The Upton Report
Volume 158
June 19th, 2015

In This Issue
Log to Billet
Billet to Bass
UB Archives

Upton Bass Barn
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$500 OFF!

Don't let the words "Standard" or "Laminate" fool you, these basses are UB's best value.

Whether an entry-level model or a custom commission, ALL Upton Basses are built to the same standards and by the same team of award-winning luthiers.

Available for Preorder!
Evah Pirazzi Slap Set

The Evah Pirazzi Slap Set by Pirastro is made especially for Rockabilly and Slap players.

This set combines a plain gut D&G with a synthetic core chrome steel wound A&E.

You've heard the phrase "Farm to Table," right? But what about "Forest to Stage?" Probably not, because Upton Bass just invented it. Today!

We have a great relationship with our tone wood suppliers, and we are certain that they are giving us the finest product for fair prices. We wouldn't settle for anything less. But we are always looking to delve deeper into the process; a constant desire for education. In the past it was optimizing setup, design, or ergonomics...

Today we are introducing our newest project: cutting our own local book matched sets that could someday become your bass.

Give Gary or myself a call and let's talk about building a custom bass for you. We love what we do, and we'd love to do it for you!


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Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
From Tree to Bass - Video

Gary has been working on splitting a massive section of a 140 year-old maple to be cut into quartersawn wooden billets and eventually used as book matched bass backs. In this video, Gary explains the first steps in the bass-making process,
starting with the tree!

You were probably taught as a child to count the rings on a tree to tell its age, but as luthiers, we pay attention to the rings for other reasons too. When cutting into a log like this, we cut into the rings at a 90 degree angle, which creates quartersawn wood.

As each wooden billet is cut from the log, great care is taken to match the pieces into sets. Book-matching uses two side by side pieces that share a common ground. Each piece in the set is a near mirror image, and they are joined together in the middle to create the natural symmetry that you find on the bass top or back.

Click on the video link above to hear the full story, and subscribe to BassTube videos like this and more at


American Made with Pride

As one of the only true double bass workshops remaining in the USA, we take our work very seriously. Did you know that EVERY wooden part of every bass we build is handmade by Upton Bass luthiers in our workshop?

We carve our own tops and backs from the same types of booksets that you see in "From Tree to Bass." We hand carve our own necks and blocks, and even press our own plywoods from single veneers. UB instruments are made from our own private holdings of tone woods which we have selected from around the world. At any given time, Upton Bass String has quantities of tone woods that would allow for the making of over two thousand instruments. This stock has been built over many years, and we continue to procure both green and lofted lots that meet our rigorous quality standards. And hopefully in the future, we'll have a few tone wood offerings of our own too.

The UB workshop is a like a dream-world for bass lovers. Come see for yourself, and you will quickly appreciate the quality of work and passion we invest in EVERY double bass we make.

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