Hello! This week we're talking humidity. For most of the country, even in the south, this winter has been brutal and one of the worst on record. Though Spring is in the not to distant future, we still have all of March and April to contend with, both of which can get very cold and very dry. We hope the video and tips below help! As always, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. We love hearing from you!
Josh Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
Some words regarding humidity..
This winter has been brutal on basses- one of the worst we've seen for cracks, openings, and setup shifts. In this video, Eric discusses the importance of humidification and the general rules for keeping your instrument in the proper conditions to prevent damage.
How to use bass dampits
When properly used, a Dampit is an effective tool. It's too small to keep your instrument humidified in a large room...but it is perfect for the small environment created when your bass is in the case! If you are at school, or in a situation where you cannot control the humidity of the room your instrument is being stored in, or just want to keep it humidified on your way to a gig or rehearsal, a properly used Dampit will help to keep a micro-environment inside your bass case. Just be sure to follow these steps to make sure you are not causing more troubles than you are trying to protect.
Sean Cody's Carved Brescian FlatBack
Thanks to proud UB Brescian Flatback owner Sean Coady for providing this week's owner photo. The quote that accompanied his email regarding the wait and the final product: "It was worth it"!