There are a lot of pieces that make up the "success" that is Upton Bass, but I'm going to let you in on one now.
It came about when I was asked to compare a Upton Standard Laminated bass vs. Company "X" Chinese bass. After talking about all the design and build aspects, the wood buying and choosing, warranties, trade in programs, made in America, etc. the customer replied "how can I NOT buy an Upton Bass!".
We only buy wood and materials and we have no distributors and no dealers, so the cost of an Upton Bass is a true cost. Other basses are made and sold to a importer with a 50-100% markup. Then they are sold to a retailer for another 50-100% markup. So by the time its bought by the end user, the price has gone up exponentially from where it started!
So it's simple, tremendous value! By giving you, the customer, 10X what you're paying, the apples to apples comparison of an Upton Bass vs Company "X" Chinese bass starts to become quite clear.
Give Gary or myself a call and lets talk about your next bass. We love what we do, and we'd love to do it for you!