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Have you checked out our Kickstarter campaign? Everyone here at AJF is extremely excited by the success of our first attempt to use crowdsourcing to fund our next book, called Shows and Tales and due out in March. Thank you to everyone who has contributed! We love you! As a small gift in return, we have just released the special interview we did with Dorothea Pr�hl, which was published in our last book, AJF Best of Interviews. Hope you enjoy it.


To top off the excitement of the moment, we just held the jurying for the AJF Artists Award. This year we have cast a wider net, and included jewelers from around the world who are under 35 years old and may have developed their careers but are still at the beginning stages and need recognition and financial help. Please help us celebrate at Schmuck in Munich in March, where we will have a small show exhibiting the finalists, who will be announced soon!


As we go into the holiday season, please consider rewarding yourself with one of our books or giving a gift donation to AJF in the name of one of your favorite curators, artists, or friends. You know they would love it. 


Susan Cummins

AJF Chair

 Spread the Word! Get the AJF logo & add it to your site.
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We are delighted to introduce our newest supporters: Laura DeakinFour (Gothenburg, Sweden), Cheryll Graham, Reinstein | Ross Gallery (New York, USA), and Lindsey Snell. They became part of the AJF community in the past month. Thanks! 


You can find a complete list of our supporters on the website.



What an incredible response in support of our next book. With your help, we raised our initial goal in just a few days. We are over the moon at AJF! Thanks to each of you who have already donated. 


There is still one week left in the campaign and many wonderful incentives. If you are interested in helping our Publication Committee begin planning future books and expand projects that were limited by budget constraints, the campaign is open until Friday, November 7. If we double our initial goal, from $12,000 to $24,000, it will go a long way to making our editorial dreams come true! 


Be included in the list of 140+ people who support AJF.

SOFA Chicago SOFA CHICAGO: November 7-9,2014


The following AJF supporter galleries will be exhibiting at SOFA Chicago:

There are some exciting jewelry related lectures scheduled, including a SNAG sponsored emerging artist lecture with Steven Gordon Holman, Lauren Tickle, and Demitra Thomloudis. 

Please visit the SOFA Chicago website for more information.
SCHMUCK: 2015 Selection by Eva Eisler


Here is the listing of the Schmuck 2015 participants. These 62 participants were selected from 620 applications from 35 countries. Eva Eisler, head of the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (AAAD) in Prague, was the juror. 
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Discount on Arnoldsche books for AJF Supporters
AJF has arranged with Arnoldsche Art Publishers and its distributor, ACC Distribution, to give AJF supporters a big discount on all of their great books. It's our way of showing our appreciation for your support! Just go to the appropriate website (see below) and, upon checkout, answer the question Do you have a promotional code? by typing in AJF.

If you live in the United States or Canada go here.
If you live anywhere else go here.



Despite Dorothea Pr�hl's undisputed reputation as a maker and a teacher at Burg Giebichenstein and the fascination that her solitary pursuit of perfection elicits, there is comparatively little material on her written in English. As part of its Best of Interviews publication project, AJF decided to redress that and embarked on the complex task of interviewing the rather reclusive artist. To thank the jewelry community for its overwhelming support of our next publication project, Shows and Tales, we have just made this interview available online to all our readership. You rock! Read more...

FEATURED REVIEW: This Is One I Made Earlier


Oh, that hurts! Stephen Knott looks at the recent survey of Bernard Schobinger's work, The Rings of Saturn, curated by Jo Bloxham and supported by Gallery S O, at the Manchester Art Gallery. Knott sees the potential of Schobinger's work, shown conventionally behind glass, to create a visceral response in the viewer, bringing to every mind an "ouch." If we want contemporary jewelry to have an impact on wider discourses of art, criticism, and material culture more generally, Schobinger's work and its sharp edges provide us with the most efficient fuel. Read more...
FEATURED ARTICLE: Eastern Inch: A Western Story


Anja Eichler goes in depth with Teng Fei, a Chinese artist and educator, about her work, An Inch of Time, delving into questions of interpretation across cultures, shifting meanings, referencing, cross-referencing, and where we can end up. This is a fascinating read into the vagaries and richness of meaning within four seemingly simple objects. Read more...


Velvet da Vinci
Caroline Gore: the jewelry within a ...mercurial silence...
November 5-30, 2014

Benedikt Fischer
November 15-December 6, 2014

Reinstein | Ross Gallery
Wear It Loud!
September 4-October 16, 2014

Gallery Lulo
Eric Silva
 November 22-December 31, 2014

Patina Gallery
Susan and Jeff Wise: 
Modern Jewelry
November 7-8, 2014
Fingers: Jewellery for 
Aotearoa New Zealand
November 7-December 20, 2014

These books make a great addition to any craft-conscious library!

<<< Damian Skinner's survey of different facets of the field, Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective, with contributions from many thinkers on the topic, is a great introduction to the wide world of contemporary jewelry.


>>> Benjamin Lignel's AJF Best of Interviews is a look behind the scenes into the private thoughts of makers, curators, and collectors. 


Take advantage of Amazon's new feature, AmazonSmile.


AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Art Jewelry Forum every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you'll find the exact same low prices, vast selection, and convenient shopping experience as at Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price (0.5%) to AJF.


You shop. Amazon gives to Art Jewelry Forum.