Guila Muir and Associates Train, Facilitate and Present Newsletter
How Do You Know They Know?
Most training feedback forms tell you the room was too hot or the coffee was too cold. Here's how to measure what your students actually learn.
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The Gift of Feedback
Feedback doesn't always feel like a gift. But "to see yourself as others see you"--that is precious. And besides, like any gift, you can discard feedback if it doesn't serve you.

Both "great" feedback and the kind that's hard to hear can build better training sessions, presentations, and even organizations. Here are tips for giving and receiving feedback in an emotionally intelligent way:

Giving It
  • Provide feedback sooner rather than later.
  • Focus on behavior, not personality traits.
  • Be specific.
Getting It
  • Ask for feedback regularly.
  • Listen, and ask questions to make sure you understand.
  • Don't get defensive.
We tend to receive less feedback the higher we go in an organization. So make giving and getting a normal part of work. You never know what gifts you'll get!
Why Not Use Slide Templates?

How does using your organization's slide template work against you? Watch this video and see! 




Get the Training Feedback You Need
Collect the information that matters. We invite you to download a PDF of Guila's popular Outcome-Based Evaluation forms here.
Thanks from Guila
Guila Muir
"Your job as a leader is to be right at the end of the meeting, not at the beginning." David Cote, Honeywell Chairman and CEO

Your comments make my day! Happy Fall. 
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