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Munich was a big success for AJF. We were much more visible than ever before with a presence in Galerie Marzee's booth across from the Schmuck display and on the podium after the Herbert Hoffmann Awards. (These are the yearly honors bestowed on three participants from the Schmuck exhibition. This year, AJF Artist Award winner Noon Passama was named. It was great to have recognized her first.) We sold many copies of our new book AJF Best of Interviews as well as the Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective book. These are both available on our website, and if you want the interview book, you better move fast. We only have a few left.


The New York City events in May will be lots of fun, so if you haven't already done it, please sign up now. The schedule of events is listed on the website. After all, it isn't everyday that an art jewelry collection goes into the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and we all need to be there to witness the event. Look forward to seeing you then.


Another AJF trip is planned for 2014. We will be spending time in Sweden and Estonia from September 7-14. This will be a fantastic trip to two very active art jewelry communities. We have limited the number of participants, and so if you want to go, sign up now. Our last trip was sold out.


Did you try Disqus yet? It is a new way to comment on our website articles. I urge you to take a look and give it a try. It appears at the end of each article. It is a new way to comment on our articles and interviews. What do you think? Do you have a response? We want to hear it!




Susan Cummins

AJF Chair

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Please find a list of all our members/donors on our website, and check out this list of people who have recently joined us: Kate Bajic, Kat Cole, Nicholas Estrada, Linda Hughes, Tara Locklear, Ellen Reid, and Linda Shostak. 


These new supporters became part of the AJF community in the past month. Thank you to each and every one of you.




Wow! Picasso jewelry sells for $153,000, $141,000, and $92,250The gossipy Blouin Art Info was surprised, running the headline "Picasso Jewelry Smashes Estimates at Auction."

Pablo Picasso, Satyr Pendant, silver, photo: Skinner Auction
Pablo Picasso, Sun Pendant, silver, photo: Skinner Auction
Pablo Picasso, Claude Pendant, silver, photo: Skinner Auction

















Meret Oppenheim necklace sells for $37,500 

Louise Bourgeois necklace sells for $50,000


The 2014 SNAG conference, called From Grains to Gold, takes place in Minneapolis, Minnesota, from April 23-26. 


It looks like a spectacular lineup of speakers, including AJF board member Sofia Bj�rkman, Sharon Church, Andy Cooperman, Lauren Fensterstock, Caroline Gore, Dr. Tanya Harrod, Mirjam Hiller, Rod Kelly, Cheryl Krismer, Marc Maiorana, Edgar Mosa, Kerianne Quick, George Sawyer, Jenni Sorkin, Rachel Timmins, and April Wood. There is also a series of speakers who are early in their career, including Venetia Dale, Seth Gould, Tova Lund, Seth Papac, and Gustav Reyes. 


Go to the SNAG website to learn all about it and sign up.

APRIL 24, 2014: Speakers Tour at Central Saint Martins 


London's Central Saint Martins is hosting the event "Contemporary Jewellery--Two Perspectives" with guest speakers Ben Lignel and Helen Carnac on Thursday, April 24 at 6:00pm. A book signing will follow the lecture. Ben and Helen are two contributors to the AJF book Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective, and this event is part of our ongoing collaboration with schools and museums to spearhead conversations about contemporary jewelry. This event will take place in the LVMH Theatre, Kings Cross Campus, and it is open to students and staff from Central Stain Martins and other universities in London only. 

MAY 15, 2014: Speakers Tour at Gerrit Rietveld Academie 


null Amsterdam's Rietveld Academie is hosting an event with Monica Gaspar and Rutger Emmelkamp called "Jewelry as an attitude?" The students will conduct an interview of Gaspar and Emmelkamp and try to define the attitude that lies at the base of jewelry making. This event is only for the students of the Rietveld Academie. 



This month, we feature the following galleries on the AJF website
Maurer Zilioli Contemporary Arts
Bruno Martinazzi: Vivere Essere Volere Bene 
April 15-May 25, 2014
Gallery Loupe
Georg Dobler and Margit J�schke: Twogether
April 12-May 3, 2014
Jewelers'Werk Galerie
Brigitte and Volker Atrops: Vintage Violence
April 12-May 2, 2014
Galerie Spektrum 
Helen Britton: Unheimlich 
March 14-April 26, 2014
Quoil Gallery 
Lisa West & Tania Patterson: Salty 
April 4-May 1, 2014
Mobilia Gallery 
Arlene Fisch: Hanging Gardens 
April 1-June 30, 2014


On the home page of our website, there is a changing list of the interesting, strange, and wonderful ways that contemporary jewelry is hitting the headlines. Find out what has been attracting our curiosity at AJF Recommends...