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Farrah Al Dujalli
Farrah Al-Dujaili
2011 EAA Winner
Greetings. I have exciting news ... we have just announced the guidelines for the Emerging Artist Award. AJF continues to support jewelers who are just starting their careers with the EAA grant. We have raised the total grant amount this year from $5000 to $7500, to be used as the recipient wishes. Besides the funds, each winner has also been offered the chance to show with a gallery at COLLECT or SOFA and their work will be featured in a number of ways by AJF. We are looking for the very best emerging jewelers to apply. Please send this link to someone you think should win. They need to be out of school for at least one year but not more than six. We are curious to see what they are up to. We have a great jury in 2012, consisting of Farrah Al-Dujaili, the 2011 EAA winner, Kelly Hays L'Ecuyer, the Ellyn McColgan Curator of Decorative Arts and Sculpture, Art of the Americas, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Marjan Unger, a Dutch collector, curator and writer on jewelry. The deadline to apply for the EAA is September 30, 2012.
Agness Larsson
Agnes Larsson
2010 EAA Winner


We have been looking for a few new people to join some of our committees. We have invited M�rta Mattsson, a jeweler from Sweden, Bella Neyman, a writer from New York, Marthe LeVan, a writer, editor and co-owner of Mora from North Carolina and Ivy Ross, who was formally a jeweler and is now a marketing wiz from Mill Valley, California, to join us in working to make this organization all it can be. If you are interested in volunteering some time to help us, please send me an email


We continue to post articles on the website at a rate of one a week and blog posts at the rate of about two a week. We feel this is very ambitious and it provides you with probably more reading than you can keep up with but it is also adding to the repository of history of this field where students and researchers, writers, journalists and others can find pertinent information when they need it. It is a place to find good stories and interviews that anyone pursuing an interest in jewelry can enjoy. Below you will find a list of the most recent articles on the blog and website. Take a look.   


Speaking of reading, the jewelry book I have been enjoying during the last couple of weeks is Contemporary Jewellers: Interviews with European Artists by Roberta Bernabei. She begins the book with a clear statement about what contemporary jewelry is and where it came from and then she interviews the usual suspects who have some insightful, revealing and entertaining responses to her questions. If you are curious, visit our Bookstore, where you can read a review and order the book directly from Amazon. We will get a few pennies for the referral. Try it out and enjoy the book.


Susan Cummins

Chair, AJF



Margaret De Patta



Join the AJF on a tour of the exquisite exhibition Space-Light-Structure: The Jewelry of Margaret de Patta at the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) in New York on Thursday, August 16, 2012, at 6pm. This 45-minute tour, led by Ursula Ilse-Neuman, the exhibition's curator, will be an insightful look at the career of one of the most important artists of the American studio movement. (You can read Neuman's recent talk at SOFA NY about De Patta on our website.) The tour is free of charge. Afterwards the group will meet for cocktails (at an additional fee) at MAD or a nearby location TBD. To register, send us an email.  


Please be aware that the Margaret de Patta show will not be up through September 28 as is stated on the MAD website but will be taken down for the LOOT sale on September 2 so time is short to see this extraordinary show. 





In September 2012, MAD will present LOOT, an annual five-day selling exhibition of the work of 50 of the most innovative studio and art jewelers from around the world. The sale is a fundraiser whose proceeds support the museum's permanent modern and contemporary jewelry gallery, the only one that exists in America and its educational programs. This year's event will run from Tuesday through Saturday, September 11-15, 2012.


Unlike any other jewelry event in the country, LOOT 2012 gives jewelry collectors the opportunity to meet some of the most innovative creators in the field and acquire work directly from them. This twelfth edition of LOOT will be the largest and most international ever, with jewelry by more than 50 emerging and acclaimed artists, hailing from twelve countries. It will also showcase the work of jewelry students from New York's own Fashion Institute of Technology. To learn more about the artists, exhibition and sale, the jewelry study day and to order benefit tickets online, please visit their website. 

