We have some very exciting things in this issue of the Upton Report, including two videos featuring a couple of our good friends, Lynn Seaton and Rich Wagor, playing their UB basses. The Bostonian was designed by Gary and Professor Seaton, and yes- Mr. Wagor's bass, the 4/4 "Super Karr" Concert Low B, is the very same which we entered in the 2013 ISB Maker's Competition and brought home two awards for! As well, we're happy to announce that the Standard model double bass is now available as a hybrid as well as a laminate! Click on the link below for details, pricing and availability. Rounding out this issue is a beautiful vintage French bass with an extension, wonderfully cared for and tonally divine. And finally, check out our new Custom Commissions page. It boasts several examples of what can be achieved when combining your ideas with the knowledge and craftsmanship of our world-class luthiers. As always, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. We love hearing from you! Wishing you a wonderful Fall season-
Josh Upton Bass String Instrument Co.
 Click on the pic above to play a sweet clip of Lynn Seaton, Professor at Univeristy of North Texas, playing a duet of "Blues in the Closet" with Christian McBride. All we can say is WOW!
Rich Wagor and his award winning UB "Super Karr" 4/4 Concert Low B bass
Click on the above pic to see a video of Rich Wagor playing "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" on his UB 4/4 Concert Low B (the bass we nicknamed "Super Karr" around the shop). This bass won two awards at the 2013 International Society of Basses maker's competition in Rochester, NY. Highly figured Bigleaf Maple from the Pacific Northwest was used for the back and sides, from the trunk of a lightning-struck tree. Exceptional straight grain Spruce top, with one-piece flamed rock Maple for the neck. An adjustable neck was included, for Richard to transition between Classical and Jazz gigs on the fly, and the scroll is fitted with a Low B extension which leads to an astounding low frequency voice. Click here for more pics and information on how to have your own custom commissioned UB bass built.
19th Century French Guild Double Bass
 While we're on the topic of extensions, here's a look at a vintage French bass that recently came into the shop. It is in excellent condition with details consistent with J. Thibouville-Lamy dating to the mid to late 19th Century. A top quality C-extension has been added. A Shanks repair label dating from 2000 is within. Eric Roy points out, as originally a three-string instrument, the fourth tuner was later made from what appears to be the hardened steel of a handplane blade (see photo). A beautiful Mirecourt instrument in fine health, carefully maintained for the modern player while preserving it's original character.
The UB Standard Double Basses
The UB Standard Double Bass is our line of introductory instruments built without the option of customization. Their straightforward designs allow us to offer excellent package pricing.
 | A UB Standard Hybrid |
Every UB Standard is still hand made in our shop in Mystic, Connecticut, USA alongside our finest instruments! Each bass comes expertly set up and adjusted, with the great playability and resonance we've built our reputation on.
Please give us a call at the shop if you think a UB Standard is right for you: 860-535-9399
Upton Bass Custom Commissions
Over the years we have refined our designs into models which reflect the variety and history of the double bass world. From there, each instrument leaves Upton Bass crafted and customized to the musician's preference and style.
At times however, we get requests for unique instruments or historical reproductions which fall outside the parameters of our model patterns. These basses may be a copy from an existing instrument or tracing, or simply a collaborative design where the musician describes a dream bass that hasn't yet existed. We present here some of the exceptional instruments that have resulted from these projects.
If you have a special project in mind, please call Gary or Eric at the workshop to discuss: 860-535-9399