with us for a chance to be published in a future Upton Report. Corresponding photos are a bonus! Submit your haiku by pressing "reply" to this email, or send it to

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