Gary on YouTube
Gary has been shooting a bunch of "random" videos for YouTube with his iPhone...take a look at some of the new ones!
 We've received quite a bit of eMails asking if everyone here is OK, so I thought I'd write just a quick note to let you know that all of us here are fine. Josh, our Boston Showroom Manager will be here in Mystic today with our Boston Showroom being closed as transit in and around Boston is a bit chaotic, as you can imagine. Feel free to call either our Boston number or our Mystic number as both will ring here in Mystic where Josh will be happy to talk to you. Currently we plan on Josh being back in Boston on Wednesday April 17th, but we will let you know if that changes.
Our thoughts are with the victims and families today after this tragic event.
Eric Roy Upton Bass String Instrument Co Mystic: 860-535-9399 Boston: 617-236-7706
Ask Gary!
We're going to kick off a new video segment where Gary answers an eMail question sent in. So, send us your question and we'll highlight it in our normal Friday Upton Reports! |