MAD LOOT A special AJF tour of LOOT will take place on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at 4pm. It will feature an insightful and informational tour of LOOT by the event's curators, Bryna Pomp and Nancy Olnick, who will also introduce all the artists present at the show. AJF members will have ample time to converse with these artists and hear about their creative process. The fee for the tour is covered by admission to the museum. To register, send us an email.
Also taking place at MAD on Saturday, September 15 is the annual Jewelry Study Day, which will be accessible to AJF visitors. Among the events planned are a screenings of a film about the Bauhaus and several jewelers working in MAD's Open Studios.
Farrah Al Dujaili Brooch
Farrah Al-Dujaili
2011 EAA Winner


The 2012 Emerging Artist Award is now open for business. With cash award of $7500 (increased from $5000 in 2011) and the chance to have your jewelry exhibited at an AJF member gallery at SOFA NY, this is a must-be-in-to-win opportunity for any jeweler who has recently graduated. The deadline for applications is September 30, 2012. You can find out more on the AJF website and you should submit your application at www.callforentry.org.





The annual conference of the Association for the Study of Jewelry & Related Arts (ASJRA) will take place October 7-8, 2012 in New York City. This year the theme is Jewelry in the Americas. The event will consist of an all-day conference and an additional study day. The speakers include Elyse Karlin, Yvonne Markowitz, Jennifer Santos, Donna Distefano, Janet Zapata, Laura Johnson, Mona Brody, Lois Sherr Dubin, Jack Ogden, Carl Schimmel and Niki Kavakonis. For more information go to www.jewelryconference.com or write to Elyse Karlin.  

Mary Lee Hu


Matthew Kangas reviews Knitted, Knotted, Twisted and Twined: The Jewelry of Mary Lee Hu.

Artists this far away from New York are easier to ignore and, among some collectors, curators and critics, there is a sense that local favorites are not necessarily worthy of a big push beyond the area. East Coast artists still fare better than West Coast artists and painters, while sculptors have always garnered more attention than jewelers. Read more...  



In each newsletter we introduce you to one of the galleries that has joined AJF to support and promote contemporary jewelry. This month's AJF Questionnaire has been answered by Alan Preston of Fingers Gallery, Auckland, New Zealand.


Next year Fingers will be celebrating 40 years, which possibly makes you the oldest gallery of contemporary jewelry in the world. What is the secret of such longevity?

I am not sure what the secret is. However, apart from income from individual sales, we [the members] have not taken money from the commission we earn from the exhibitors who sell work through the gallery. It has all gone back to running Fingers. Read more...

This month we feature the following galleries on the AJF website.  

Gallery Funaki
Blanche Tilden: Wearable Cities
Heidi Lowe Gallery - Courtney Kemp
Heidi Lowe Gallery
Structure and Purpose

Iris Eichenberg: Sense Mapping
Quirk Gallery
Robin Kranitzky and Kim Overstreet
Galerie Pont and Plas Malvine Marichal: Pro-Forma 


Marie Pendaries   Margaret de Patta   Loring Taoka


Renee Bevan  Tone Vigeland  David Chatt  


Myung Urso                  


Mirror Mirror: An Exhibition in Homage to Suzy Solidor

June 23 - September 23, 2012

Espace Solidor, Cagnes-sur-Mer


Twelve Artists - Twelve Objects 2012

Graduates from SUNY New Paltz

Society of Arts and Crafts Boston

July 14 - August 25, 2012


40 Under 40: Craft Futures

July 20 - February 3, 2013
The Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum 

A Sense of Place: New Jewellery from Northern Lands

Through September 16, 2012

National Museums Scotland 


The Universal Language of Ornamentation

Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim 


Read my Pins: The Madeleine Albright Collection 

June 30 - September 23, 2012

Mint Museum, Charlotte, North Carolina


Interstitial Spaces: Julia Barello & Beverly Penn 

June 2 - September 1, 2012

Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, Houston, Texas 


Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery

April 20 - August 26, 2012

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia


Space-Light-Structure: The Jewelry of Margaret De Patta 

June 5 - September 23, 2012

Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY


Craft Spoken Here 

May 5 - August 12, 2012

Philadelphia Museum of Art


Transit: Jewelry from Israel 

June 15 - August 12, 2012

Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus Hanau, Germany


Jewels, Gems, and Treasures: Ancient to Modern

July 19, 2011 - July 1, 2014

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston


un peu de terre sur la peau : Bijoux contemporains en ceramique

March 15 - August 19, 2012

Les Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France


From Picasso to Jeff Koons: Artists Jewellery 

May 16 - September 2, 2012

Benaki Museum, Athens


May 11 - September 23, 2012
Museum fuer Gestaltung, Zurich, Switzerland

On the home page of our new website we have a changing list of the interesting, strange and wonderful ways that contemporary jewelry is hitting the headlines. Why not find out what has been attracting our curiosity at AJF Recommends.