Hello! This week I decided to feature our three 'bigger' basses. Linked to each picture is a video of Gary going into detail about the similarities and differences of each. Feel free to give us a ring as you're watching with any questions! Have an idea for a video you'd like us to shoot? Have any questions about basses/setup/accessories you'd like Gary to talk about? Send them along for video consideration! As always, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. We love hearing from you!
Josh Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
The Brescian
Click the pic for video!
The Brescian can be set up as a "Jazz Cannon" pushing the rhythm section with tremendous string response. When bowed for Classical music, deep and clearly pitched pipe-organ lows will lift the string section. Roots and Bluegrass players will feel increased depth, string feel and boom in every note. And as with all Upton Basses, we will consult with you directly to make sure we craft an instrument that is truly yours.
The Mittenwald
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The Mittenwald Model represents our interpretation of the classic basses from the German municipality of Mittenwald, located in Bavaria on the northern foothills of the Alps. Violinmaking took root in Mittenwald in the late 17th Century, with the establishment of Matthias Kloz's shop in 1686. With abundant resources of spruce and maple at his disposal and a favorable trade location, he and his sons would establish a design style, refined by exposure to northern Italian masters, that lives on to this day.
The Concord
Click the pic for video!
Tonally, this bass is similar to the Brescian- deep, dark and punchy with tonal color abound with rich, pipe organ lows under the bow. In fact, if the Brescian isn't your aesthetic taste and you prefer something more Gamba or Busetto in pattern, this bass is the tonal equivalent of Brescian with the same canted flat back and similar arching. The Concord pictured is a large 3/4 instrument, however it can be built as a 7/8 or 4/4 as well. The standard build (only available as a fully carved instrument) includes a solid wood flat back of moderately flamed American maple (authentic Prescott).
Rate Your Bass!
This is a call to all you UB bass owners out there: we want to hear from you! Write us a review about your bass and receive 10% off your next order of double bass strings. To write a review, go to UptonBass.com, locate the applicable bass model and then find the "Reviews" tab and click on "Write a Review". Once you've submitted it, email us and let us know. *Please note that your review will not post until we have verified it.*