Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass Newsletter
Volume 128 - November 22nd, 2014
Upton Bass
In This Issue
US Airways
$500 Off ALL
UB Travel Neck
Rate Your Bass!
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If you're a bass player into fitness like Gary, then Like this page!
When not playing, making and restoring double basses, Gary can be found leading Spin classes at Renegade Gym in Pawcatuck, CT!

Thanksgiving is just days away...and many of us travel this time of year.  Whether by plane, train or automobile, traveling with a bass isn't easy. I mean really...couldn't we have played violin or cello?  Bass?  Really?  A 3/4 bass has an (on average) 43 to 46 inch body length...and a detachable neck with fingerboard is easily 45 to 48 inches long.  There's no way to put it...its just big!

MANY modern makers are TRYING to make travel basses, and the race is on on who's going to do it best.  We've seen some pretty strong contenders out there, and (of course!) we think ours is a front runner!  Our patent has been issued, and we have a travel bass concept that's been in the works for years now. If you follow Gary on FaceBook (hint, hint) you've, no doubt, seen some sneak peaks on this project.  We're still prototyping some things with it (mainly the case...keep reading below), but the most current working version is about to go out with Marc Johnson for a stint at the Birdland (and maybe a few airline trips right after).  

And what do you put a bass in to travel?  That's been our conundrum!  Nothing out there meets our needs; just big enough, plenty strong enough, light enough and less money than an actual bass!  Apparently making basses isn't enough - so now we are wading knee deep in making cases.  The R&D is done...the molds  are well under way...and 2015 will see a NEW UB Travel Case.

So keep watching, some good stuff is coming.

This week's vids are about...travel basses!  Enjoy your turkey, talk again soon.

There are so many reasons to buy an Upton Bass...give Gary or me a call...we love telling you all about them!  1-860-535-9399  We love what we do and we'd love to do it for you!

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Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
US Airways refuses to transport double bass

Published on Nov 18, 2014

After appearing on "Dancing with the Stars", Ranaan is trying to fly home, but US Airways won't accept his bass. Meanwhile the airline's own guidelines state that "Musical instruments are considered a fragile item. Fragile items will be accepted as checked baggage if they are appropriately packaged in a container/case designed for shipping such items."


Ranaan, give us a call...I talked to a mutual friend who knows your bass...we have your bass with a travel neck already done!  ;) 

$500 Off Upton Basses...going...going...

Many have asked WHEN the $500 OFF all NEWLY ordered UPTON BASSES is ending...and we have a date!

The special will end Saturday, December 20th 2014.  We will continue to honor the $500 of special to ALL estimates issued PRIOR to that date UNTIL Saturday, January 31st, 2015.  

After that time, the $500 off line will not be valid on ANY estimate issued.

So...give us a call...talk to us about your bass and get your estimate started and your order in before this special ends.  This is the BIGGEST discount we've ever offered on our basses...and it's likely to not rear its head again anytime soon.

Sorry!  This special limited time price is for NEW orders ONLY.
Removal and Replacement of the 
UB Adjustable Neck


Gary from Upton Bass demonstrates how to remove and refit the travel neck of a new Upton Bass Karr model double bass. Our adjustable bass neck system makes this process quick and foolproof - easily done in a hotel room!


Rate Your Bass!

This is a call to all you UB bass owners out there: we want to hear from you! Write us a review about your bass and receive 10% off your next order of double bass strings.

To write a review, go to UptonBass.com, locate the applicable bass model and then find the "Reviews" tab and click on "Write a Review". Once you've submitted it, email us and let us know. *Please note that your review will not post until we have verified it.*

Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
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