Upton Bass Barn
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Got Bass?
There are some great basses JUST in that we haven't even put on the site yet! Scoop one up before the world even knows they're here.
Just in:
1920's Harold Jargar
2013 Hybrid Brescian
1939 Kay |
If you're a bass player into fitness like Gary, then Like this page! When not playing, making and restoring double basses, Gary can be found leading Spin classes at Renegade Gym in Pawcatuck, CT!
The end is coming! Well the end of the year at least...and the end of our $500 off all new bass orders special! Gary's never offered this big of an incentive before...and if you're on the fence about a new build act quickly because this one won't likely be back anytime soon!
The last basses of 2014 are underway. We've made an impressive amount of basses this year, and I'm really looking forward to January as Gary and I will no doubt be drafting an ISB wish list. If you're in the market for a serious bass...lets talk soon as our next competition bass (basses???) will be starting shortly. We've made 4 basses for competitions so far, and we've racked up two tone awards, a craftsmanship award and a convention favorite award. This is no small task...the competition is strong with the best makers in the world putting their best work in, and we've walked away with awards 75% of the time we enter. We're up to the task, and always up for the challenge.
And lastly, Gary is a fierce negotiator, and he's been looking for ways to keep your bass order invoices as low as possible. He's gone the rounds with every freight shipper he can find...and he's got some good deals in the works. More soon on this...I've just learned TONIGHT that starting NEXT WEEK we'll be working with a new shipper, and I'm excited to see what's in store! Really I am! I hate your valuable budget getting sucked up on un-fun things like shipping when you could be spending that on fun things like solo fingerboards, antiqued tuners, pickups, deluxe bags...you get the drift!
There are so many reasons to buy an Upton Bass...give Gary or me a call...we love telling you all about them! 1-860-535-9399 We love what we do and we'd love to do it for you!
Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
Website Reviews Needed
We've been teasing Upton Report readers for a bit now with a new website we're working on...and that tiny image to the right is the FIRST PUBLIC SNEAK PEAK!
Want to see the whole thing before it's live?
We're looking for some members to view the site, really get deep into it, and give us a review. What works? What doesnt? What needs to be tweaked? We're really looking for web industry bassists who can add valuable input to what we've come up. So if you're a web designer, graphic artist, or have similar attributes, write to us and let us know why YOU should be one of the first to REVIEW our new site!
Oh...and for your efforts, we will reward you with a gift certificate to Upton Bass!
$500 Off Upton Basses...going...going...
Many have asked WHEN the $500 OFF all NEWLY ordered UPTON BASSES is ending...and we have a date!
The special will end Saturday, December 20th 2014. We will continue to honor the $500 of special to ALL estimates issued PRIOR to that date UNTIL Saturday, January 31st, 2015.
After that time, the $500 off line will not be valid on ANY estimate issued.
So...give us a call...talk to us about your bass and get your estimate started and your order in before this special ends. This is the BIGGEST discount we've ever offered on our basses...and it's likely to not rear its head again anytime soon.
Sorry! This special limited time price is for NEW orders ONLY.
Rate Your Bass!
This is a call to all you UB bass owners out there: we want to hear from you! Write us a review about your bass and receive 10% off your next order of double bass strings. To write a review, go to UptonBass.com, locate the applicable bass model and then find the "Reviews" tab and click on "Write a Review". Once you've submitted it, email us and let us know. *Please note that your review will not post until we have verified it.*