The Upton Report
Volume 151
May 1st, 2015

In This Issue
World Cafe
Standard In Name Only
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Upton Bass Barn
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$500 OFF!

Have you noticed that Gary has kept the $500 off Standard Laminated & Hybrid basses in place?  With fast lead could be playing an Upton faster than you think!

Accessories to Complete
Your Sound

D'Addario Zyex: Power and Clarity in a Budget Friendly Set.

Rev Solo: Aesthetically and Tonally True to Your Double Bass.

The AI Contra:
Our Best-Selling Amp.

The relationship between bass luthier and bass player is a symbiotic one. When our customers are happy, we are happy. And by the same token, their success is our success. This couldn't be more true than in the case of our friend Zach McCoy. He plays upright bass for Packway Handle Band--an energetic bluegrass quintet from Athens, GA that has seen growing recognition in recent years. With a new collaborative album just released, press attention galore, and an impressive summer tour lined up...we couldn't be more excited for them.


Give Gary or myself a call and let's talk about beginning a relationship with you. We love building basses and we'd love to do it for you!

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Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
Video: "I'm Waitin For My Man"

Packway Handle Band is ramping up to begin their "2015 First Kiss: Cheap Date" summer tour with headlining artists Kid Rock and Foreigner. PHB is very excited to have the opportunity to play with these two huge acts. They'll play 41 shows, starting in Hartford, and ending in Seattle. Zach says "we'll be up close and personal at first, playing all throughout the crowd, then take the stage right before Foreigner." This performance shouldn't be missed, so y'all get out there and purchase your tickets today!

Click the photo above to watch their video "I'm Waitin For My Man." Be sure to check their website for the full listing of tour dates, and to purchase tickets and merchandise.



PHB and Jim White on World Cafe

In their new album "Take It Like A Man," Packway Handle Band joined with singer-songwriter, Jim White. PHB is known for high energy bluegrass; a traditional sound with a contemporary (and sometimes dark) twist. Juxtaposed with White's reputation of more serious southern style, the collaborative result is an album that "adds up to a huge dose of fun, with just a dash of sorrow." Click the photo link above to listen to their World Cafe interview and a sampling of songs from the album.

Read more about Jim White vs. Packway Handle Band at


UB Standard Laminate

Photo Credit: Will Byington
Zach currently plays a 2007 Hawkes Laminate, but years of touring and his up-close-and-personal playing style have been hard on his bass, so he recently called us up to commission a new bass. Although the Hawkes Model may not be available by name anymore, it is the foundation on which we modeled the UB Standard Laminate.

Zach is pictured here with his band mates and his UB Hawkes model. He has a UB Standard Laminate currently in production and is excited to show it off on his summer tour.

Zach says: "It's the only upright bass I've ever owned and I absolutely love it! From day one, I've had nothing but positive experiences, both with the crew at Upton, as well as the bass itself. For those reasons, it was a no brainer where I was getting my next bass!"

The UB Standard Laminate is a round back fully plywood double bass, featuring top grade ebony components, German tuning machines, our best quality bridge, and more. These specifications allow us to offer a double bass at this price with the acoustic design and ergonomics of the Upton Bass lineage, hand built by expert luthiers with the respect a musical instrument deserves.

Read on for more info on the UB Standard Laminate ...


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