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Do you ever try to imagine someone in their workspace? Someone who you may never have met and certainly never visited? AJF does. So we thought it would be interesting to publish an online series on work environments, not only for artists, but also for curators, collectors, writers, etc. The series will be called Work Spaces


If you want to participate please send the following to Susan Cummins

  1. Susan Cummins' work space, 
    photo: Susan Cummins
    A photograph (see example from Susan's space) of your bench, desk, room, computer, etc. By sending this photo, you will be giving us permission to use it on the website. Please don't send photos of pieces, portraits, or anything else besides your space and how you use it.
  2. A short (less than 200 words) paragraph describing what is in the photo and how it relates to your process. 
  3. Your website address.
  4. The city and country you live in. 

This is a completely open and ongoing series so if you want to pass it along to others, please do, but if you want to be the first up on the website, get yours in asap. 


AJF looks forward to seeing where you work!


Schmuckdenken: 10 Years of Lateral Jewelry Thinking

Sarah Rhodes


The tenth iteration of Schmuckdenken took place this past October at Trier University of Applied Sciences in Idar-Oberstein, Germany. Here's a report from one of the participants, with commentary and images from the other speakers. It's almost like being there!





Myra Mimlitsch-Gray: Master Metalsmith MMXIV

Elizabeth Murphy


Humorous and exquisitely detailed, and moving between jewelry and objects, the work of Myra Mimlitsch-Gray at the Metal Museum in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, as reviewed by Elizabeth Murphy. You gotta love a review that utilizes "fetish" and "sexy holes" in reference to meticulously crafted art objects. 




Aimee Petkus

Heidi Lowe Gallery, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, USA
Peter Bauhuis
Galley S O, London, UK
Rebecca Myers

Gravers Lane Gallery, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, USA

Wall Street International

Nicol�s Estrada: Joyero, autor, editor



Blouin ArtInfo
The Best Architecture Design Shows Opening in 2015
Anna Kats 
New York Times
Into the Bizarre World 
of Ted Noten
Nina Siegal
New York Times
Is Our Art Equal to the Challenges of Our Times?
A.O. Scott
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Four Sweden
Jorge Manilla: Oscure Sacrifice

Galeria Thomas Cohn
Tabea Ruelecke

Galerie Ra
Karin Herwegh: From the Familiar to the Wonderful
Galerie Rob Koudijs
Evert Nijland: Ascendance

Velvet da Vinci
Jane Dodd: Rococo Revolution

These books make a great addition to any craft-conscious library!

<<< Damian Skinner's survey of different facets of the field, Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective, with contributions from many thinkers on the topic, is a great introduction to the wide world of contemporary jewelry.


>>> Benjamin Lignel's AJF Best of Interviews is a look behind the scenes into the private thoughts of makers, curators, and collectors.