Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass String Instrument Co NewsletterVolume 111 - March 28th, 2014
Upton Bass
In This Issue
UB Player of the Week: Cosmo Cavicchio
Bohemian Lines
Rate Your Bass!
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This week we have a great pic of our UB Player of the Week: Mr. Cosmo Cavicchio who's in our neck of the woods here in New England, a cool pic of an in-progress Bohemian from the Mystic workshop, and a special offer to all you UB bass owners out there.

As always, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. We love hearing from you!

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Upton Bass String Instrument Co.

Cosmo Cavicchio and his
 UB Standard     
Our UB player of the week is Mr. Cosmo Cavicchio, pictured here alongside his UB Standard laminate with Michelle Canning and Rough Edges. The band plays fast-driving bluegrass and contemporary ballads and Cosmo is the bass backbone of the group. Great pic Cosmo, thanks for sending!

Got a pic or video clip of you and your Upton you'd like to share? Mail it to josh@uptonbass.com for consideration in an upcoming newsletter!


A Pic from the Mystic Shop     

Gary put this pic on our Facebook page this week...I thought it was so cool I had to post it here as well. These are the rib lines of our Bohemian and Standard basses- a simple yet elegant take on that classic middle European Gamba cornered pattern. Gary says: "I'm really enjoying the lines of our Bohemian and standard basses. Nailed!" 

Rate Your Bass!

This is a call to all you UB bass owners out there: we want to hear from you! Write us a review about your bass and receive 10% off your next order of double bass strings.

To write a review, go to UptonBass.com, locate the applicable bass model and then find the "Reviews" tab and click on "Write a Review". Once you've submitted it, email us and let us know. *Please note that your review will not post until we have verified it.*

Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
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