How to Save Your Gut Strings
 Many bass players love gut strings...and many more have considered trying them. With more affordable gut strings on the market than ever before, the temptation to make the switch to a natural string is increasingly difficult to ignore. We get a lot of phone calls from customers who want to take that leap, but they've heard horror stories of broken strings and time consuming maintenance. Today we are sharing with you our little secret about gut strings. To make them sing for seasons to come, you need to know what they like....and more importantly, what they don't like. Do you know what gut strings don't like? Humidity. The majority of gut string breakages occur during the summer months, when humidity is at its peak. Conditioning your gut strings with a high quality oil will protect them from Mother Nature's wrath. Also, don't believe all the hype: maintaining your strings is simple and only takes a few minutes. Click on the video above to view our gut string hacks. See for yourself how simple they are to maintain...and maybe you'll take the plunge and order a set for yourself today! More at |